Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 416: Casino [1]

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Bucho rushed quickly to the nearest guy who was snatching the bacon from the counter of a delicatessen shop. He roared loudly to stop the man's robbery, but the man remained indifferent. He kept stuffing rolls of bacon into the pockets of his clothes, not even having time to watch Bucho. Everyone was crazy. Bucho gritted his teeth and punched the guy's face. The guy covered his pockets and looked back at Bucho, and the madness in his eyes receded a lot. He knew Bucho, so he knew it was a big man, with a sloppy smile on his face, patted his hands and took two steps back into the alley.

Some people noticed that Bucho came, and the madness in their brains disappeared, but some people didn't care what Bucho was, and still smashed the plunder crazy. As some people just shouted, the law will not judge any of them, and they are more involved in this rare revelry.

At this time, Bucho noticed that a man in the distance was holding the hair of a crying woman, beating her head, and dragging her into the alley. There is no doubt that as long as a man knows what he is going to do, Bucho yells and rushes towards the man, and he must stop the riot, which is not only related to his fate.

Just then, a gunshot!

The man who was going to **** the woman's head fluttered, blood splattered into the air, and the whole man shuddered and fell suddenly. ,

The woman squatted on the ground with her head hysterical and cried, and the whole city center was quiet at this moment. But the next second, a young man threw a Molotov cocktail at a soldier who suddenly appeared. At the same time, some young people picked up a stone or something at the roadside and threw it at those soldiers.

Not only was Bucho dumbfounded, but even those soldiers were dumbfounded. For the first time, it was really the first time that I heard that there were still people in the process of repression.

There was a screaming and roaring exhausted, "Kill them, we will all die without them!"

I don't know where this voice came from, but many pockets contain other people's belongings, sticks in their hands or other things with blood on them, and the workers who have red eyes realized that this is definitely not a procession. It was a riot, so the army appeared here just to suppress them. For a moment they felt deceived. Those who are familiar with it and become talkers after work are about to happen to them. The thought that they might be caught out and shot, these crazy people are even more crazy.

Countless things were lost to those soldiers in an instant, and after almost a moment of silence, the dense gunfire sounded.

"Cheers!", Du Lin was lifted with a confident and confident smile, and the sound of guns outside the window echoed in the city. Although it was very weak when it came here, everyone could hear that it was a gun. sound. Looking at Du Lin again at this time, some businessmen exuded a layer of cold sweat on their backs for a while. They forced their hearts to move and raised their glasses to meet Du Lin.

Du Lin took a sip. He walked to the window, closed the window, turned around and shrugged. "It's too noisy outside, let's continue the topic. I have talked to Mr. Magus in person about some special zones On construction issues, the leader of Magus agreed with me to try some rules that are not visible elsewhere, such as casinos. My plan is to issue seven licenses, and those with licenses can open a casino with unlimited area and size. There is no limit on the amount of bets. But one thing ... "

He raised a finger and looked at the merchants with extremely bright eyes. "The City Hall will set up an accounting office, settle in all casinos, and register all the incoming and outgoing accounts."

"Mr. Mayor, I have a question, what is the tax collection point of the casino?" Alexander stood in the crowd with a huge stomach, standing like a chicken. His stomach was exaggerated to the front of him, and there were two people missing.

This time Alexander not only bought a piece of land here, but also built two hotels. The initial plan is a 22-story landmark luxury hotel, which is specially used to receive important tourists. It is not possible to live in with money. Yes, you need to have corresponding status and identity. There is also a 19-story high-end hotel that can be checked in if you have the money. The total investment is more than 28 million. The reason why he dares to play so much and has so much capital is because he mortgaged the land he bought to the Imperial Bank of China, and also pulled from Ilian. To a lot of investment.

The Empire State Bank of Otis finally survived the cold winter and waited for spring. As the low prices continued to rise, the governor was said to have fainted twice in the office. The former real estate developers in his hands did not recover the costs. The land mortgaged to the bank was sold cheaply. The Empire Central Bank's headquarters first praised him for recovering some squeezed funds for the bank, then reprimanded him, and deducted his bonus this year, about 3,000 yuan.

Fortunately, there are still some real estate in his hands, and now he is unwilling to sell them. Even if the price of the inquirer is high, he is unwilling to sell!

When Alexander mortgaged his land to the Empire Central Bank, the governor almost woke up with a sleep. He prayed every day, hoping that Alexandria could not afford the money, so that he could contribute to the central bank. Big bonus.

This is indeed a problem. Fortunately, Du Lin already had a comprehensive plan. "75% of the casino's operating income will be included in the scope of tax collection. For every 30 million more operating income, add two more. Points, with a ceiling of 85 percent. "

After Du Lin finished speaking, everyone took a sigh of relief. Originally, a special tax of 50% was smuggling tax. Everyone felt that Du Lin's heart was really dark. His appetite was really big, but watching They still underestimated Doolin's greed. Eighty-five percent ceiling tax? What a joke, has the Imperial Taxation Administration approved such high taxes?

But many people are thinking about it. If they can earn 10 million a month, even if they pay 7.5 million tax, it seems that 2.5 million can make money!

Most of these merchants have been to the Federation and also to some casinos over the Federation. They know that casinos are really a profitable industry. This seems to be possible!

Alexander looked stupid. After all, the fat man looked silly or bad. His huge belly didn't make him bad, so he could only be stupid. He licked his lips as if he had seen the peerless Jane, and asked, "Mr. Mayor, how do you get a license? Do you still need to bid?"

A few days ago, Du Lin had a 200 million auction in Didu that shocked the real empire's business circle. Many people think that this auction should be recorded in textbooks and become a classic "collective monopoly" case. Du Lin still controls this field. At the same time, without losing his control and initiative in this field, he has made an astonishing 200 million returns. This is a completely new "fraud model".

Of course, this scam model is only effective for industry trusts, because only they can afford to play such games. As for the participants, I am afraid that they will also be deceived. As long as they get the tickets, it is worth the extra money.

So many people think that Du Lin will continue to use that model to make them fight hard, but what everyone did not expect is that Du Lin has adopted another method to raise shareholders.

Each shareholder of each of the seven major casinos is not allowed to hold more than 5%. After owning the equity of one casino, it is not allowed to subscribe for the equity of another casino, which means that a casino will have twenty rights completely The same shareholders, this makes the capitalists in this room have a bit of a twist.

Obviously a profiteering business that can be eaten by one or two people, why should it be diluted to most people?

This is actually what Du Lin prepared for the future. If the casino's equity is in a certain person, once this person has some "accident", the ruling party will most likely take back the casino and become the official self-employed. It was precisely the last thing Doolin wanted to see. Yes, from a politician's point of view, these casinos can be more profitable from official operations than capitalists, but this is not conducive to the development environment of Otis.

Once Otis City Hall holds too many funds and resources, it means that future successors have the power and ability to reshuffle the rules and forces of the entire city, and Doolin is unwilling to see such things happen Otis is a gold swallowing machine that he built for himself. He cannot leave such a great convenience to the latecomers, so he wants to turn the casino into a multi-person cross-shareholding network ~ ~ An inextricable net.

Each casino has 20 shareholders, and each shareholder needs to take out certain shares to exchange with shareholders of other casinos. This means that a casino may involve 40 or even 80 shareholders.

Want to change your flag? Forty out of the 80 shareholders must be secured first, and another 60 or more shareholders of other casinos must be secured before it is possible to recover the operating rights of a casino.

This is an inextricable knot, and Du Lin firmly believes that there are not many shareholders willing to betray the casino position.

There were more violent shootings outside the window, and people could cry faintly. Du Lin walked to the window with a glass of wine, and the parade that had been defeated escaped from the center of the city. People scrambled to flee further and did not dare to stay for a while.

Some people also planned to break into the city hall and were repelled by Hite. He looked indifferently at the scattered crowd with a gray-faced guy in a suit and a slightly upturned corner of his mouth.

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