Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 417: Public opinion [2]

八 New Bayi Chinese Website—﹃A Collection of Online Novels to Read

Walking in the city center, the unsettled reporters are quickly igniting the magnesium lamp to shoot down the messy city center. It is too scary. They even suspect that if they do not hide away a bit, and what these mobs have to the reporter ’s mind, With a little fear, maybe the cameras in their hands will be taken away.

Du Lin took a painful look and stood in the empty city center. The smoke column above has not been extinguished yet. There are smashed shops and innocent citizens lying on the ground mourning. Du Lin pursed his lips. "As a mayor, I feel deeply guilty of what happened here. I will make up for all the losses, free medical treatment, free reconstruction, and additional compensation. I promise, this Definitely the last time! "

At this time, some reporters suddenly realized that this was also news. Suddenly they came around and the water surrounding Du Lin was leaking. Hite and the police were always alert to these reporters to keep a certain distance between them and Du Lin.

"Mr. Mayor, what do you think of this march?", A female journalist kept squeezing towards the inside, she held a pen and a book in her hands and held her head high. Du Lin didn't know if she could actually record what she heard without looking at it, but this did not prevent him from expressing her opinion.

"You're wrong, ma'am, this is not a march, but a riot!" Du Lin's first sentence made the reporters a little quieter, and a rustling sound of writing immediately sounded around him. "The empire gave all citizens The right to assert his rights through the parade, but one thing is that the parade must be safe, the safety of the demonstrators, and the safety of other onlookers. "He waved his hands to both sides, smirking and said," Look, this is a safe place ?"

His toes lifted and fell, and there was a click, and the blood on the ground splashed onto his trousers, and a sound of water hitting was also made.

"No, this is not a parade, this is a riot. They are using the purpose of the riot in the name of a parade, this is a crime!"

The female reporter was flushed. She liked the young mayor very much, because he told the news that the entire citizens of the Empire would like to see tomorrow morning. She quickly followed the questions and was stopped by a young reporter. Behind him, the young reporter asked his own question, "Mr. Mayor, who do you think should be responsible for the riot? Is it you or the workers' union who organized the march?"

The mayor glanced at the reporter and frowned. "This is a very good question. It is well known that there was a general strike today. It was initiated by Bucho, the chairman of the Workers' Union branch. Not only did I strike, but I also filed a march application. That document is still in my office. It is well known that the workers' union has caused huge economic losses more than once through strikes and marches. But this is their power. I Reply was given to them, and in the reply, it was stated that they must maintain order, keep reason and ensure safety. "

He raised his head slightly, and his voice was slightly higher. "But you see, it's different from what they said."

"I don't deny the role of workers 'unions in society, but if they ignore some issues because they are workers' unions, this is wrong. Today, here, right now, these issues have arisen, we should Facing this problem and the deeper phenomenon that may exist behind it, rather than tangling who is responsible. Simply using me or the workers' union to be responsible can make up for all this today, and it is to the citizens and the empire. Hurt? "

Du Lin shook his head, "No, sir." He sighed. "No matter what the disposal method is over the workers' union, I will compensate the innocent citizens for the damage they have suffered, whether it is property or health. Up."

Everyone is not a fool. Du Lin's words seem to be sound but they have put the responsibility on the workers' union, and characterized this time as a "phenomenon". This is to make things bigger. Coupled with his initiative to make compensation, it is obviously putting the workers' union in a very bad position. The young reporter was very satisfied with Du Lin's answer. He even thought about how to attract the reader's attention to his article with an appalling title tomorrow morning.

Immediately afterwards, a very calm-looking reporter asked his own question, "Mr. Mayor, I don't quite understand. When the riots happened, the army quickly cut into the city center. You did something about this. Expected? If you had anticipated, why should you let the riots erupt instead of using soldiers to deter these people in advance and avoid unnecessary losses caused by this riot? "

Not all reporters are neutral, and there are some reporters who stand for the workers 'union, not that they are **** supporters of the workers' union, but that newspapers need more breaking news to earn enough attention.

If Du Lin knew that the riot would erupt and prepared soldiers for suppression in advance, then this was a conspiracy.

Perhaps people are more fond of exposed conspiracies and desperate government officials than the riots caused by the parade.

Du Lin smiled, "This question is very interesting. If one day you come home and find your wife is cheating with others, your wife accuses you that you know she will be unfaithful, but does not stop her in the first place. , And thinks that all this is your conspiracy, how would you feel? ", He did not give the reporter time to refute, and continued in the unsuitable laughter of the surrounding crowd," Submit from President Bucho When they gave me their application for parade, I did hear some wind, saying that they were going to give me a little color to see! "

"I'm not sure what kind of situation this parade will evolve into, but in the attitude that I should do my part as mayor, I notified the imperial guard area and told them there was a procession. The response from the guard area at the time was I sent police to maintain order, but when I told them that the parade could involve tens of thousands or more, the guarded area began to pay attention and sent soldiers. "

"Gentlemen, please look squarely at the scale of this parade. It is a parade involving tens of thousands of people. I don't want to discredit the working class, but we should all understand that there will always be good people and bad people in this world. At the same time, I also want to ask a question: if there are many good people in this riot, why do you have problems after entering the relatively prosperous area of ​​the city center? "

"A small group of people couldn't control their greedy desires and thought that they could pass through the collective power. I heard that some people even said that the law would not punish most people. If those who participated in the march themselves A sense of justice, why are most people involved in this riot? I can't control their minds, nor can I predict that there will be such a disaster, everything will be done in accordance with rules and regulations. If you read the Empire The law should understand one thing: the army is not allowed to enter the city before the time that would endanger the security of the city and the property and personal safety of citizens! "

Opposite these reporters, Du Lin downplayed calmly.

But outside the city, Bucho hides in the mud pit by the road, only to escape the army's chase. He heard that there was no movement around him, and then he crawled out of the mud pit. He knew that he was finished, and there was no doubt that the workers' union headquarters would never lend a helping hand to pull him. If they extended their hands, they would also pull the trouble together. So they are more likely to condemn their actions and faults while trying to make up for the negative effects of the riot.

Anyway, I'm finished.

Just a few hours ago, Bucho also felt that he could force the City Hall and the capitalists to bow their heads. In fact, this is a trivial matter, as long as Doolin and the capitalists are willing to take out a sum of money to compensate the injured worker for all the losses. Let the trade unions and him gain some prestige that doesn't make much sense. He simply cannot organize such a big strike and parade! But lowering your head, is it so difficult?

He glanced back at the city of Otis and finally made a decision that he was leaving here. He will not go to burial for his own responsibility. He still has great ideals and future, so there is no need to tangle in this place. The only good news is that his bank account is anonymous, thanks to the imperial bank's policy. Perhaps in the Confederacy, there will be a better position for him.

The "catastrophe" is finally over. Early next morning, almost all newspapers reported that the riots in Otis were suppressed. More than 1,000 people were arrested, more than 700 people were killed at the scene, and many more. Nowhere to be found after the collapse. Even more ridiculous is that the Army actually suffered casualties. More than thirty people were injured ~ ~ one of them was more seriously injured and has been sent to the best private hospital in Imperial City for treatment.

This news seems to have attracted a lot of firepower for the workers 'union, or the public relations at the headquarters of the workers' union has played a certain role overnight. After a large number of newspapers covered the riot, they began to question the Imperial Army. In the face of defenseless mobs, how did these thirty people get injured, and how did the seriously wounded soldier who had been guarded get seriously injured. Perhaps this is why the Federation almost reached the capital during the Civil War.

Immediately after, the Workers 'Union headquarters issued a solemn statement, dismissing Bucho and urging Bucho to surrender as soon as possible in exchange for a judge's discretion to reduce his sentence, while the workers' union was willing to compensate for the losses incurred by the matter. In the statement, they did not know whether it was intentional or unintentional. They did not seem to indicate that they were willing to take responsibility for the riot, but instead pushed the responsibility to some workers with "bad minds" and "a handful of ulterior motives."

This event seems to have entered the aftermath stage, but the aftermath is much larger than people think.

It can even be said that it was a tsunami!

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