Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 418: It ’s alright [Three] "Border Explorer on Demand + One"

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As the cause of the riots has been thoroughly explored, all must be placed in front of the readers of the entire empire for reading, and a situation that is very bad for the workers' union is gradually being born. Many celebrities and well-known social activists have stepped forward, accusing the workers 'union of using innocent workers to achieve their own goals and eventually creating a disaster. A wave of public opinion has been blown back for a while, and numerous spearheads have pointed directly at the workers' union , And practices.

No one likes strikes, which means the city becomes unsafe, it means that many business activities must be stopped for some people, and it means a series of problems that may occur. People may not have had a good solution before, but the outbreak in Otis has given everyone an excuse for pouring out firepower.

The injured worker did not follow the regulations jointly formulated by the workers' union and the chamber of commerce, and used a safety belt to connect his body and the building body firmly when working at height. This also caused serious injuries to the workers. The main reason. According to the rules established by both parties, the employer does not need to bear any responsibility. However, the workers' union not only requires the workers to compensate for medical expenses and other expenses, but it also requires the city hall to provide some compensation.

This is a bit unintelligible, and even more unacceptable is that the doctor in charge of the injured worker who came out of Nami Lindes came out and was interviewed by the media. He told all reporters that the man named Bucho told him at the time that the treatment of injured workers should use more expensive drugs and materials that were not very effective, and that they needed to modify the treatment plan. In short, it was a sentence. Be sure Be sure to spend more.

The doctor's stand up immediately plunged the workers' union into a deeper dilemma. Even if they wanted to argue, no one would believe them. Including the working class itself, they have begun to resent the workers' union's actions this time. Many people have made high-profile announcements to leave the workers' union and no longer recognize themselves as members of the workers' union.

Immediately after, more and more businessmen and workers appeared in front of the public, and they talked about the fact that the workers' union blackmailed and even persecuted them.

Someone is pushing for this, and it is still high-level people, otherwise the size of the workers' unions and their age will not be defeated by such a failure. The details behind them were enough to survive the disaster, but unfortunately someone intervened.

It wasn't anyone else who was involved, it was exactly Magus.

Workers' unions have always had a big problem because they too want to highlight their status, constantly "cause" conflicts and contradictions with managers and capitalists, and then use their own resources to defeat these opponents, thereby achieving extremely high Social status and prestige.

Many people, including workers who have joined the workers 'union, may not realize why the workers' union did this, but Magus saw it, not only him, but many New Party executives found the problem.

Workers' unions have begun to interfere with local governance and seek greater benefits in a way that people cannot see. For example, there has been a strike in a certain place. The city hall intends to demolish a chemical plant that is more polluted. The chemical plant owner was ordered to move further afield. But this has obviously touched the fundamental interests of the owners of the chemical plant. Relocation requires additional expenditures, and the longer distances represent more transportation and storage costs.

As a result, the Chemical City stopped working. Workers began to march under the organization of the workers' union. Finally, the city hall was forced to agree to the introduction of environmental protection equipment by chemical factories to reduce the pollution caused by the discharged sewage, and no longer required them to move out of the city.

Whether there is a "power and money transaction" behind this matter is worth pondering, but more people are not thinking about it, especially those who are being manipulated. They only knew that the factory where they were working was closed because of the city hall. They also lost their job opportunities. Under the sadness of the owner, they were about to lose their jobs, so the workers' union intervened. In order to guarantee workers' right to work, the union went on strike.

So when Magus found that the fire had hit the head of the workers' union headquarters, he immediately launched a public opinion offensive.

He does not intend to completely disappear the workers' union, but hopes that this organization will be more in line with the political environment of the current empire. A workers' union does not need to have such great ambitions, is it enough to do its own job well?

Therefore, under the influence of high-level pressure and the guidance of public opinion, the workers' union headquarters finally came to the stage. They expressed their willingness to accept the supervision of the society. At the same time, they cleaned up some middle- and high-level unions who cheated. However, it was useless to do so. Magus immediately stepped forward and asked the senior members of the union to implement an election system. It is no longer the same as the general employment system used by an enterprise, and the president must also participate in elections. The final winner can serve as president.

Four years at a time, cannot be re-elected!

This knife was directly cut at the lifeline of the workers 'union. In the face of turbulent public opinion and one-sided public opinion, he has been the president of the workers' union for 13 years and had to announce his resignation and ask the official supervision of the empire for restructuring elections.

Of course, all this has nothing to do with Dulin. The Guarth compatriots he found from various places have begun to work happily. According to the current salary standard, they can get almost forty dollars a month. This is much higher than their previous income, and it doesn't need to be too hard, and they have dignity to work.

After solving the employment problem, Du Lin realized that another problem, the development of the Association of the Township is still too slow. If the Association of the Township is developed into an organization similar to the workers' union, all Guartes will be eliminated in one go. Is nationality more helpful in society? After thinking about it for a long time, he felt that it was actually inappropriate or inappropriate for the current social environment.

Self-isolation is always a violation of the mainstream. If more people of other races join the fellowship or another organization, it will cause more conflicts. If they are not allowed to join, then this is the wall that separates the Guarts from the whole society. It will not only fail, but will cause negative effects.

The workers' union of Otis was severely trampled down, which also made the Chamber of Commerce more honest. Heideler once again saw the extremely harsh means of Doolin, and Tiantian Turtle could not shrink out of his temporary residence. He took it for granted that all of this was a conspiracy of Du Lin, no matter how grandly he said, it was all deceiving. As a businessman who inherited the wealth from his father's treason, he knew that anything that would change the shape of society and the course of history would be manipulated by an invisible black hand.

So he chose not to appear in front of Du Lin, nor did he give Du Lin a chance.

If he can strike against the workers' union, can't he do against the chamber of commerce?

He didn't think that Du Lin would have no idea about himself because he was a "township", that's the **** of it!

Heidler also had a speculation that he did not know whether it was right or wrong. He felt that this incident broke out so unexpectedly and so strangely, while Dooling cracked down on the workers' union, would he also use this incident to clean up the city center? The area has become a business district, but not the idea of ​​some landlords in the plan.

With the rapid development of land prices in Otis, the land prices near the city center are increasing, and they are even close to the land prices in Nami Lindes. Under such circumstances, those developers who want to develop the city center, the surrounding landowners just can't get around. Before the demolition was presided over by Du Lin, now that the development speed of Otis is getting faster and faster, capitalists have taken the initiative to intervene in this matter, and the new city hall will soon be built. Naturally, the surrounding land will also need to be developed.

However, the long negotiation cycle is too cumbersome, and it may not be possible to complete the negotiations in a few months. If you experience such a catastrophe ...

Heidler took a nap. He felt that it was better for him to concentrate on reading, and he was troubled if he thought too much.

In the following period, Doolin was still doing a political show. He went to Nami Lindes to condolence to the injured worker who just woke up, and in the humanitarian spirit, he donated two hundred yuan to the worker, and the worker The employer at the site where he stood up also offered to donate 500 yuan if he was similar to Du Lin, and said that after his injury was cured, he could go to the employer to work and watch the gates and the like.

Witnessed by reporters and spotlights ~ ~ The injured workers wept bitterly and accepted donations from the city hall of Otis and the laborers, which solved the last thing perfectly.

"I'm going to Irian in two days. If there is something important, I can tell Dove that she knows the phone over there." After signing, Du Lin passed the document to Natalie, by the way Soon.

He must participate in the amusement park's completion ceremony. This is the first completed project in the eighth district. He must be present at the scene as a matter of course. At the same time, he also planned to go around and ask Colonel Thomas for a meal by the way, and send a little something to the little old man in the base. Thanks to their help this time, things can be settled so quickly, and we should always give something back.

The relationship between the human society and the society is precisely the most important thing. The friendship is fragile like a piece of paper in the face of practical interests. No one should be born to help you. All your efforts are for better returns.

Natalie's eyes flowed, she looked at the sky outside the window, then went to the door and closed it from the inside ...

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