Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 419: Amusement park [1]

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"Mayor Doolin, do you need a break?"

As soon as Du Lin came down from the ramp, he met Horst, who was greeted by him. Mayor Horst had a smile on his face, but Lian Shan pretended to be as sincere as possible, but Du Lin knew that he and this guy were not so Cooked. When he escorted the smugglers at first, Horston was one of the first to stand up and attacked. He also tried to use Harry to put pressure on Du Lin. Unexpectedly, Du Lin pulled Harry into his own camp.

Coupled with the presence of Magus for the Doolin team, the SAR has become the consensus of the people, but it has not yet had time to list.

There has been news from the Imperial City. After the new city hall is completed, the Imperial City will be listed for Otis. The full name will be changed from "Otis City Hall" to "Otis Special Administrative Region City Hall". ".

Horston is certainly not very happy. Originally, he and his mentor wanted to press Du Lin for a while, and then waited for Du Lin to stand up for help, and they would pull Du Lin. In return, Doolin should fully support Horston's ascent of governor in the next general election.

The plan is very good, and indeed some rich people have been slaughtered by them so much, but so they picked the wrong target, and Du Lin is not the kind of person who can be manipulated.

Du Lin smiled and watched Horston also actively extended his hand and shook him. The other hand was pressed on the back of Horston's outstretched hand. It looked like Durin was an elder of Horston, or his Superior. Horstton drew his hands secretly, and did not pull them back, only to face Du Lin's hateful smile in silence. Looking at his sullen look, Du Lin was very happy and smiled even more happily. "Please call me Mr. Du Lin, this time I will participate in the inauguration ceremony in a private capacity, which does not represent any position!"

When he said that, he let go of his hand, and Houston took a sigh of relief after taking it back. His false smile on his face was much less. "Well, Mr. Du Lin."

"Do you need to take a break? It's not so comfortable to travel so far!"

Du Lin smiled and patted Horston's shoulder, making his eyebrows jump twice. "No, no, you forgot, now the steam locomotive has first-class cabin, and there is a very loose privacy inside. Space, there is also a lounge chair that can be turned into a bed, and I ’m resting all the way, I ’m really good now. ”He looked to the eighth district on the hillside in the distance, and can already foresee the huge future of this city. Prospects.

The group went directly to the eighth district without going to the hotel. Many people on the road saw Du Lin saying hello, and Du Lin's reputation is still very high in this city. Regardless of whether it's good or bad reputation, it's all right. He nodded frequently to the people who greeted him, and some people even came up and said a few words in surprise, and the trip was naturally slowed down.

It may be unwilling to be the background of Du Lin's background. Horstton left after taking a guilty plea. Du Lin glanced at his background, hummed twice, and then focused on those who greeted himself. People.

While passing by her estate, Freina was already standing at the door. She changed into a decent dress and looked very stunning. Holding Du Lin's arm along the way, he whispered as he walked up the hillside, "Do you guess what I found?"

Du Lin looked at her with a curiosity, "please meet yours, what did you find?"

Freina covered her mouth and nose, whispered her head, and whispered in Durin's ear. "I heard that the reason why Horston nominated you to be the mayor of Otis was that there was a message circulating that you might want to run The mayor of Irian, so he immediately sent you out. "

The news was really unknown to Du Lin, and he suddenly had a kind of enlightenment. No wonder this guy kicked himself out impatiently. The original problem came from this place.

In fact, in the entire empire, about a dozen city mayors are local riches who suddenly stood up before the election and said they would run for the mayor, and finally defeated the old mayor and became the new mayor. This kind of situation is very common. A rich man, especially a rich man, is like a unique business card for a city, just like the steel tycoon Knight of the western steel city and the rubber tycoon of Silesia in the south. Fantes.

All the rich people are business cards that remind people of a city in an instant, so the potential for the rich to participate in the election is unique, and they carry various advantages, plus people like the rich more than the mayor, they can successfully get Getting to the ballot is not surprising.

With Du Lin's prestige, good and bad are added together. Even if someone wants to oppose him, he may not dare to stand up against him openly. It is more likely to close his mouth and silently cast his abstention. Tickets to express their dislike.

In addition, Du Lin is so rich that he can launch the Jin Yuan offensive. Maybe he can really pull Horsten from the throne of the mayor.

He shook his head with a smile and didn't expect that there was this inside story. He glanced at the sunny Ilion and whispered: "This guy is going to run for governor four years later, isn't it?" Lena nodded. Most people knew about this. Du Lin smiled mysteriously and didn't keep talking. The other party can give him a stick because of some non-existent factors, so he can naturally take all the paper when the other party goes to the toilet.

Gifts and exchanges, nothing more.

It is actually not far to walk to the eighth district. At the time, the city hall planned this area to intend to closely integrate the eighth district with the city center instead of building two completely separated urban areas. From Du Lin's manor to the streets of the eighth district, it only takes more than ten minutes to enter this district and you can see colorful balloons floating everywhere. There are also some projects with a slightly smaller amount of work that are about to be completed, all with colored ribbons and balloons.

The amusement park is located on the east side of the eighth district. From a distance, you can see a gate shaped like an old castle, and some towering entertainment facilities. Many local celebrities in Irian gathered here. After seeing Du Lin coming, they greeted him and said hello, and Du Lin also returned one by one.

The time quickly pointed to 9:30 in the morning. Doolin, Horston and Jose stood on the ribbon cutting stage. With the order of the host, colorful balloons rose to the sky, and a piece of red silk also landed A large number of white pigeons took off, and the scene was very lively.

People are saying compliments, and surround Du Lin in the middle. He is a well-deserved protagonist today.

Houghton stood outside the crowd and hummed coldly, leaving the place directly. Here, including the people here, made him feel nauseated!

Since it is completed, it is better for everyone to come in and take a look. Du Lin took a group of people to hang out in the amusement park. From time to time, there will be some scenes in the movies that they are familiar with or unfamiliar with. Mobilized people's emotions.

"Look, that's White Pearl!", A young girl entering the amusement park with her parents' parents exclaimed, pointing at a ship reflecting the sun in a steel monster in the distance. White Pearl is the famous movie Pirate Man The protagonist's ship, which they used to defeat a group of degraded dragons, the evil pirates across the sea.

In the decisive battle, the ship was sunk by the pirates of the evil pirates, which made many moviegoers very sorry. I did not expect to be able to see the ship here, which was really a surprise.

At the suggestion of a staff member, some young people and children boarded the White Pearl Corsair happily. As the pendulum-like mechanism began to swing their arms, the pirate ship swung back and forth quickly like a pendulum of a clock, as if Sailing in the sea. At the highest level, it was almost ninety degrees with the ground, which caused many people to scream continuously, and also made the onlookers underneath a cold sweat.

Du Lin beckoned to Jose, "Is this thing safe?" He didn't want someone to tell him one day suddenly that your amusement park had an accident, and then he would face huge compensation!

Jose nodded earnestly: "boss, there are two sets of this machine, which have been pressure tested and fatigue tested. No problems were found. In addition, we have other protection measures, even if the robot arm is broken. It won't cause an accident, anyway, I don't understand the specifics. Their engineers say they can guarantee that it will be okay. "

When Du Lin was about to say something, his eyes were frozen. He patted his brain and almost forgot a very important thing. Fortunately, he came to the amusement park this time, otherwise he might really miss this opportunity. Of course, the time is not yet ripe for it ~ ~ After he has harvested a wave from the Federation, he can operate it.

Du Lin, who became happy, took more time to take everyone around the amusement park, including the dark lair that hit all the villains of the horror movie. It was a giant with open mouth. In the shape of a dragon, people have to walk in from the mouth of the dragon, and then there will be many scary scenes and characters. There is also a war fortress that symbolizes kingship. Many people who came to visit changed their clothes, held wooden weapons wrapped with a layer of cotton, and slaughtered on a small battlefield.

In short, Du Lin is very satisfied with the amusement park. At the same time, it also changed the misconception that many people think that the amusement park is just a few merry-go-rounds and a few swings. Many people are discussing the amusement items in the amusement park when Du Lin left, and we can see that everyone is satisfied!

"Let the construction engineer overhaul all the items and equipment carefully, and start to open the business one week later." Before leaving, Du Lin explained, since it has been completed, there is no need to wait for other projects to be completed and work together. .

Let ’s expand our influence first!

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