Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 420: Change [two]

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Although Doolin's amusement park project has not yet been accepted by the public, it can be said that it has achieved unprecedented success.

In the past, people's old concept of amusement parks was that children are not the mainstream consumer class. Children like amusement parks because they don't need to spend any money. It's nothing more than an ice cream, or a bucket of popcorn, plus a cup of drink.

But today, right here, they discovered the horror of this amusement park. Even adults like them are attracted firmly, let alone children who are not resistant? According to Du Lin's single tickets and package tickets, if a person wants to play all the items in the entire amusement park, it takes at least two to three days, the kind of dedication to play. Then you need to buy a package, the package price is 28 yuan, full of six drinks and two ice cream.

Honestly, this price is a bit outrageous. Although many factories and enterprises are now raising wages, more and more people earn more than forty yuan a month, but they spend more than half a month's salary to play and spend two days. Run out, it's still too heavy. On the contrary, a single ticket of 28 points may be more cost-effective. One ticket can participate in about 80% of the amusement programs at one time, and the rest requires two or three tickets. This kind of consumption is still acceptable.

Spend three or five yuan, play a dozen projects, and go home happily.

But most people forget one thing. They will never be alone when they come to the amusement park. Maybe they will accompany their lovers, maybe brothers and sisters, maybe the whole family, but they will not be alone.

And here is Ilian, one of the three pearl cities on the east coast of the Empire, and here is the eighth district, the holy land for future filmmakers. Whether it's those who have amazing income in the movie star and film industry, or those who can come to the star chasing family of Ilian, they will not lack the support of funds. In particular, this movie-themed amusement city will become a gathering place for many movie fans to review the classics. They will even come here to play, and then bring back what they want to share with others. It will continue to attract more people and the like. .

Most of the people who participated in today's visit to the amusement park are the middle-to-high class in the city of Irian. The word of mouth of the amusement park and the thrilling fun among them quickly broke out in the city through their mouths, and there is still a week to open. Some people have made advance purchase The requirements of the package are really surprising.

After Du Lin took Flena away from the amusement park, she went to the headquarters of Empire Star Media. In the third district, Du Lin purchased a six-story building as the shooting headquarters. So far, most of the tape content has been filmed here. He came to "inspect" the company today and stabilize the army.

As he thought, the tentacles of the Georges had reached Illian. According to Freina, the Georges had begun to contact the employees of the Empire Star Media in private, including members of the screenwriter and director groups. And there are several young actors who have emerged in the sitcom. As for whether they have contacted more people, it is unclear whether these people signed a breach of contract with the company that can scare people to death, so they only responded to Freina.

Those ordinary staff who do not have huge liquidated damages are hard to say. Du Lin still remembers that in the dream, there was a truck driver standing at the peak of the world, and there might be some potential people who could change the trajectory of the world.

Freina accompanied him around the company. Du Lin didn't express any opinion about what he saw and heard. It can be said that the company's operation is methodical and that there are no surprises. He was actually a little disappointed, because he found that although Freina seemed to manage the company well, the way the company operated and the projects it operated came from him. To put it simply, there was no innovation and no exciting thing.

He summoned all the senior executives of Empire Star Media, saying that all the senior executives actually added up to six people. As the company's vice president, Freina, the director of the director group, the director of the screenwriter group, the head of the props group, the head of the cast group, and the head of the house group.

"To make a long story short!", Du Lin was sitting on the first seat of the oval conference table, and he tapped his fingers lightly on the table. The rhythmic "snoring" sound in the quiet conference room made the company's senior executives nervous. The family's media company will be established and launch their first tape after the election, and other companies will be established next year and compete with us for the market. "

"This is a primitive jungle that has not been developed by human beings. There are countless treasures hidden in it. In order to keep our advantages and resources, you must set up more projects. I have a suggestion and you can consider it."

"When anyone has a brainstorm, God may give them a flash of spirituality. We need this flash. I think that anyone, including cleaners and drivers, has the right to put forward their own ideas. Their ideas have room to operate, give them the opportunity to let them try, and maybe in our eyes an ordinary person will burst into amazing energy in this new field. "

"Second point, does our company have a filming plan?", Du Lin looked at Flena, who was sitting on his left side, Flena shook her head, and Du Lin retracted his gaze and looked at everyone, "This is not OK We must have a movie plan. The tape is for home entertainment, and the movie is for public entertainment. At the same time, it also gives the actors that the company signs and the actors trained in the school a goal, a dream, a chance. "

"Third point, we ca n’t sit here and wait for new technology to come out, we ca n’t just sit and watch the times and take a step forward. To do this, we must catch up with the front of the times, or even surpass them. Only to be able to guarantee that we can always occupy the absolute advantage. I will set up a new department, the film and television science and technology research department. The company's continuous development and growth has made it seem a little crowded here. On an island. "

"There are only three suggestions at the moment. What do you want to say?"

When Du Lin looked at the top of these companies, he saw only gentleness and obedience in their faces, but did not see what he wanted to see. He tilted his head to look at Freina, and to be honest he was a little disappointed, but not disappointed. After all, Freina is a "capitalist" who has become a monk halfway. She hasn't learned how to make a company grow, so she can't blame her.

Freina knew what she should say at this time. She turned her mind and quickly raised a question that was not a problem. "Mr. President, if you need to complete these ideas you have said, I am afraid that the company's accounts are far from sufficient funds. . "

Du Lin waved his hand and said indifferently, "I will add no less than 5 million funds for various activities, what's the problem?"

After dissolving the meeting, Du Lin left Flena. Flena was also very aware that Du Lin might not be satisfied with the company's management, and she stood slightly behind Du Lin. Du Lin stood at the window and looked at the lively urban area of ​​the third district. It took him a long time to look sideways at Flenna, "You clear the work in your hand, and I will find someone to take over your work. "

Freina was startled, and an indescribable feeling filled her body instantly. She opened her mouth slightly, her face became a little pale, and her suffocation made her chest feel stuffy. Her hands clung tightly to her clothes, and it took a while before the uncomfortable feeling was alleviated. She nodded and said softly, "I know, I will hand over my work as soon as possible."

Du Lin nodded, he knew that Freina was a very smart woman, and women who could break through after so many things were not simple roles. Of course, he did not have the idea of ​​killing the donkey, purely because Freina's current methods, vision and courage could not keep up with the development of the company. From this small meeting today, it can be seen that these management people are very obedient to Du Lin and her Freina.

The obedient management is a good employee for a boss with extraordinary capabilities. Unfortunately, Freina does not have such capabilities. In addition, in the coming year, the tape market will become a **** battlefield. She has completed the establishment of the company. The mission to get up and maintain, then someone else needs to do it, she does not have the ability to create a way in the corpse blood.

As for what Frena would think, Du Lin didn't think she would think too much. She gave her everything for her today. She was not qualified to think about it ~ ~ Of course. Du Lin added, "I will help you find a course in business administration at the Royal College and give you two years to prove that this position belongs to you."

When she heard that Freina's heart had finally landed here, she wiped the sweat beads hidden on the hairline and exhaled easily.

Du Lin did not kill her with a stick, leaving her a chance for competition. If she fails, she can only say that she is not suitable for this road, then the training school is her final destination or to become an actor again.

If she succeeds, Du Lin won't hesitate to let her take over. As more and more people are under his control, the necessary competition mechanism should also be erected. These positive industries are not his private world, as long as there are fists, after all, talents are needed here, not killers.

Du Lin already has a goal, and he thinks he might try it.


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