Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 421: Bitch [3] "Border Explorer on Demand + 2"

Choosing Nasa was not a Turin dream, but an intentional one. & 1t; /

There are three purposes for this. & 1t; /

First, Nasha has been well educated. In the past two years, she has been exposed to relatively high-level business events in the George family. Her vision has been broadened. In addition, she has the name "George" to **** him, The meticulous and comprehensive service of the secretary will not be too big to manage a company. Moreover, she is still young. All young people will have a stupid idea that they must prove to their elders that they are not an incompetent person. & 1t; /

As long as she has this idea, she will be able to bring things from her maiden house to her mother-in-law. Whether it is news or channels, it is very valuable to Du Lin. & 1t; /

Second, what would the tycoons and rich who would start to enter into if they now have not only their own media company, but also their daughter or the president of another media company? If they were normal people, they would not consider attacking the company run by Nasa first, but the company under the name of the George family. Only when the George family's companies are at a disadvantage will they attack the Empire Star. & 1t; /

Hitting a small one will surely lead to old revenge. At a stretch, against two large media companies, not everyone has the courage to challenge authority. It is better to focus on the fire and put the old man down. Keep it small, so it's a bit safer. & 1t; /

Thirdly, this will release a false signal to the heads of the George family, one after the other, and they may think that this is a good performance of Dulin, or they may think that Dulin has flinched in the face of the upcoming war. And began to compromise. They will inevitably keep the Empire Star from falling under siege, and they will also try to find practical control of the company. Then the first step is to replace the company's management with their own people and take ostensibly control. & 1t; /

See, almost perfect plan, just need to hire a girl, the girl's family will send the talents that Du Lin needs, and at the same time they will **** Du Lin's company. & 1t; /

Of course, Du Lin doesn't think innocently that they can't see their thoughts, but even if they see them? The rebellious psychology of young girls is not something that adults can fool back, not to mention that Du Lin knows that Nasha may have a love for her because of hate. If this girl does not take advantage of it, would n’t she be sorry that the gods gave her opportunity? & 1t; /

He smiled and turned to comfort Frena, and told her that this was not an opportunity for her to improve herself. A woman who wants to be self-reliant and self-reliant is useless simply relying on others, she will be like a rootless duckweed, everything blows away when the wind blows. & 1t; /

After returning from the Empire Star, Du Lin had a good night's sleep, and there was a dinner party to attend at night. The local wealthy gentlemen held a banquet for Du Lin. In fact, to say nothing is to connect with feelings. The encounter between Alexander and Garfield during this period of time was like a dream, and instantly completed a feat that many people may never complete in a lifetime. Behind all this there is a person holding the Rainbow Bridge in his hand, this person is Doolin. & 1t; /

It wasn't long before Du Lin fell asleep, and a phone call awakened him from deep sleep. He shook his head, his head was a bit swollen, and his brain seemed to be chaotic. Three seconds after he lifted the phone, he was awake all over. & 1t; /

"Line 3 has been moved. Do you want to correct it?" & 1t; /

The sound of snoring and snoring in the phone has a kind of distortion, like a layer of something on the phone's microphone, and it's clueless. But Du Lin knew the meaning of this sentence, he listed his tail, leaving a total of four small tails. These tails can be left alone, but the big guy in the dream world is naturally cunning. He always leaves himself something that seems to be a handle, and then draws out some people who want to deal with himself behind the scenes. & 1t; /

Du Lin, who was affected by the life story of the big brother, also learned this trick. Line 3 is the registrant of the Irian Jewelry Store. Once An Pu intended to chase this line, but Du Lin made an offensive on the side of the imperial capital to let him. There was no chance to walk down this line, and now suddenly someone moved the line, which made Du Lin start to sweat, and there was something strange. Who actually can touch this line silently, how much does this person know about himself, and who is he? & 1t; /

All this is unknown. He never thought it would be Anpu, because when he went to the imperial capital, he presented a bunch of flowers in front of Anpu's tombstone and talked with the stone. Coupled with Kevin's ruthless saying that Amp is dead, who would think of him? & 1t; /

Line 3 is not in the territory of the empire, but was arranged by the federation in the federation. It can chase such a long distance. This person really wants to get himself in! & 1t; /

"Do you know who?" Du Lin touched his body and touched an empty space before he realized that he was wearing drowsiness, walked to the closet with the phone, and took out the cigarette case and lighter from the hanging clothes. I ordered one in the bedroom and sat on the bed and continued, "Check out this person, if necessary, you can contact the other person, and dig as deep as possible, it is best to dig. If you dig Do n’t come out, pay attention to your own safety, clean up all clues and withdraw when necessary! "& 1t; /

"I see, I'll call you if there is more news!" & 1t; /

Du Lin hung up the phone after the line was cut off. He sat cross-legged on the bed and looked into the ceiling in deep thought. He was really surprised. Who would it be, public or private? & 1t; /

At the same time, in a bustling city in the Federation, Mr. Tux, durin called Line 3, was whistling to make a cup of coffee milk for himself. He lowered the milk bottle, took a sip, and poured it. It took a while to screw the milk bottle into the cabinet. It ’s been almost two and a half years since Tux has settled here. The left and right neighbors are very familiar with him and his family. They all know that Mr Tux is running a small business in the Empire. Money man. & 1t; /

Judging by the amount of money he spends arrogantly, he should be very rich. In the special social environment of the Federation, having money means having everything. Whether it is the government or the private sector, it has always been around the rich. & 1t; /

He reached the dining table with coffee milk, and rummaged through the newspaper while having breakfast. After a while, a woman in pajamas came downstairs, slackly walked behind Mr Tux, and then pressed on him. & 1t; /

"Good morning, dear." & 1t; /

Mr. Tux corrected with a smile: "Sorry baby, it should be good afternoon!" & 1t; /

The woman froze for a moment, then looked at some of the harsh light outside the window, screamed furiously, rushed to the stairs, and kept complaining, "You should call me earlier, God, I am late!" & 1t; /

Mr. Tuckers shrugged. There were thirty or thirty days a month. His wife was not late for about two to three days. He would be late at other times, and it would take half a day to be late. If it hadn't been for his investment in that company to become a shareholder, perhaps his wife had already been fired. & 1t; /

Both have no children until now. They are not too old. Mr. Tux is only 30 years old, and his wife is 26 years old. On the other hand, their current situation is not suitable for children. Children It will only become a burden for them at this stage. & 1t; /

After a while, Mr. Tux's wife ran out in a hurry, driving a new car and quickly disappeared into the street. The next time was Mr Tuck's own time. After drinking coffee and milk, he changed his clothes, locked the door, and came to the neighborhood's nearest high-end bar. There are a lot of interesting things that people who have never been here do n’t know. & 1t; /

He exchanged some small denominations of banknotes. To be honest, although he has lived here for more than two years, he is still a bit accustomed to the coins here. To put it simply, they are colorful and have no texture, and they will not exchange them Coins are banknotes. & 1t; /

It is said that a girl was constantly undressed and sweating to avoid the heat when she couldn't stand the heat. She was too excited, and sang a song in dismay. It happened that a guy threw a coin out, one of which was the poor girl. Inhaled and got stuck in her throat. In the long process of waiting for the doctor's rescue, she became the first girl who was sweaty due to the coin. Later, the law stipulated that similar places do not allow the exchange of coins to avoid the same. Things happened again. & 1t; /

These federals will never understand the thrill of throwing a heavy coin in their hands, watching the collision and texture of heavy coins hitting greasy and sweaty skin makes people very happy. & 1t; /

He folded the notes into a triangular shape, and threw it towards the girl. The girl smiled brightly in front of him, wondering if the temperature was too high here ~ ~ She was even hotter, and she even took off her last coat. & 1t; /

"Mr. Tux?" As Tux was playing, a man sat beside him with a wine glass. & 1t; /

He turned his face to look at the man. He didn't know him, and asked with some doubt: "Have we met?" & 1t; /

"No, no, but I believe we will be good friends." The man smiled heartily, and he held out his hand. "Know, my name is Lapuan!" & 1t; /

"Lapuan?" Mr. Tux repeated, "The name is weird ..." He suddenly realized something and smiled awkwardly, "Sorry, man, I am not talking about you, I am just targeting This name. ", He reached out and shook Lapuan," You already know my name? "& 1t; /

This is a high-end bar in a high-end community. Mr. Tux doesn't think there will be anyone here. This is a rich area, a rich area where even bad people are unwilling to commit crimes! & 1t; /

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