Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 472: Growth [3] "Miscellaneous eating and reading, waiting for the dead brother

"I thought you would call me.", Magus is a very charismatic person, his tone and context always make people feel the cultivation and honor hidden in the voice, and his peace , Even if he complains, it will not make people feel embarrassed, but it is like a grumble between old friends, "I hit you as a result, I need to ask you some questions, I hope you can let me sleep tonight Good sleep. "

Du Lin nodded his head with a smile. Although Marx could not see it, he still did so because of a natural atmosphere, just as he and Magus crossed the constraints of space and time, sitting and chatting face to face at this time. Same, "Please say, as long as I can answer, I will definitely answer it for you."

"Why make enemies? You should know that your main opponents are Cape and Anthem Consortium. If you can't defeat them, you can never climb to the top. Things in the George family will make people aware of your danger, They will reject you, and in our circles, the hands are always the lowest way. "

If it is politically inconsistent to start, I am afraid that there is only one official in the entire empire, and that is Magus. The vast majority of politicians are silently observing a rule without any written nature, that is, things within the system, which are resolved within the system. Explain briefly, if you don't like me, just take me out of office, but you need to ban it. Breaking the rules is just that the cost of the rules collapsing is so heavy that no one can afford it.

Magus did not bluntly say that Dooling did a stupid thing, on the one hand because the Georges were not political, and they did not have any officials in office. Second, for these capitalists, Magus did not like it from the bottom of his heart. He needed to use the power of capital to quickly revive the empire and support the policies of the New Party. But the power of capital that has lost the dog chain has swelled to the point where it begins to in turn threaten the country's true masters.

If it hadn't been for the power of capital to have penetrated into every aspect of this society, perhaps Magus had already raised his butcher knife and brought dog chains to all capitalists.

But now that Doolin has started with the George family, Magus feels that it is not the time, because he, including the New Party and all those who are determined to restrain the power of capital, did not take the initiative in this war. They can only respond passively, and cannot take the initiative to attack. A sudden action by Du Lin is likely to give sensitive capitalists a taste of something special.

That's the phone call.

"I originally planned to use the power of the Georges in public opinion to advance public opinion, so that people could actively discover the erosive influence of capital forces on this empire and the negative impact on society, and then they would trample on the Hymn Consort. For a hymn consortium, there will be a second and a third, until the power of capital returns to the range where it can be subject to constrained management. "For Magus, Doolin thinks his plan can be spoken, whether it is He, or Magus, actually knew it.

After the power of capital has swelled, it is difficult to get them back. The so-called restraint and management is just a good statement. At most, it is to find a balance between capital and politics, at least not to get rid of it as it is now.

After listening to it, Magus had to praise the benefits of Doulin's idea. Doolin did not directly face such a behemoth like the Anthem Consortium, but chose to rely on the strength of the people. As the Prime Minister administering this empire, Magus is very clear that in many cases the public always obeys public opinion. The point is that the public is easily confused by the mainstream public opinion. It does not require them to cheat. You need to push it.

He did not follow up with Du Lin about the details of this plan. He knew that even if he asked himself, Du Lin might not answer. The general direction everyone knows how to say, and as for how to do it, it is personal ability.

He was a bit weird. Why do we still have the situation now that we have a relatively complete plan?

"Is the Cape family saying hello to Old John? So they refuse to continue working with you?"

Doolin couldn't help laughing, because he thought so at the beginning, "It ’s not the Cape family, but Mr. John. He thinks I may be too dangerous and will drag the George family into the quagmire, so let Mark Tell me that the cooperation is terminated, and at the same time give me a choice I do n’t know. I have always believed that the dragon in the myth story does not respect and fear the dragon because it is able to reason. "

"Its strength comes from its threat to other creatures. It is also a good thing to properly expose your sharp teeth. When someone hits my mind on it, he will consider whether his teeth will be broken and I bite back. "Du Lin's tone was also calm, like a joke in a chat," For you and those big men, I'm just a farmer's child, maybe this is one of my advantages . I have no family drag, no power, I can do what I want, as long as they are willing to compare, I don't mind fighting. "

Magus listened very seriously, and he said with a smile: "What you said reminded me of when I was young, I always felt that there was nothing to scare me, but sometimes you also understand that concessions or regressions Is not a shame, but a manifestation of wisdom. Especially when you turn your back to the abyss, you take a step back, your enemy is closer, and it means that he is a step away from the abyss. "

"I was inspired by your words. I have a bit of immature thoughts. I wonder if you are interested in listening?"

Magston was interested. Every time I talked with Doolin, he always received a lot of divergent thinking, and he could think about more possibilities. He immediately came to interest. "It seems that I can't take a good rest tonight. Now, but I look forward to your immature thoughts. "

On the fourth day of the incident, the news of the burning of the George Family Feature Agency spread throughout the empire, and even the Federation and the countries further south have reported it. Some people claim that this is the biggest loss in the history of human civilization. Because in these three special agencies, nearly 70 years of reports are stored, and even the library does not have the comprehensiveness of their storage.

Of course, more people are gloating, and the Georges' family suffered a fatal blow. Wanting to restore the status of the special newspaper in the newspaper industry is not as simple as rebuilding the three buildings.

On the morning of such a day, Mark was in a scorched state, and after receiving a phone call, he thundered slightly, even slamming the entire phone to the ground.

After hearing the unusually loud secretary entering the room, she was scared and lost her language ability. She had never seen such a scary mark. The mild mark that was always gentle was gone. Instead, it was like walking out of hell. Demon.

"Asshole!" Mark walked back and forth, rubbing his hair as he walked, the foam on the corner of his mouth made him look a little hysterical, "These assholes, they should all go to hell, yes, they should all go to hell!"

Just now, several newspapers in Kansas, South, joined forces to declare that the George family's shareholding is illegal, and established a "newspaper alliance", which claims to be a free press for the George family, a monopoly group of newspapers. Make a declaration of war.

Undoubtedly, some people and powerful people have learned about John's situation and started to push the first shot of counterattack in the newspaper industry. Immediately afterwards, some newspapers came forward to file a lawsuit against the George family, using their influence in the field of newspapers, forcibly buying their shares, and monopolizing resources.

These people think this is a shameful "buy and sell" behavior, because the George family controls the source of the journalism industry, they have to give up their shares at a low price in exchange for the George family's "protection" in the newspaper industry. "And" care ".

The sudden outbreak of these things must have been behind the scenes ~ ~ The purpose is the supremacy of the Georges in the field of newspapers.

Once the George family has fallen, it is conceivable that the "good friends" in ordinary days will pounce on it and bite it until the George family becomes a past tense.

"How can he do this, how dare he do this?" Mark waved the blue table lamp on the table and knocked it to the ground with a wave, and tens of thousands of precious cultural relics and artworks broke into pieces on the ground.

"There must be a way!", Mark was a little panicked. He had never faced such a situation. The spearhead of the capital forces suddenly pointed at him, the spearhead, and he couldn't find a way out. He forced himself to calm down, not paying any attention to the secretary who was on the sidelines. He walked back and forth for a while, how much he hoped that Mr. John did not pass out at this time, how much he hoped that Mr. John could stand outside the door with great energy, and told him "quiet".

He stood on the spot like a brutal beast and looked fiercely at the broken blue agate fragments on the ground, and suddenly he breathed a sigh of relief. When he looked up, his eyes were clear and more determined.

"Sorry to show you the joke, let me clean it up. We may be busy for a long time." He walked back to the desk with a smile, and sat in the chair.

It is impossible to count on Mr. John, but to pull the tide by himself.

"Let the Legal Department dispatch. I remember that all the newspapers held shares in agreements signed by the two parties. They first accused the newspapers in Kansas of violating the agreement, required them to compensate us for the losses and publicly apologized." He bowed his head and groaned. "Also contact all the newspapers that haven't stood up. I invite them to come and discuss the establishment of the 'Newspaper Alliance'!"

Stress makes people panic.

But sometimes it can make people grow quickly.

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