Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 473: Disappearance [I]

Human beings are forced out, and all things we might think would be our own, in the face of extreme despair and extreme hope, nothing is impossible for humans to do.

Mark quickly took on the role of true leader, first asking the Legal Department to sue newspapers that breached the contract, especially those in Kansas. At the same time, other newspapers that did not take any action were invited to come to the capital to join a transformation.

Now that Kanlers has proposed a union-like organization like the "Newspaper Alliance", it is very difficult to push this down at this time. If John is not in a coma, if Arthur and those uncles are trying to separate the interests of the family, and if there is no behind-the-scenes advancing all of this, this is not a necessary option. But Mark's situation has met all the requirements, so he can only do so.

Rather than letting those small newspapers run a newspaper alliance to take the George family as a target and target, it would be better for Mark to personally take the lead in organizing this newspaper alliance, and he would become the chairman, which is actually not much different from before. Others want to get press releases from special features agencies, yes, for a fee. It's not buying, it's paid. After all, interviewing a news and writing a press release that is in line with social values ​​and people's favorite requires time, manpower and material resources.

Buying and paid are actually the same meaning, but paid is much better.

At the same time, a new category will be added, which is exchange. In fact, Mark had such an idea long ago. The feature agency was indeed very powerful. In addition to the hundreds of journalists and writers on the side of the Imperial Capital, there were thousands of expatriate journalists looking for news throughout the empire.

Many things happen every day in this world. There are so many and many things. It's impossible for the reporters of the special news agency to exhaust all of them, and there will definitely be omissions. In exchange for the special press agency's press releases in exchange for missing press releases in other regions, it will greatly enhance the authoritativeness and coverage of the special agency. At the same time, the exchange of news is not a matter of money. It can also allow more newspapers to accept this.

As long as he sits firmly on the chairman of the Newspaper Alliance and restores the feature agency as soon as possible, the glory of the George family will not be lost!

When an industry monopoly giant begins to exert its power, people can see why the giant makes people fear. A lawyer's letter and court summons flew to Cannes like snowflakes, and a lot of invitations appeared in front of almost all newspaper directors. Facing this sudden "attack", Mark grew A lot, and a lot of maturity.

Without Arthur, he might be happier.

"Father seems dead." Arthur wore a pink shirt and a white coat, and a pair of rhino leather white shoes. Of course, there were also two rhino horns representing "luxury". He sat on the couch, curling his blond hair inwards from the top, and wearing a pair of purple sunglasses covering half of his face, it looked no different from those popular movie stars. He held a nail clipper and picked up the dust that did not exist in the nail seam. He nodded and said, "My father is so old, it will be difficult to survive this time, and he may return to the arms of God at any time."

He didn't seem to care how bad these words were. The long-term Cold War father-son relationship and the brainwashing of his uncles and uncles made Arthur and John's feelings almost gone. What was maintained was only the apparent father and son. When Arthur heard that Mr. John was unconscious, he was normally surprised for a moment, and then a smile appeared on his face.

If the old guy doesn't die, how can he get his share?

Wait for the old man to give him?

Maybe he would give it to Mark and Nasha, not to him!

So my uncle was right. Some things can be pretended to be invisible. For example, Mark now controls the entire family. But there are things that we must not only see, but also fight for, such as the right that belongs to him.

Mark's face was very ugly. Things outside him had already caused him a terrible sorrow. At this time, Arthur suddenly jumped out and said such a thing, how could he not make him angry? He just snorted, and looked down at the documents on the table, nothing like seeing the guy in front of him.

Mark doesn't want to ignore Arthur, but Arthur won't let Mark go. "I know that the situation of the family is a bit special now. Those inferiors are trying to challenge our status. So in order to avoid sudden surprises, should we first put the will Went through the process, and then unanimously? "

Although the sentence in front of Arthur was very presumptuous, although very unpleasant, it was not unreasonable. Mr. John was so unconscious that he was so old that even the doctors felt that he had little chance of recovering. When he left the world, he completely looked at the meaning of God, so he could not say anything.

But the latter sentence is too much, because Mr. John is still alive and entered into the testament procedure in advance. Isn't that cursing Mr. John who can't wake up and die?

Mark slammed the table hard, and even the pen on the table jumped twice, Arthur was frightened, "Do you listen to what you say is what a person should say? Are you actually here? Looking forward to the death of my father? I tell you, as long as your father does not die, your plan to split the family will not be completed in one day, that's what I said! "Mark gasped and shouted at the office door. "Get out, get out, don't let me see your disgusting face again!"

"What are you talking about? Actually let your brother get out of your room?" Arthur put a beautiful nail clipper into the jacket pocket, and he took off his glasses with a smile on his skin and exposed. A handsome face. He looks much smaller than Mark, either because of makeup or because of maintenance. He's much happier than Mark. Changing a female companion every week, you never have to worry about business matters, you can get millions of equity dividends every year, so it may make him look younger.

He had sunglasses in his hand, and instead of using his sunglasses to point his finger at Mark, he poked a few times, "I see when you can be arrogant, you are as disgusting as your mother!" He turned and walked out of the room, leaving only Mark with red eyes and his fists clenched tightly.

Leaving Mark's office, Arthur soon found a lawyer who had been serving Mr. John, one of the shareholders of the Virtue Law Firm, dedicated to the George family for more than two decades.

For Mark, the lawyer did not show any disgust, he was a real "worker" and would not bring personal feelings or personal feelings into the attitude of his work. He offered to pull out a chair for Arthur and poured coffee. "Do you need any help?"

Arthur was so angry that he took off his sunglasses and dropped them on the table. "I'm afraid the old man can't wake up, can we finish the will process in advance?"

The lawyer raised his eyebrows. He shook his head and sat across from Arthur, and explained carefully the common sense of the will and the legal knowledge of the estate. This procedure can only be started after the death of the party and verification by the court, or the court will forbid any division of property on the other side. Therefore, even if Mr. John is unconscious until he dies, as long as he does not see God one day, his property and money, others do not want to get it one day.

"There is no other way?" Arthur was a little irritable. People outside were plotting the family of the George family. The old man was unconscious. It was possible that before the old man saw God, Arthur's money would become something else. Without this, and without those people jumping out to challenge the status of the George family, he would not be so anxious, after all, things in face must be maintained.

He could think of so many things, not actually what Mark had guessed, not Arthur encouraged by their uncles and uncles, but when Arthur was entertaining outside last night ~ ~ met a rich man That person reminded him.

Returning from the manor to his villa, Arthur was indignant. These people were all against him. It was horrible!

He looked around anxiously, suddenly thought of something, lifted the phone, dialed a number, "Joe? Come out at night, I treat you, I want to tell you something."

At night, Dufo went into an entertainment venue like a gold medal prodigal in a flowery outfit. Immediately, his nose was filled with a variety of perfumes. These skilled women are not much different from hundreds of years ago. , Still like to use perfume to cover the special smell of them. He didn't like it, but he had to be here again, because Du Lin had arranged a task for him.

The girls were enthusiastically surrounded by Dufo, so that some guests frequently looked at each other, in fact, can not blame these girls. Money is a good thing, but when selling your technology, if the other person is a handsome young man like Dufo, it is better than middle-aged men who are not much worse than wild boars.

Surrounded by the girls, Dufo entered one of the most exclusive rooms, and Arthur was already inside.

"You go out first, we have something to say." Arthur glared, and the girls left the room somewhat reluctantly, and the room suddenly quieted down. He beckoned and patted the sofa next to him, "Come here."

"How do you think you're going to treat yourself?" After Dufo sat down, he took out the hand-made land from the provincial king Yadu from his pocket, and took out the customized blue dragon lighter. He glanced at Arthur obliquely. , Then took a breath and the whole person relaxed.

Arthur smelled the smell and knew it was a good thing. He sighed frowningly, then stretched out his hand, "Come, give me one too, and I have to worry about it!"

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