Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 479: Anti-industry Manipulation Act [1]

"It's our turn!" Mr. John tidy up the corners of his sleeves and said to his butler.

The steward participated in the whole plan and helped Mr. John make a lot of cover and arrangements. After Mark told Mr. John that the special agency was burned down, his first reaction after waking up was that someone was going to fight the George family. Mr. John knows better than Mark or Arthur and his siblings that the root of the George family lies in these three special agencies. As soon as these three special agencies appeared flaws, they quickly shaken the foundations of the George family.

Maybe they can rebuild the feature agency, but at that time, the right to speak in the field of newspapers may not be entirely in their hands. It only takes a few days for someone to stand up and overthrow the George family. Do enough work.

The facts have indeed proved this. The reason why Mr. John did not "wake up" immediately was that he hoped to bring in more opponents, and at the same time he used some facts that he was unconscious to make some people change their original plans.

Those who drove the whole event may have prepared a more decisive and rough way to cut off the roots of the George family, but when he was unconscious, these people would slow down a bit. Taking pictures in the cruel capital world is also an important scoring point. It is not difficult to eat a full stomach, and it is something that all capitalists are after. Leading more enemies and disrupting enemy plans is what Mr. John thinks.

When the enemies should appear, when these people began to falsely put on their napkins, he appeared, disrupting their plans again and messing up all their steps. Only then will the Georges be able to regain their fanfare. It is no longer important whether Dulin did this, because in the eyes of Mr. John, Dulin and the enemy have already drawn an equal sign. He might just be a vanguard, a vanguard, an incentive.

Just as Mr. John was about to open the door and walk out of the "ward," the phone rang suddenly, and he frowned, and walked over to pick up the phone. "This is George Manor."

The voice in the earpiece is a bit weird. The other party has done a good job of preparing for it, and may be afraid of being monitored. This bill, called the Anti-Industry Manipulation Act, has been sent to the Imperial Parliament ... "

There has been some change in Mr. John's face, and the general content can be guessed just by passing the name of the bill. He covered the microphone and turned to look at the housekeeper and asked, "What day is it today?"

The steward told him without hesitation, today is Monday.

Yes, yesterday was Sunday, so Mark initially put the time of the conference on Sunday, and the conference was held during non-working hours, which would not delay the working hours of these newspaper directors. Unfortunately, something went wrong, and it was delayed until the next day, that is, it was held in the open air in the George family manor today, so today is Monday.

Monday is a very ordinary day, and it is also a very unusual day, because this is the first working day of each week, many companies and official departments will meet regularly to arrange a week's work. Similarly, Monday, the second week of October, is also the day when the Imperial Parliament is held in the fourth quarter of each year.

The Imperial Parliament is convened four times a year in accordance with its regulations and conventions. The Monday of the second week of the first month of each quarter is the day when the Imperial Parliament is held. The length of the meeting will vary from one to five days depending on the content flow. In addition, if a very special situation is encountered, an ad hoc meeting can also be held. The ad hoc meeting can be held with only 35 percent of the members present, while the normal meeting requires the presence of 70 percent of the members.

John had some speculation in his mind. He lowered his voice and asked, "What about the situation?"

"It's passed. It's been recorded in the Imperial Code. Some lawmakers are discussing whether to incorporate this bill into the Basic Law. I have owed you the favor. Good luck, old John."

With a click, the telephone line was cut off, and John hung up the phone a little bit. He thought his opponents and enemies would not be too many, and he was his old enemy. Those capitalists who surround themselves like sharks are not enemies. It is only their nature to be attracted by interest. Once they stabilize, they will naturally retreat.

In all fairness, if he encountered such an opportunity, he would also wander around the table with a knife and fork, waiting for the moment to grab a seat.

But he never thought that Magus would be involved here. He proposed such a bill and passed it in the Imperial Parliament. To say that this bill has nothing to do with his George family, the old guy is willing to bet with his own head, and his political sense of smell has been the most sensitive one after living so long, and this matter is definitely related to him. But why did the new party's senior officials suddenly attack the George family? He couldn't figure it out, sitting a little to the side of the bed, his head swollen.

Is it serious enough? Why is the whole world suddenly different?

He asked himself that he had never sinned against the high ranks of the New Party. No matter what kind of political news he had, the editor-in-chief and editor-in-chief of the special news agency guaranteed a politically neutral stance. He had never favored any politician, nor had he inclined to any. political party. It is said that the reports of the Georges are the most timely and fair, which is the main reason why the Georges survive to this day.

He considered whether it would be because of problems with the team, such as reporting some news that would damage the image of the New Party, but he has always been very cautious in this regard, and absolutely no such fatal error will occur. Including this transaction between Mark and Dulin, he was also mixed up, the purpose is to ensure that the George family is always outside the political arena, they will not have any position, and always stand on a neutral angle.

In fact, sometimes, the position of guaranteeing neutrality is also a subjective position, especially in politics.

There are three camps in politics, black and white. For those big men, the neutral George family is the grayest one. His assurance is neutral, but there is also a saying in politics-if not a friend, it must be an enemy!

This is an affirmative expression. There is no "bystander" in the political struggle. Either everyone is your own person or the enemy. There is no neutrality.

The reason why the Georges' family has such attributes as "politics" has something to do with the business they run is newspapers.

As the mainstream media platform in the world today, newspapers are more valuable to politics than any other industry. From small politicians to attacking each other, to large political parties, it is inseparable from the vocal way of newspapers. But now this approach is not in the hands of any politician's party, but is firmly held by an "outsider", which makes many politicians uncomfortable.

I advocated my political ideas and sweared at my political opponents by the way. When I saw the newspaper, the words of insult were gone, the words of attacking the other's political platform were gone, and the words of greeting each other ’s family members were gone. Only my own political idea remained. .

For those politicians at the bottom of the political arena, this kind of newspaper without obvious direction and position is a good newspaper, but for the big brothers who need to use the newspaper and use the newspaper as a weapon to attack political opponents, this neutral model It is a tumor in politics.

They need newspapers with more obvious tendencies and positions to do their best to criticize political opponents, curse political opponents, swear at political opponents, and have no bottom line to praise their great achievements.

At the same time, the Georges are also the best tycoons. The tycoons of the newspaper industry are a little different from those of other industries. Tycoons in other industries are not so easy to fall down. For example, railroad tycoon Colliers, if he hadn't fallen down by himself, would anyone else be able to knock him down?

Secretly digging a section of railway?

Or do you pay more for the total kilometer of your own ~ ~ A new railway transportation network with a larger area?

Impossible, this kind of person can only make Colliers feel the crisis and have the chance to fall only if he falls down by himself or another strong competitor appears.

Otherwise no one can do it.

Not to mention those steel tycoons who bombed him to a steel plant and dozens of them. He bombed all steel mills and sold ore.

But the George family is different. There are only three special agencies in this family. Their foundation is not deeply implanted in the ground, but exposed to the air. This is why Mr. John actively expanded the printing business before he felt old. He actually had a sense of crisis at that time, but unfortunately it wasn't easy to cross. It would not only get the eggs, but also the eggs might be pierced by the sharp proportions, so that the egg whites were scattered on the ground.

Now that this hidden bomb has exploded, the Georges are just an appetizer for Magus. The use of the Anti-Industry Manipulation Act to kill a famous industry tycoon will be fatal to large trust companies and syndicate companies. Yes, this is also good for the empire's control and restraint of capitalists.

Once the Georges are sure to fall under the Anti-Industry Manipulation Act, then Magus will raise his butcher knife and slash it severely at other big capitalists who have monopolies in those industries. Although this may not kill them all, at least let them know what is fear and what is "truth".

As for the sacrificed George family?

In the process of social progress, this family contributed a modest strength, and history will remember this family and these people.

The first to fall under the Anti-industry Manipulation Act.

Remembered by history, but the supreme glory!

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