Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 480: Law [two]

The applause in the manor shocked Mr. John, who was in thought, a slight change in his face ...

Yes, the Newspaper Alliance!

Something he didn't like very much, but now it has become a life-saving straw, making him a little bit lamented that he is indeed old.

The shortcomings of the Georges' family are very clear. Everything depends on the unique position of the special newspaper in the newspaper industry. Without the special newspaper, many newspapers would not be able to produce enough newspapers with eight pages. Therefore, newspapers in other places must subscribe to special news agencies, or buy press releases to fill their pages of blank newspapers. At the same time, in order to maximize the interests of the family, Mr. John established industry rules, and only "partners" can purchase special press releases.

What is a partner?

To put it simply, the newspapers where he holds shares are the true partners.

Under such industry rules, the George family can become today's industry monopolist, a huge trust-type enterprise. At the same time, the bill passed today has laid the curse on the family, because it is clearly directed towards the George family. The George family controls the entire industry by holding the majority of the newspaper's shares and sources, which will inevitably violate the new bill.

At the same time, Mr. John also realized that Mark's cracking method provided the George family with a perfect way to spend, that is, the Newspaper League.

Absorb the funds of most newspapers and let them hold the shares of the special feature agency and cross-share them. In this way, they are not manipulated. In terms of identity and status, they are equal to the George family. Both are special feature agencies. shareholder. There may be a large gap in the ratio of equity in this, but no Imperial Law will support large shareholders and not small shareholders.

He immediately waved at the housekeeper, and after sitting for a while, he felt that his legs had become numb, and it was not easy to stand up with his own strength. Without this call, he would move his legs and stand up slowly, his dignity and pride would not allow him to show such weakness and incompetence. However, in the face of huge threats, this personal gain and loss is no longer his heart.

Before the dust settles, the newspaper alliance must be established to avoid the devastating blow to the George family by the new bill!

The steward held his arm and lifted him up. He took a few steps and raised his palm to prevent the steward from continuing to support him. "We have no time, push the wheelchair over."

When there was another applause in the open space outside the building, Mark took off his jacket with excitement and hung it on a chair. This meeting was very successful. No, it should be said that Mark has been in charge of the family business and that his personality charm and more avant-garde thinking have been very successful, and he is also welcomed by the presidents of these newspapers.

Just now, Mark came up with an idea that no one had heard of before, called sharing.

"What is sharing?", He rolled up his sleeves, and now it was October, and the weather in the north was enough to put on two or three clothes, but he only wore a shirt and rolled up his sleeves. The steam on his body made him look hot.

He is indeed hot and excited. He has the illusion of returning to the classroom and is instilling his ideas and knowledge, but this is not the classroom, and the students are not sitting. These people listen carefully and make him more excited. It will naturally be hotter.

"Sharing means sharing together. The newspaper industry needs progress, development, reform, and innovation. We need to find something new, both in the traditional way and today's model. And what I want to say about sharing, It is a brand new concept. I think this will also be the first thing after the establishment of the Newspaper Alliance. We will build a high-speed and sound information network. "

He pointed to the east. "Now there is a robbery in the east, we may need to know tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. But joining the newspaper alliance and joining the sharing plan is different. In the first time, this news will Appear on your desk and provide enough highlights for the Evening News. I know some of you will be thinking about it. If I provide such news, what will it do for me? "

"This is the next thing we need to discuss, and that is the points system. According to the points obtained by sharing, we will refer to the ratio to distribute the total income of the newspaper alliance every year ..."

Suddenly Mark noticed that many people's eyes had shifted behind him. He was saying that he was really uncomfortable when he was interrupted, but the moment he turned his head, his hair was about to rise.


Mr. John waved his hand. He sat at Mark's seat. "You continue to say, I'm very interested in your ideas. If it succeeds, it will change the whole world!"

This sentence is not what John is talking about. From Mark ’s brief speech, he has already seen a different way of industry monopoly, a “monopoly” mode in which many people participate. This method has the firewall that the Georges need, and also allows the Georges to bury the true foundations in the deep soil, just like those tycoons in other industries.

There is no doubt that if this set of points scheme can be carried out, the George family will benefit the most, because the George family has the news network with the widest empire coverage and the largest number of participants. Others may share some of the money, but the Georges will get more and be more secure.

Mark converged his shocked expression, and he found the same shock from other people's faces, which made him lament that while John had the prestige of this line, there was also a family who had the confidence to carry forward his own set of ideas.

He had just said nothing, and someone interrupted him again.

Only this time, not Mr. John, but a senior agent of the Imperial Police Investigation Bureau.

Two guys in black trench coats, wearing sunglasses and felt hats, appeared at the meeting. Bodyguards hired by the Georges to maintain order and protect the meeting followed them. One of them took off his sunglasses and hat while walking, and showed his credentials. "I'm very sorry, Mr. Mark ... Mr. John, I'm Empire Tom, senior detective of the Police Investigation Bureau, this is my colleague, Senior Agent Jerry. "

"The Supreme Court of Justice has received seventeen indictments concerning the George family's use of illegal means to control the newspaper industry for illegal profits. According to Articles 1 and 7 of the Anti-Industry Manipulation Act just passed today Article, the Imperial Supreme Court believes that such a situation does exist and requires Mr. John to cooperate with us to investigate. In addition ... "He looked at so many people at the scene," I want to ask a question, your assembly was reported to the City Hall. ?"

According to the laws of the Empire, more than two hundred people who were not related to each other and belonged to one another were brought together and had to be reported to the City Hall. This law was enacted for decades. At first, it was to control those people who frequently attacked the nobles in groups. At that time, more than ten people gathered together, and they were required to report to the sheriff and undergo a body search. Related content now It has been changed, but the law has not been cancelled.

There are always things that you don't normally use, and you probably won't use them for a lifetime, but you only need to use them once, and they will work wonders.

In today's society, let alone two hundred people. Two thousand people who are not related or affiliated are often gathered together—ball games. Each time the game did not involve thousands of people sitting together, nor did they see the organizers of the game go to the city hall to declare that there was such a large-scale rally.

Still, there is nothing useless, just to see if you can use it.

Tom looked at these people with a regretful expression, "Who is the organizer?"

Mark rushed to meet this guy, "Me, is there anything wrong?"

"Have you applied for this rally, and approved by the City Hall?" Tom's tone was not harsh, but the content was aggressive. Mark shook his head, and Tom continued, "Thank you for taking a trip with us, and the meeting will not continue until the inquiry over the city hall is over ~ ~ He is holding the hat again He put it on his head and smiled, "Please, Mr. John, Mr. Mark. "

"Can I wait for your meeting or the town hall after the morning meeting?" Mark added, "This meeting is important to me, to my father and the entire George family."

Tom did not give Mark the slightest affection, and still smiled and said, "My job is also important!"

"Yes, your job is really important, but you will get the friendship of the George family!", Mr. John stood up with the steward, and walked on crutches into Senior Agent Tom. "The friendship of the George family, will Nothing is more important than your job? "

Tom was not pleased or annoyed at all. He asked with interest: "Do you mean, do you give me any good?"

Mr. John laughed, "No, no, I didn't say that, it's just your understanding."

"Then why do I want the friendship of the Georges?"

Mr. John's expression gradually cooled, and he said in a very confident tone: "Because my name is John, John George."

"Did you finish?" Tom shook his head. "Now you can choose to leave with me, or let me leave you in handcuffs. The George family? This is the Imperial City, Mr. John. The only family here is "Royal!", His hand has been unfurled, and as long as John shirks a word, he will take out his handcuffs to perform his task.

John's complexion had turned blue, and he grunted coldly, staggering towards the door of the manor. Mark was a bit unacceptable, followed by a decadently holding his coat.

Watching Mr. John and Mark being taken away by senior agents, the strings of the newspaper directors' hearts were gently moved by an invisible force.

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