Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 486: Fraud [2]

Who is best for making fake and shoddy tokens to fill the market economy and game rules of Cholera Otis?

This is a problem that Durin considered last night. First, local and foreign capitalists can be excluded, because Otis is a very large market. As the only "special zone" in the empire, many things can only be sold and operated here. This is destined to swallow the entire empire's largest group of people in this place, and it can be said that it is an under-seen market.

In this case, those capitalists will only want to fight for their own industry here, and follow the trend to make money smoothly, and it is impossible for Du Lin to block up.

Even the Cape family, Du Lin did not suspect them, because this method looks very powerful, but very disgusting people, but also ruin their reputation. Coin minting may seem like a joke, but it's only for capitalists the size of consortia and gatekeepers. Once they reached the status of the Cape family and the Anthem Consortium, they were disdainful to use this low-level method to impact the city of Doolin, which was related to the issue of credit.

Currency has not been a joke since ancient times. Whoever touches it loses credibility.

And this has nothing to do with their original purpose. If selling fake tokens can wash their money, I'm afraid that money laundering is too simple. Not only can they not clean the money on their hands, but they will have an extra amount of money that they cannot get. As for revenge, it is unlikely. This is like the mythical dragon, if it is angry, it will definitely not run over the enemy's head to pull a shit, but to bite each other.

Then Du Lin changed the subject, and the completion and glory of the city of Otis, who hurt the most?

Ascending to the level of Du Lin, there are only two cases where revenge will occur.

Either it is for the purpose of plundering the interests or the interests are being damaged.

There is no doubt that the city of Namindes will be the most injured city, because the cities of Namindes and Otis are too close, only three or four hours away by car. This means that the river that once poured into Nami Lindes and brought a lot of foreign people and funds to the city, turned into Otis. In addition, the two cities are so close, even if some people are going to work in Nami Lindes, they will consider whether to stay in Otis.

Here is the famous special zone, the famous pin gold cave. In contrast, Nami Lindes no longer has the reputation of an empire's belly star. When the east-west railway is repaired, even the title of hub will be snatched by Otis, and the once glorious Nami Lindes will start to end, and finally become a city waiting for death in time.

Coupled with Coster's coyness and confidence, Durin felt that this person was in Namindes and was closely related to the future of Namindes. When he was faced with a difficult situation, he would consider trying to destroy the reputation of Otis by some means. Even if he couldn't, he would have to **** blood in Otis to feed Nami Lindes.

Mayor of Nami Lindes!

Of course, any conclusion needs to be repeatedly verified, and Du Lin won't make a blind decision because of his own guess. He found the gentleman who used large denominations in the casino.

This gentler seems to communicate more easily than Mr Coster, perhaps because he realizes the seriousness of the matter, so he is willing to cooperate with Dulin instead of confrontation.

"A friend of mine told me before I came to Otis that he had some leftover tokens in his hand, considering that he would go to the next time and not exchange them for cash. He heard that I wanted to play here , So gave me these tokens. ", This gentleman has not been treated inhumanly. This guy has a small company in Nami Lindes, which is small in scale and feeds more than fifty people. If it is over one million, it is a rich man.

After he had finished speaking, he raised his hand to do what he wanted, and let it go again. Du Lin saw his nervousness. There was a layer of sweat on his forehead under the light. Du Lin took a handkerchief and patted him on the shoulder. "If there is any misunderstanding, we can just explain it and tell me you What's your friend's name and how many tokens did he give you? "

"Certainly ..." The man answered quickly, seeing that he didn't know he was using counterfeit money, so he hated the friend. "We call him Louis, and he gave I have $ 50,000 in chips. "

"You gave him fifty thousand dollars?"

This guy shook his head a little embarrassed, his expression a little awkward, "He only charged me 40,000."

"Thank you very much for your cooperation. You have lived here temporarily for the past few days. There are still many interesting places in Otis waiting for you to explore and discover." Du Lin stood up, and the supervisor behind the hotel was holding a tray from the door. When I walked in, there were neatly placed pieces of silvery chips on the tray. These were five hundred denominations, adding up to exactly fifty thousand.

Seeing these things, this guy who was stabbed by a friend was a little overwhelmed. Those who have a little value know more about Du Lin than those at the bottom. Nami Lindes has always had many people at various levels of identity, some of them "evil". It is common for these people to rob and kill people, but it is difficult to bring them to justice because there is no evidence. These people were walking side by side in Nami Lindes, but here, one by one, was like Du Lin's grandson.

He would not mistakenly think that these people suddenly became law-abiding, that is not something they can do. All this can only show that there are people they fear, so they dare not pretend here. If it is said that Otis has changed for whom, there is no doubt that this young mayor in front of him, plus some rumors, so he knows that Doolin is very powerful, very powerful.

He was all ready to be slaughtered, but he didn't expect the script to turn around here, he was a little overwhelmed, looked at some chips, and looked at Du Lin, "These ... are ..."

Du Lin offered to extend his hand, "I'm very sorry for the delay in your time. These are used to make up for your losses. This is not your fault, but the fault of others. If you take into account the responsibility, how much will I and Otis There will be some responsibilities, so these represent my apologies and hope you will accept them. "

He shook hands with Du Lin, his expression became natural, and the muscles on his face relaxed a lot. He was terrified when he was called out of the casino and locked in this room. Especially when the person in charge of the casino told him that the tokens he used were all counterfeit, he had a hunch that he might not be able to get out of Otis himself. But now look, still he is too narrow to estimate the character and character of a big man, he is very ashamed.

But he accepted it and asked some investment questions. Compared to the bustling city of Otis and the reasonable Mayor of Turin, he feels that relocating his industry to Otis is definitely a very good idea.

Du Lin also answered some questions about this, and then left.

As soon as he went out, Du Lin ordered, "As he continues to investigate, we are close to the truth."

The people behind him are high-paying managers and the most trusted people under his own hands. Some of them understand what Du Lin is talking about, while others blindly trust Du Lin.

The person who can make five hundred fake coins is definitely the middle and upper management of this counterfeit organization, and even one of the leaders. Most people can't get such denominations of counterfeit currency. At the same time, this is also the beginning of a deeper level of "invasion" after the other party hasn't heard about the counterfeit currency from Otis for several days. They need more accurate feedback to determine how to further undermine Doolin's plan and to **** blood in Otis.

This is only 50,000 yuan, and soon they will not be satisfied with such a small amount of 50,000 yuan. They only need to steal 100,000 yuan from the city of Otis unknowingly ~ ~ 300 yuan a month. Ten million, one year is 36 million!

At the same time, a huge press is working frantically in a fully enclosed factory on the outskirts of Nami Lindes. A metal plate was placed on the operation table by the worker. With the rapid response of the crystals in the reaction chamber of the press, the worker pulled the chain with a loud noise. The head of the press is shot out of the chamber like a shell, turning the metal plate into a 500-yuan denomination.

These tokens lost the fixation of the surrounding materials, fell on a conveyor belt at the bottom of the machine, and then entered an assembly line where more than a dozen workers worked. These workers took files and sandpaper knives and knocked out some burrs. Finally, these preliminary processed tokens were polished and trimmed, and finally they were neatly stacked.

A young man with a moustache in a flowered shirt, holding a cigarette, kept turning his neatly stacked chips with his hands, his face intoxicated.

All these are money!

According to the current production speed of the factory, a batch of 12 yuan chips can be completed every ten minutes, which is 6,000 yuan. One hour is 36,000 yuan, one day is ... He thought about it, about 800,000. No business has ever been more profitable than this business. If it was not his brother-in-law who told him to control the pace and volume of shipments, he would have sent boxes of tokens to Otis for consumption, and he was not needed. Continue to wait in this hell.

After the huge steam was dissipated, the head of the press was slowly put into the chamber, and the catalytic reaction started. The workers placed a silver metal plate on the workbench.

With a loud noise, six thousand yuan was born!

The young man closed his eyes. If there is the purest sound in the world, it must be the loud noise when the press is working.

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