Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 487: Found [three] "z name big brother on demand + three"

Louis has a secret that no one knows.

His father was not the honest and loyal tanner, but the master of the city, the mayor of Nami Lindes.

His mother, who was once the mayor's mistress, was unable to marry the mayor due to pregnancy, so he chose a fine family and a loyal and honest leather carpenter as his future life partner. The reason he was able to discover this was because he secretly followed his mother when he was seven years old and played a game of police catching thieves that only one person knew. He watched his mother enter a luxurious one. The villa didn't come out for a long time.

He waited for a long time at the door, not that he was unwilling to go home, but that he had forgotten the way home.

Then he saw his mother come out of the villa with a man in his arms, and both saw him. He remembered the man pointing at him and asking, whose child was this.

His mother smiled and told the man that this is your child.

He was an illegitimate child, and for a long time he felt it was a humiliation to him, and he hated his mother and his father who had only met once. He wanted to tell his father many times about this, but when he thought that the family might be broken, the one who always regarded him as his only father might collapse, and he kept this secret in his heart.

Until he is an adult.

The world of adults and children's world seem to be different. Children always have a very clear view of right and wrong. This is good, that is bad, and it is not because of persuasion or the temptation of candy. Easily change your own right to distinguish right from wrong. But adults are different. Adults have been tempted or coerced too much, always bowing their heads to constant destiny. They are obviously right, and they also violate their conscience and say that it is wrong, just to not hurt themselves. .

When his father gave him a set of tool knives for making leather goods, he realized that this might not be the way he wanted to go. He didn't want to waste his whole life in a small room and mingle with strange leathers. He didn't want to be a tanner, didn't want to hold up the stinky feet of those high figures, and carefully measured the data for them. . He didn't want to be a leathersmith who sold a lot of leather goods, but he was not willing to wear them, even if the leathersmith could make a lot of money, and it was still a dream of someone.

So he found his biological father, hoping that he could arrange a decent job for him. The man did not immediately promise him, but let him shout "papa", which is what his father meant, but just more spoken.

Since then he got his first bucket of gold, a thousand dollars, and a promising job—a company owner.

He used a thousand pieces to build a garbage dump at the request of his biological father, then bought some human garbage trucks, and got a community garbage collection project in an unimaginable way. He once thought it was the biological father who was humiliating him, and it wasn't until after the first month's settlement that he understood that this was life.

The garbage seems to be inconspicuous. It is true. The garbage generated in Xiacheng District is always just garbage. But in the upper urban area, especially in some communities where high society people live, garbage is the treasure. The rich and their women didn't care if the clothes in their hands were worn a few times and they were not damaged. They would be thrown into the trash bin as soon as the time came.

These clothes worth hundreds of pieces have become **** some time ago. In addition to rubbish, there are some "valueless" trinkets or furniture and other things. He only needs to transport these things to the recycle bin, and after a simple treatment, he can be sold to ordinary people at a relatively high price, and even some middle classes have become his regular customers. They buy these luxury goods at low prices enough to set off their wealth and decent, which is a very cost-effective deal for everyone.

His garbage station business became bigger and bigger, and finally eliminated all human garbage trucks, replaced with better trucks, and expanded the business to the entire upper city. No one knows his relationship with the mayor, only their "family".

He used to think that he might grow up in these garbage dumps forever in his life, and occasionally he would help his biological father, the great mayor, monitor some big people, or look for something from the garbage of these people. Until some time ago, his father gave him a sum of money to buy some very expensive and heavy machines, and ordered many materials.

So he had such a factory, a parts factory that produced "money".

Everything he produces here will be sold to another person, who was once the mayor's secretary, but was fired because of a mistake. Just as many people do not know that Louis is the mayor's son, these people do not know that the secretary and the mayor still maintain a very close relationship. He was fired, just doing a show for others, and he helped the mayor deal with things that didn't go from an official perspective.

Nami Lindes is a mixed bag of fish and dragons, and there are some things that aren't really convenient for the official. For example, some people did not follow the rules of the city's game, they crossed the line, but did not leave any obvious handles. Obviously you know they **** it, but you can't do it.

At this time, the role of the secretary is manifested, and he can do it, because he is a mean man, and even the generous mayor cannot tolerate him. The dispute between him and those people is just the talk of most ordinary people after dinner, dog-biting dog-like fun.

This is how the Lord Mayor's twenty-two years of ruling blood in Nami Lindes. He said that he would never go anywhere in this life, and even retire in Nami Lindes. These words made many people become his supporters, and felt that this was a very, very rare good mayor ...

The ex-secretary, who looked very gentle with glasses, walked into the factory through the small door. He glanced at the assembled coins stacked aside and took out a book to record it.

"You don't worry about me?", Louis was very upset every time he saw this guy using a book and pen to record everything he saw here, which made him feel like a thief, and still in his own factory. in!

The former secretary closed the notebook and pen with a smile, "Can't talk!" In fact, Louis was right. The former secretary was really uneasy about him. The mayor did not say what relationship Louis had with him, but by virtue of the former secretary, In the tacit understanding that he has been helping the mayor, he has already guessed how the **** and the mayor are involved. He didn't look down on this kid, and he took it for granted. Except for relying on the mayor's face to contract the garbage collection in Shangcheng District, he got a little fame, but he was not motivated at all.

If you change to someone else, with such a good platform, maybe it has developed better. And this guy knows all day long about eating, drinking, fun, waiting for death, how can he look at such a guy?

Garbage is always rubbish. It will not be garbage because it can sell money.

"I want to take these goods away. You can arrange for people to load the car. In addition, after you finish these things, you will stop and go back to visit our friends to see how they are." The former secretary ordered Just walked to the edge of the assembly line, picked up a polished chip, and carefully capped.

There is a layer of silver on the surface of these tokens, and they have spent a lot of brains on these materials. The large denomination tokens used by Otis have unique features. For example, five hundred pieces of tokens feel like silver, and one thousand pieces are made of gold. In order to make it difficult to distinguish, they finally adopted a stupid method, which is copper clad.

The silver and gold hammer were beaten into a thin piece of cloth ~ ~ and then wrapped with a layer of copper plate, and then overcame many difficulties. It took them three days to solve the problem of large denomination tokens. Making puzzles.

These things ... but they are all money!

The ex-secretary's eyes flashed a fascination, and soon he was awake. If he designed according to the mayor, even if Nami Lindes was declining, their earnings would not be shaken too much. Every day a steady stream of cash flows from Otis into their pockets. In the past, the mayor did not intend to leave because of the many interests involved, but he watched Nami Lindes embark on a path of decline. The mayor suddenly raised his mind to run for governor.

Running for governor requires money. Only a lot of money can buy all the important people. Only those members of the state legislature can vote for themselves. Only then can more posters be put on the streets. Only after having a lot of money can they use money to attract people from all walks of life, and in the next election year, tick the option that belongs to the mayor.

It is good to collect more funds for yourself, and at the same time to fight against an opponent who has damaged the mayor for twenty-two years.

After the former secretary left with all the accumulated coins, Louis also put on his coat. He didn't like the former secretary in his mouth, but he knew that this person represented the meaning of his own father. He had to return to those who used fake tokens to see if there were any problems.

At night, he found a phone booth in cold sweat and made a call to the former secretary.

"Coast's whole family is missing. Some people said that they saw their whole family being picked up in a car heading to Otis, but they haven't returned yet. He hasn't called the company, will he ... ... "

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