Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 502: Thief [2]

Lapuan lived here for three days with Mr. Tux. They discussed a lot of things, including personal opinions and positions. They have to say that they have almost the same hobbies and opinions. This is indeed a very pleasant one. Thing. Not only is someone happy that this person is affirming himself, but this person is also like himself. Mr. Tux feels that Mr. Lapuan is very appetite for himself and keeps persuading him to stay here for a few more days.

For three days, Lapuan flipped through Mr. Tux's study, and finally found a file in a safe in a safe. There are some documents related to the bonus distribution of the jewelry store and information about the company's composition. Rappian replaced these documents with some white paper and secretly packed the documents into his own bag. He wasn't hurting Tux, but helping him again. They may not have been together for a long time, but Lappian feels that Tux is a good man. He is very enthusiastic and polite, and he has never had the arrogance that often appears to the rich.

So Lapuan was helping him, first figure out what happened to Doulin, and then get him out of this case. Otherwise, if Tu Lin suddenly becomes unlucky one day in the future, Mr. Tux will definitely be involved. After all, he can't explain why a robber who robbed the bank's gold must cooperate with an ordinary jeweller and give it every year. Does he share a lot of dividends because he is a jeweller?

Perhaps some people will be greedy for the possessions in his hands, or they may simply want to increase the number of people involved to a larger number. In short, he is very dangerous.

"Man, I have to go tomorrow. I have some other things waiting for me to do. The next time I come here again, we will contact again." After tapping the back of Mr. Tux's hand, his eyes were a little straight, "Listen to me, protect yourself, this world is not peaceful!"

Mr. Tux had a good drink. He shrugged his shoulders only when the Mr. Lapuan was talking drunk. "Federal police are more responsible than imperial police, which is why I settle here. As long as I need it, no more than two minutes there will be a police car parked where I need help, this is the Federation! ", Talking about Mr. Tux, but persuading Lapuan," I suggest you if you can give up some In the case of things, it would be better to settle in the Federation, where you will find everything we have in this country is like the will of God. "

He twisted his fingers and made a count of money. "Money is everything here, and we are not short of money. Why not come to heaven?"

He is not wrong in saying that the role of federal money is far more than that of the empire. In a country composed of more than a dozen merchants, the status of businessmen and businesses is very high. Everyone is looking at money. You have to be rich to prove yourself. Even the classification in schools is mostly related to money. For example, the most popular subjects, teachers will tell students that after choosing this major, they can find good jobs and realize their own life value.

As for those less popular subjects, there are many, many fewer people. The reason why there are still people studying, the teacher told them, maybe our major will explode that day. As a minority, we will have others for years and decades. To be able to accumulate the salary level. Therefore, these "speculative students" choose these relatively unpopular professions.

The two drank a lot of wine, and they all walked a little up and down. Just when they were out, they passed by them alone, and there was such an instant collision. The man took a few steps to stop, apologized to them, and sought their forgiveness.

A gust of wind blew, and Lapu'an's head was awake a little, and he stunned, and immediately reached out and touched his jacket pocket—the wallet was gone.

His wallet is heavy. In addition to money and coins, there are small metal cards that outsiders can't understand. These small cards have many pinhole-sized holes. Some are keys, which are used to open the keys of some rooms or filing cabinets in the base, and some hold a lot of information. There is a machine in the base that can turn a large paragraph of text into such a small card, and it can be turned into text again just by plugging in that decryption machine.

He noticed Mr. Lapuan's abnormal behavior, and Mr. Tux's drunkenness also abated a lot. He immediately asked what happened, but before Lapuin answered, he realized that the man was a thief. Without the consent of Mr. Lapuan, he turned around and went back to the bar to call the police.

As he described, in less than a hundred seconds, a police vehicle with four police officers appeared in front of them.

These policemen do not have the power of the Imperial Police, they are more like talking passersby, which is also a function of money. Because this is a rich area, people who live here are either rich or expensive, not that they can offend small policemen.

"Excuse me ... who reported the police?" The policeman with the sheriff's badge on his chest asked politely, and Mr. Tux stood up.

"it's me."

"What happened here?"

Mr. Tuxes pointed to Mr. Lapu'an, who was almost completely awake, and said, "My friend's wallet was stolen by a guy in a yellow T-shirt about five minutes ago, and the clothes had a hat. "

As soon as the police were preparing to interrogate further, Lapuan suddenly inserted a sentence, "Forget it, there are only tens of dollars in the wallet, and there is nothing valuable, so it will not bother the police gentlemen to work hard at night." Identity itself is problematic. It's not that these little police officers will be able to discern his identity. Imperial intelligence personnel in the Federation have made his identity as perfect as possible. Just one more thing is not as good as one thing. Those cards can go back to declare and get a new one. Anyone here may not be able to unlock the password anyway.

I did not expect Mr. Tux to disagree, "My friend, you haven't received you very well when you came to me, and now I have lost your wallet, which makes me very guilty. Listen to me Yes, I believe the federal police are a very capable group of people who will help you get your wallet back, right? "He finally said this to the four police officers when he said" yes ".

As if the four police officers did not hear the threat implicit in Mr. Tuckers's words, they nodded one after another and said that they must be able to retrieve the **** thief, which may take two or three times. So they hope that they can register the owner's information so that they can send it to them later.

See how perfect the federal police service is.

Looking at Tux so resolutely, Lapu'an did not insist on his opposition. While cooperating with the police registration information, he looked in the direction of the thief leaving. He hoped that the thief could run farther and not be caught, otherwise the contents of the wallet might attract some people's attention. At the same time, he hopes that there is no such decoding machine on the federal side, so that there will not be many incidents.

After registering personal information, the sheriff asked with a smile, "Listen to your accent, it seems that you are not a local?" He almost said that Lapu'an was an empire, just considering that there have been more immigrants recently, in order to avoid Stimulating these rich people, he euphemistically expressed his doubts about Lapu's identity.

Lappian nodded. "Yes, I'm an empire. This time I'm here to do business with my friends. What's wrong? Does the federal government allow us to appear here?"

"No, you have misunderstood. If you are from the Empire, I hope you can relax and relax here. We have passionate girls and fragrant wines. I wish you a good time here!" In the bag, after saying goodbye to Mr. Tuckers, he drove out of the police car in the direction they had just pointed.

"They will be able to retrieve your wallet ~ ~ Tucks comforted him.

"Hope it!"

In the police car, Mr. Sheriff picked up the walkie-talkie to call the police station, and he gave some information that Lapuan told him to the police station, and asked the operator to immediately send this information to the information office for people to check the authenticity.

Qualified and able to take charge of public order and a series of issues in the rich area. Obviously, this requires strong ability and smart mind. When Lapu An said that, he immediately felt that this person might be something wrong. No one will lose their wallets and forget about it. If there is, then this person obviously has other important things to do, plus this Mr. Lapuan is from the empire, the sheriff suspects he may be a spy.

At his level, you can understand things that ordinary people do n’t know, such as spy battles between the Empire and the Commonwealth. Both sides ambush a large number of spies, snoop and steal important information, and even participate in assassinations.

The police car stopped at the side of the road after turning for several hundred meters. The sheriff called the phone of the leader of the largest burglar gang nearby and spoke out the images of the thieves in the description of the two rich men. May cooperate to find the person, and then take the wallet to the police station.

This is no longer as simple as losing a wallet!

The next morning, Du Lin made a phone call from the federal government. The phone call was short and the content was not much. There was only one name and one address. After hanging up the phone, Durin called Airlis, asking him to explore the road at this address, and not to alarm anyone at this address.

Who is the one?

Du Lin folded his hands, his thumb rested on his chin, his forefinger staring at the bridge of his nose and squeezing slowly, countless figures flashed in his deep eyes.


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