Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 503: Borrowing Fire [1]

"Is there any brother or sister in Anpu, or a teacher or classmate who has a very good relationship?" Du Lin was trapped in the sofa. He raised his hands and raised his fingers. "Or the men and women who like him, he likes Men and women or something? "

After thinking about it, Du Lin thinks that the only person who might follow him is An Pu's "relatives". Of course, it may also be classmates, partners, masters and apprentices, and even opponents. At that time, Du Lin's position in the imperial capital caused many people who had suffered economic losses to spontaneously stand outside several official departments to demonstrate. In the face of turbulent public opinion, the top of the empire pushed one, pushed Anp into the trap, Can't get up.

When Du Lin did these things, his hands and feet were very clean, but no matter how clean the way of doing things, it was impossible for people not to "guess". Idealism is a terrible thing. I think you are a bad person and you must be a bad person. Maybe some people think that it is Du Lin that caused all this, so he hated Du Lin, so he ignored that in fact Du Lin has been defending himself. What really killed An Pu was the deputy minister who recommended him, and he Perseverance.

Perhaps this mysterious man, in order to avenge Anpu, for whatever reason, he started to trace himself along Anpu's plan. Although knowing that this would not affect him too much, it was still something that bothered Du Lin. It's like a mosquito always flying around him, occasionally buzzing to show his existence. Du Lin can slap the mosquito with one slap, but he may miss a nest of mosquitoes behind the mosquito, which is annoying.

If this person can be found, it will be very important for Du Lin to find out if the investigation against him is a personal act or an organized or unofficial official or unofficial act.

As the expansion of capital forces activated the "autonomous thinking" of imperial citizens, the emergence of women's rights was only a result of a long-term accumulation. Trade union organizations in various walks of life and more uninformed civilian forces are continuously accumulating power. The presence of these people represents the progress of society, and it also represents that the society will move towards a less transparent "transparent society". People's requirements for the social environment will gradually increase, which is actually not a good thing for Du Lin.

Many people will stand up against some emotions and then force the authorities to make concessions.

Coupled with the empire's constant formation of new departments to curb all kinds of organized crime, Doulin has a sense of urgency. He believes that he has already put a name on these departments. What he lacks now is just a suitable time. , A suitable opportunity.

The more we are in this situation, the more we have to figure out who is a friend and who is an enemy.

It was impossible for Kevin to think that Doolin had so many thoughts in just a few seconds. He shrugged after thinking for a moment, "As far as I know, Amp is not a group person, he always behaves with others. It ’s not the same, it can be said to be aloof. No matter whether in the early years of study or later in the work, this guy is not flattering ... "

Anpu was also considered a super school when he was studying at the Royal College, and all subjects were excellent. He devoted almost all his personal time to studying, and was relatively indifferent to the feelings of the people around him. This made other classmates feel that he was not a good person. At the same time, some talented classmates thought that Anpu was despised A manifestation.

Especially after the war broke out, when the students of the Royal College discussed the trend of the war and discussed how to defeat the enemy, at the party of the student union, Anpu announced that he had joined the army and rushed to the front to protect himself. Fight for the nation. It's like a group of young people playing the savior on their mouths, while An Pu gave a mouth to beat them all, so he has no good friends and he can't have any good friends.

Those people hate him before it's too late, how could they be friends with such mindless people?

As for work, the problem became big. After returning with the medal of war and credit, Captain Amp resolutely chose to retire, becoming a prosecutor, and in a more humiliating way, the prosecutor system of the entire state was lost Make a face.

It seems that he is constantly cracking down on the old cases to give prosecutors a face, but people actually compare him with other prosecutors. In the simplest case, Anpu cracked a serial case of perverted homicide. The case spanned seventeen years from the first case to the murderer's arrest. In the seventeen years, the imperial prosecutors defeated this perverted murderer again and again, but were caught by Anpu not so difficult.

In addition to proving that Anpu is very powerful, he also proved the incompetence of other prosecutors from the side. The more cases An Pu cracked, the more illegitimate he was. In addition to his own academic temperament, his superiors smiled at him on the surface, but they greeted him and his family warmly.

Du Lin heard Amp for the first time. In a sigh of excitement, Kevin finished his life resume, and he knew his opponent very well. Because they are opponents, one day they will fight face to face in the courtroom. It doesn't hurt to know more.

"He's a good person, but he stood in the wrong place!" Du Lin summed up for An Pu, "You know him so well, check to see if anyone has a very good relationship with him, so good The point of revenge for him. "

Kevin looked at Du Lin with a smile and said, "Look, I know what to do, one day you will talk to me with this commanding tone. Hell! Are we not friends, are we subordinates? I remember us Say okay I won't call you boss! "

"I have to correct you. There is no connection whatsoever between how we call me and our relationship. Another point is that we used to be friends and now are family members! Kevin, you are my first non-Tener family, I I cherish this, I hope you too! "

After listening for a moment, Kevin didn't know what came to mind, "Should I run my nose and tears now? Okay, okay, I know, please don't touch me with such nasty words, I You can feel disgusted if you can't control it! ", His mouth slightly tilted, and he stood up with a crutch." Three days, wait for my news! "

Allis, who was exploring the news, was sitting at a barbecue restaurant on the side of the road, eating barbecue, but his eyes focused on the two people across the road, the two have been wandering outside the address Du Lin gave him. Erlis is not sure what these two people do, but he will never be the same person as himself. They may be to protect the bodyguard of the family named Mr. Lapuan, or it may be someone from other forces who have interfered with his work.

Airlis is very serious. It can be said that he is an upright young man. No matter what task Du Lin tells him, he will do his best to complete it, so sometimes there is some lack of flexibility. Originally, he saw a simple job in Doolin, but because of some other things, there were some small accidents, so that Ellis thought that he would not be able to inquire quietly if he did not take the two men away. Mr. Pouan's address and family situation.

After eating, Ellis found the local fraternity church and borrowed several people to come out.

When night replaced daylight, pedestrians on the streets became scarce. The weather has become colder, and the wind blowing in the empty streets at night will make people even colder.

Two young people in their twenties were sitting in a kebab shop. They asked for a charcoal fire and an oven and grilled and eaten by the side of the oven. This will fill the stomach and bring a touch of toaster. The warmth dispelled the chill in their bodies.

These two people have already made two laps here. They learned from the side of the road that they were buying and selling or neighbours ~ ~ Mr. Lapuan exists. He is a salesperson. Sales promotion at a steel mill. Some people have some envy when talking about Mr. Lapu'an. Mr. Lapu's is very paid, because he can say that he can sell a large amount of steel every month.

It is said that they plan to change houses next year to buy a better house on the fringe of Shangcheng District.

This information can only prove the existence of a "name" and related information under this name. As for how to judge the specific content, they need to go in before they can draw a final conclusion.

From the details, such as the location of the photos, the contents of the hangings at home and so on.

The reason they never went in was that Mr. Lapuan's wife and two children were at home. They will go to school and work after tomorrow Monday, so there is enough time for them to explore the truth.

At this time, three or four young people poured into the empty barbecue restaurant. They sat aside and whined for the barbecue. One of the guys took a sip of cigarettes and stunned, then came over.

"Hey, friend, can you borrow a fire?"

The two looked at the young man who came to borrow money from the fire. He looked very kind and had a silly smile on his face, which seemed harmless.

One of them took out the lighter and put it on the table. The young man said thank you, then took the lighter in his hand, and tossed for a long time without hitting it. Looking at him a little awkwardly, one of them held out his hand, "I'll hit you!"

"Sorry, I haven't used such high-end things!", The young man handed over the lighter, "I have to say thank you, thank you very much."

The moment they touched their hands, a huge force pulled them up ...

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