Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 554: Double [one]

Obviously, Dulin was not joking. He always did this. He believed that bullets were more binding than language, morality, integrity, and dreams, because human life was only once and fragile.

Nasha smiled and said nothing. She took a spoon and stirred the opening mushroom soup just sent. The rich milky aroma combined with the scent of mushrooms and corn exuded a charming taste. She knew Du Lin wasn't joking, but now she needed some help, and she had nothing left. Although up to now, Nasha has no idea why her grandfather, John, spent a lot of money to get the circuit to his siblings without giving her this lineage. The only thing she can do now is The two tape companies are doing well.

In order to ensure clear readability and higher recognition, another company has been renamed "Star Empire Media Company" to face the pressure of more and more investors focusing on the tape market. According to the financial report of the last quarter of last year, the quarterly earnings of the two companies have increased significantly compared to the third quarter. Excluding various expenses and costs from the total revenue of the tape, the net profit was 270,000.

This number doesn't seem to be much, but the profit brought by value-added services is far more profitable than the pure tape business. The net profit brought about by advertisements and some special programs is about 620,000, and the total revenue in the first quarter is close to the one million mark. The management of the two sides met a year ago and held a meeting. At this meeting, everyone thought that these revenues would increase more significantly in the new year, and also face more challenges.

This is only a good side, so naturally there are also bad sides. There are currently 17 tape media companies in the entire Empire. Some are looking for innovation and want to break through the current mainstream content. However, some companies have given up independent innovation and copied the content of Empire Star. If you cannot continue to lead the content during the year, you may encounter failure.

At the same time, the tree of the George family was lost, and there was some impetuous atmosphere on the top of the company on both sides, and some executives had the idea of ​​leaving the company. They were able to be summoned by Nasa to be her subordinate, not because she had the ability to subdue others, such as her outstanding ability, but because she was leaning against the big tree of the George family behind her. Now that the tree is down, there are so many challenges and so much pressure, it is obviously normal to want to leave.

Not everyone is seeking to challenge themselves to push the limits, and some people just want a stable life.

Regardless of the personnel changes on either side of the high-level, it is very likely that a tsunami will sweep through the two companies. This is something that Nasha absolutely does not want to see. She also needs to rely on these two companies to restore the glory of the George family. So she wanted to ask Du Lin what to do to manage her industry efficiently, but it was clear that Du Lin's answer made it impossible for her to continue the topic.

She couldn't do it. If she could do it, she wouldn't meet Du Lin.

She quickly changed her subject, looking at the deserted street outside the window, and asked, "Where do you think the future lies?"

"Future?" Du Lin shook his napkin off the neckline, picked up a spoon and scooped a spoonful of rich mushroom soup, "If I were you, I would pack and sell the two companies to those waving cheques wanting to enter this Upstarts in the industry, they will offer you a satisfactory price for these two companies that are operating well and have a high share. Then take this money and find some solid investment to run a small business that will not hurt the foundation. Business, or simply finding someone to marry wealthy to spend this life, this is the future. "

"Aren't you optimistic about me?", Nasha put down her spoon and showed a serious look. She was a little angry. She didn't like Du Lin's statement and "goodwill" towards her, and could not help but retort: ​​"If this year Our business situation can be improved steadily. As long as we can continue to operate, we will be listed on the exchange next year. At that time, we will have more money to develop the market and compete with other companies. Maybe we will become The dominant party in this field. "

Du Lin nodded seriously, "then do what you say!"

He was very disdainful, and Nasha could see the careless figure in his eyes. Why?

Of course, the advent of cable television will inevitably eliminate tape, a medium that has fallen behind just a few years after its emergence. Newer, faster, more, and more accurate cable television can destroy all tape companies as soon as they appear. Rather than paying a hundred dollars a month for a ten-day renewal tape, cable TV can see new content anytime, anywhere, and media that does n’t need to pay more for this is the real thing Mainstream.

Even in the dream world of Du Lin Dream, which has a magical world called the Internet, countless traditional media media have been killed by the Internet. Only the cable TV can develop healthily, and in some fields, it can even come with the Internet. I'm going to fight.

It can be seen that the value and potential of cable TV can be said to be endless. Before the emergence of the Internet, it definitely had a dominant position.

But he wouldn't say explicitly that Mr. John and Mr. Mark were very disappointed at first, so he dug a pit to make the giant fall, and then other giants pushed him down the abyss. He did not get all the wealth of the George family, but now he has been very satisfied with what he has eaten. He wouldn't give Nasha for any reason, or give the George family a chance to turn around, that would be a stupid thing.

Du Lin no longer speaks to Nasha's complex mood that is a bit difficult to describe. She wants to know, but does not want to ask Du Lin. She can only use this mood for a lunch that is not rich.

During the meal, Nasa asked Du Lin about the media company's attention and the new open source port. In this regard, Du Lin did not mind telling her thoughts, the more brilliant the doomed failure before the failure, the more it can reflect the value and significance of the new era. Just like fireworks, people will always remember the most brilliant one, never thinking about how much money has disappeared in this beautiful scenery.

After dinner, Nasha invited Du Lin to go to the company for a lap. Du Lin was idle, and after considering it, she agreed to Na Sha's request. In fact, Nasha's purpose is to do this. She may not be able to do what Dulin says "disobey the rules and die." But she can use Dulin's prestige to make some speculative people temporarily quiet. Come down. She doesn't need this false tranquility to last long, just one year, one year.

After this year's financial report comes out, she will submit it to several well-known financial audit companies on Sherry Street for review, and then actively seek a listing. Once any one is successfully listed, the other one can follow suit. With two listed companies and strong financial strength, Nasha is confident that it can win all the next wars in this field.

The first time Du Lin appeared on the Empire Star, many people have forgotten the job in hand. The chances of the old owner and the new owner appearing at the same time are rare, especially they all know that Du Lin is in this tape company. How much effort was devoted, almost every project was proposed and perfected by him, but in the end he didn't know what was sold to Nasa. Under such circumstances, the two people can appear together, it seems that no quarrel has occurred, it is really shocking!

As for some people in the management team, when they heard the news, they did not show the curiosity of ordinary employees outside the door, but they looked a little dignified. As the mainstay of the society, the middle and high-income class, they know more about what role Du Lin played in the downfall of the Georges than those of a few people and a dozen people who squeezed into an office. Overtakes the orthodox heir of the Georges, Nasha.

If these two people can shake hands and make peace, even on the surface, the pressure on these people will be great ~ ~ There must be new weather in the new year, and many old employees see the old and the new The two bosses appeared together and had greater expectations for the new year. Of course, in the new year, some people are not happy, such as Mr. Anpu under the pseudonym Lapuan.

After a call from Magus, Anna finally got the whereabouts of Mr. Amp, who had lost contact with her. She would definitely not go to the Federation. She would go to the special commissioner of the Imperial Intelligence Agency (Ministry) and the people of the Imperial Foreign Ministry.

In fact, this kind of thing has always happened in the past, and the latent intelligence personnel have been caught. Almost 99% of the intelligence personnel will eventually be shot secretly after confirming that they can no longer squeeze any value after a series of inhumane trials. Regardless of the Empire or the Federation, these people are like a transparent person, without any trace of their existence in this world.

If it wasn't for Du Lin to say a few words this time, it might be the fate of An Pu. When the interrogation is meaningless, he may be killed by a bullet and then become a fertilizer for a certain place. It will be a long time in the future. Moisturizing that land and the plants that live on it for a while.

Fortunately, he is safe now.

Seeing once again the faint sunlight, An Pu raised his hand to block the unglare light. He was held in a small room with no fingers for a month, except for occasionally being tortured by those interrogators for a while. He can be said to have been abandoned and placed on the first processing list in mid-January.

Fortunately, God visited him again and gave him another chance.

There was no exciting handover ceremony, nor any touching speech. The whole process was like a silent mime. He was put on a black hood in the base, and appeared in a navy when he took it off. Inside the military harbor.

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