Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 555: Loser [2]

At the moment Amp was about to ascend the ramp, a naval sergeant read him and several other intelligence agents read the federal deportation order and told them that from this moment they would not be allowed on the federal land Otherwise, federal soldiers have the power to kill them directly.

In fact, this is just a cut-scene. With such a large territory and relatively few border soldiers, it is as simple as breathing to send an expelled person into the federation with the empire's counterfeiting ability. After reading out, Anpu was allowed to board the ship and leave.

After the warship left the Federal Army Port for some time, a blond-haired diplomat entered the rest room. He watched expressionlessly as these imperial intelligence personnel had just been released, and his mood was a little complicated.

In order to exchange these "heroes" this time, the empire exchanged a batch of captured federal spies as chips, which is a very dangerous thing in itself. From the day an intelligence officer started learning how to become a qualified intelligence officer, they have a lot of skills, and even some people have very special talents. These people have many rare opportunities in the process of being interrogated to get news that is not available through regular channels. In fact, on the contrary, it means that they have heard a lot of news from the interrogation. Once they return to the Federation, they will expose the accent of the intelligence officers who arrested them and the intelligence base at the first time.

This is a serious threat to the internal staff in the empire, but the General Directorate of Intelligence and the Cabinet have determined this matter, and there is no room for recovery. I just hope that these returned intelligence personnel can provide the same amount of information to provide some Valuable information has made it possible for intelligence personnel who have not been arrested within the Federation to escape a disaster.

"I am very honored to take the heroes home on behalf of the imperial family and cabinet, and say sorry for the torture and pain you have suffered during this time." The intelligence personnel who were bruised all around looked straight at him and wanted to see See if this guy can say something different.

In addition to being able to become an intelligence officer, in addition to having sufficient talent and learning abilities, they also need to be sufficiently smart. This is true for several people here, so they appear more realistic than themselves, especially suffering After miserable torture. Their current personal information has been learned by the entire federal intelligence service, which means that their next life will say goodbye to the past, but not necessarily the future.

If they are better, they may be converted into back-office personnel, but because their looks will be repeatedly remembered by every federal intelligence officer who has penetrated the empire, the front-line back-office personnel must not be able to do so, and can only be used as auxiliary Work, such as interrogation.

If the empire does not plan to put them in the back office, they will be placed in a factory to become workers, or to be a humble clerk of a company, and then, like many ordinary people, struggle for life and family. All glory and experiences of the past are like an illusory journey. They cannot tell anyone or let anyone know what they have done before.

"In the next period of time, you will have plenty of time to heal your injuries. The Empire will arrange the best doctors to do your best for your health. We are home and there is nothing to worry about!" The diplomat nodded and turned around. He was about to leave, but an intelligence officer stopped him.

"My Excellency, you haven't said how the empire intends to arrange our next work and life. This is very important to us!" The talking guy was covered with bandages, and even one eye was missing. In the process, those in the Federation pierced his eyes with a steel drill. In order to avoid being infected and dying prematurely, they also cared for his eyeball removal surgery, and the cleaned wounds did not let him die too soon.

The diplomat took a step, turned and looked at him, and pursed his lips and said, "This is not my responsibility, but rest assured that future life will not become a burden on you!"

The guy who lost an eyeball suddenly stood up. If it was not for the back of the chair in front of him, he might have fallen. Only then did Amp notice that his left leg was below the knee, and was also sawn alive during the interrogation.

He was a little emotional, his only eyes were red, and he waved his arms and said loudly, "Do you want to eliminate us? This is unfair, sir, we have paid so much for the empire, shouldn't be abandoned? Even let me do it An instructor is all right, and you should know that I have never said a truth! "

The diplomat shook his head leaning on his waist. "Sir, you may not have understood that we have not abandoned anyone. It is just that your situation is not suitable for high-intensity work, so we follow your specialties for you in your middle school in your hometown. I have arranged a job for a teacher. You can teach a group of good people, and you will have a peaceful life, isn't it good? "

In fact, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the General Intelligence Bureau had never considered the exchange of prisoners at all, so arrangements for these people naturally did not exist. After considering some issues, the General Intelligence Agency made a final decision to "retire" them. This decision is actually not so easy to make, at least it is not the worst option.

But this one-eyed "hero" doesn't think so. He wants to be closer to His Excellency the Diplomat. By the way, His Excellency is also an intelligence officer, but his level is higher and his role More special, so he was given a special status as a diplomat, allowing him to have diplomatic immunity.

"It's not fair. We have paid so much for the country. You are not eligible ..."

Before he finished speaking, the expression of the diplomat changed slightly, and he interrupted his expression with a cold face, "Please pay attention to your previous identity, sir. I do not call you heroes because you are really heroes. Compared to other colleagues who are searching for important information within the Federation, you are a loser and a captive. We cannot identify whether you have been bought by the Federation as a double-sided spy, so this is already the best deal for you. Result. If you do this again, you know what you will face! "

The one-eyed man froze immediately, and the excited expression on his face became stiff and unnatural. He also realized the identity of the diplomat and his colleague, otherwise he would not know so much. All arrested intelligence personnel who return to the empire to meet them are definitely not flowers and praise, but will be included in the anti-spyware program. During the next three months, there will be no uninterrupted interrogation of him by unknown batches of interrogation experts.

The results of these interrogations will eventually come together to identify whether the intelligence officer has become aberrant. If in doubt or uncertain, then proceed as an apostate, as it is better to die in the federal territory. Even if all the interrogation results are unanimously affirmed, it is very likely that they will return to society and become one of the sentient beings.

We all admire and respect the intelligence personnel who seem to have no slack mouth after the fall, but want to get a new appointment?

That's impossible, because this particular profession doesn't need losers!

Even among the numerous departments of the General Intelligence Agency, there is an organization dedicated to monitoring these "former spies" who have returned to ordinary life in case of some changes. As long as they are sure that these people may do things that endanger the empire, with the verbal approval of their superiors, they have the right to immediately kill these former spies who know many insiders.

The silence of Mr. One Eye eased the expression of the diplomat a lot, he said in a deep voice, "You don't need to worry about your future life. After you go back this time, you will all be treated as normal retirement. The pension will not be less. At the same time, there will be additional benefits ~ ~ Just when all this is a nightmare, and your dreams are awake! "After he finished, he shook his head and left the rest room, leaving only one by one Weak intelligence personnel.

The depressed atmosphere continued until they returned to the empire, and these talents were slightly relieved when they stepped on the land of the empire. Anp came to pick up Anna. Because Anp's identity and work did not involve intelligence work, he was the only exception to this group.

When sitting in the car, An Pu's gaze stayed on those people, until the car drove far away, he couldn't see those talents to take his eyes back. Silently sighed, maybe this is the unchangeable destiny, and the ridiculous joke of the goddess of fate?

It ’s so sad and ridiculous to have given the most precious youth to the empire, and went to the most dangerous places to do the most important work. No matter what the reason is, after being trapped and rescued, you ca n’t get the empire ’s trust.

Anna felt that An Pu's mood was very low. The other half of the cold mask had no expression at all. "You pity them?" An Pu nodded, and Anna snorted softly, looking out of the car. "Actually They have received a lot of tolerance and understanding, so they are the luckiest one. A qualified intelligence officer can only return to the land of the empire when the honor is harvested. Otherwise, the mission is interrupted for any reason. It's a shame to be here! "

"For your identity, the empire has arranged at least thirty people to make your identity more full. As for them, there will be more manpower and material resources to cover up their identity for them, and in the process, some people will even actively expose The enemy's skeptical eyes were taken away from them, protecting them by sacrificing themselves, and providing them with the greatest protection and assistance in completing their tasks. "

"But they failed. They should die outside, not come back!"

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