Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 556: untitled

Anna's statement does not make Amp much comfortable, but he is also very clear that he is not a person on this front, so he doesn't know much about the things inside, and soon he shuts his mouth and no longer discusses this. Anything related.

The car kept moving forward, and Anna asked after a while: "Why were you caught by them? I remember that you didn't arrange any tasks for you while you were on vacation, as long as you didn't go to some military restricted areas or approach some important people, The other person can't find you! "

An Pu grinned and smiled silently, "I drank some wine, my wallet was stolen, and then I said something wrong." He rubbed his hair washed on the boat and sighed, "This one I blame myself for not drinking anymore. "

Anna responded, didn't speak, and after a while, she said again, "Do you think this has anything to do with that Mr. Tux? Could it be that he doubted your identity and reported you to Got a police station? "

Amp shook his head. "He doesn't know my true identity, and we are very happy with each other. He should have no problem. But this time is actually beneficial, at least I have an excuse to take Mr. Tux from the Commonwealth. Please come back, as long as he returns to the empire, we will have a way to let him meet Du Lin, or arrange some other work, let him take the initiative to discover what, and then cooperate with us to win Du Lin. "

"By the way, I remember you said you were going to visit Du Lin's hometown, did you go?" Anna nodded her head, and Amp suddenly became interested. "Is there any important discovery?"

"No!" Anna, with only half of her face left, didn't look very good. "I didn't see anyone I knew. It may be because of time that their appearance has changed. Some people have been wearing masks before. , I have never seen their true colors. After the next mission is over, I plan to go to the Tennell Regional Police Department to check the files. There should be some past information there, before their appearance has not changed. information."

Anna ’s trip to the town of Alfalfa can be said to have been a great failure. She did n’t find anything critical to determine if the members of the Scarlet Dawn organization lived there. Instead, she may be shocked. She can only hope that these people are old. When I grow up, I don't react as quickly as I used to. The only thing that made her feel that there was something wrong with the town of alfalfa was the heavy firefighters that had appeared around Du Lin.

She was too familiar with that gun, the weapon of the organization's most powerful sharpshooter, Rayton, from a duke's collection. Of course, Anna has not seen who is using the gun beside Du Lin, but she just has a feeling, a sixth sense that belongs to a woman. The trace of heavy weapon use left in some crime scenes must be that No doubt about guns.

At present, the standard weapons of the Empire do not have heavy weapons that can be used by one person. At least a weapon base is required to function. In her entire memory, only the dragon hunting gun can be carried around and cause Damage like heavy weapons.

That gun is not an antique, it is actually a modern work, but the drawings come from the Origin Period. A handwritten note was found with that drawing. The handwritten note described the origin and process of the design drawing. There should indeed be a "dragon" in the world at that time, and this drawing and this gun were designed to destroy the dragon at the top of the food chain.

It was only because the original craftsmanship and metallurgical level could not meet the needs of manufacturing dragon hunting rifles, so no similar weapons were found in the known relics. This drawing finally fell into the hands of the Duke. The Duke thought the weapon was very interesting, so he consumed about 17 million gold coins before he collected enough materials and modified the data on the original design. Only now has this gun.

This gun is definitely an important clue, which is why Anna rescued Amp from prison. Not only does she need Amp's clever mind, but because this matter has an unclear relationship with Dulin, she hopes that if Amp has the opportunity to send Dulin to the gallows, it will most likely make her original blood color. Dawn's soul figure appears again.

Catching that guy has always been Anna ’s longing. If you do n’t catch this person who has taken off half of her face, she wo n’t sleep peacefully in this life. The tearing pain on her face and the general feeling of ants gnawing. She will always entangle her, even if he goes to **** after death, she must find that person!

The quiet car quickly disappeared into the crowded traffic and could not attract anyone's attention.

On the other hand, as soon as the eighth district started to operate as a whole, two shooting teams have entered the eighth district and started to take snow scenes, which relieved many of the local middle class in Irian. It is clear that the tourism industry has gone downhill from what people have speculated, but if the eighth district can operate as normal as the city hall said, it will be enough to make up for the pressure brought by the sluggish tourism market before the winter break.

"Want to borrow my manor?" Du Lin fumbled to answer the phone. Carter transferred two young girls and six boys from the Association to obey Du Lin's orders. The call was taken from the outside. Suddenly someone told Du Lin that he wanted to rent his manor. Du Lin really couldn't respond. "No, I'm sorry, my manor is not for rent or sale." He just hung up.

When he got up, he glanced at the wall clock on the wall. Now it was more than ten. He patted his forehead and turned off the bed. He took a hot bath and changed into new clothes before he hurried down the stairs. He and Albert made an appointment to meet at nine this morning, and it's been too impolite to miss more than an hour now.

Fortunately, after he went downstairs, he saw Albert sitting in the living room watching the TV boringly. When he heard the footsteps, he immediately got up, and Du Lin waved at him halfway up the stairs. "Go to my study Come talk. "

After the two entered the study, Du Lin asked a girl to bring them some pastries and light tea and closed the door. This time, because of the New Year, Albert was able to return from the federal side. He usually lives The Federation is busy with Doolin's grand plan. At this time, Albert has a more distinguished temperament than the salesman who sells to him every morning. Exquisite formal clothes and qualified accessories make him look like a big man in high society, and he is no longer a humble salesman.

"Looks pretty good over there!", Du Lin picked up a piece of dried jerky with honey and stuffed it into his mouth. In the past, this was a food that only nobles were entitled to enjoy. Those chefs sliced ​​the beef into thin slices and marinated them with spices for a while, dried them naturally, then baked them, and applied a layer of honey when eating, which tasted great.

Albert was a little excited, and he kept shaking his head. "Boss, I'm just a salesman without you. I'm very fortunate to know you, and thank you very much for giving me this opportunity!"

Du Lin smiled, "Success does not turn out to be lazy, it is precisely because you appear in front of me on time every morning, so your efforts have moved me. It is not that I have given you the opportunity, but that you have won yourself. Opportunity ... Okay, no more touting each other, tell me something that interests me. "

Albert was given a very important task by Doolin. This is the second "outsider" who has entered Dorian's core circle after that **** lawyer. The reason why he uses him is that in addition to this person being well controlled, he also has Smart enough to know what is yours and what is not yours. Of course, trust is a very cheap thing, so outside of Albert and his team, there are more people who do not know each other to execute his plan according to Durin's requirements, and even monitor these people .

Albert sorted out his mood, and then told Dulin the results of his work during this time ~ ~ everything went very smoothly, we easily completed the first step of your account, the federal People's recognition of capital and the media is much higher than that of the empire. Everyone believes that what rich people say, even if the rich people say that **** can be eaten or sweet, there may be someone who eats shit. So we have hardly encountered any obstacles, and the local town hall and people from all walks of life also welcomed us. "

"The first month I spent almost every day in entertainment, they were afraid I would not look down on their city, their mayor even appeared to chat with me, telling me the benefits if we settled in them , Including policy and financial support ... "

"You're talking to a mayor now!", Du Lin handed him a cigarette, and he shook his hand when he didn't know what to say, "Well, keep talking ,I am very interested."

In this talk, I talked about two o'clock in the afternoon from more than ten o'clock. The girl came to ask twice whether to have a meal and was rejected by Dulin. There was no more important thing than Albert ’s more detailed information. Can only be ranked last.

Albert was finally relieved after he had said all that should be said. In fact, he still had many questions in his heart, but he knew his "identity" and could be confused, but when Durin didn't mention it first, He couldn't ask.

Every day in this world, there are many people who die because they know too much inside information that they should not know. He doesn't want to be the next one.

After encouraging Albert and promising him some benefits, Doolin let him go back. Now he is not suitable for disappearing for a long time, after all, he can be regarded as a successful person.

After sending Albert away, Doolin ordered a ticket back to Otis, and he didn't want to sway on the sea.

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