Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 558: Accident [one]

"This year's snow is really not small. Last time I heard others say that it was caused by the gradual popularization of coal burning and gadolinium products. The place where we live was covered with a glass cover. If it gets taller and taller ... ", the worker in the worn-out cotton coat took out a match and talked about the hem of the cotton coat and scratched it on the dry waistband. A match sounded a little bit of smoke, and the match was lit.

They are holding their cigarettes in their hands. It won't be long before there is a bustling big city, but the consumption in that city is not what they can imagine, they still use a box of one hundred honestly. Five matches to light these cigarettes rolled up with the tobacco leaves you planted.

More than 20 people are sitting at the construction site in the eastern mountains. The support structure, like a huge tunnel, with wood and steel as the main body above the head, can well stop the stones falling from both sides of the canyon. Blasting is needed at times. Blasting will continuously crack both sides of the artificially opened canyon. Falling of large and small stones can easily hurt people. Therefore, in order to ensure the safety of workers and a stable working environment, They created an almost closed rectangular structure passage in the open canyon.

At this time, it was the turn of these workers to rest, and the joint construction company provided three times the daily settlement salary for these workers who did not return home for the New Year, until the end of January 15. This bonus is very attractive. Many people choose to stay. If it is done at the end of the month, it will be equivalent to one month's work and two months' salary. This is very attractive to the workers.

With a violent explosion, the rock walls on both sides of the gorge that had been flattened slightly vibrated, and a piece of cracked stone fell from above and hit the support, causing a slight distortion of the support.

This kind of thing happens many and many times every day. Everyone is accustomed to it. It won't be long before the construction machinery will clear the stones accumulated on the bracket to ensure that the weight on the bracket does not exceed the maximum bearing capacity of the bracket itself. Then these workers would climb out on the ladder to carry out engineering work on the cliff.

A dirty woman wearing a worn cotton coat and a hood was pushing in the dining car. In addition to some beef and wheat kernels, there were a lot of cheap spirits and some hot drinks. At the time of signing the contract, the city hall of Otis required basic guarantees, and they must provide workers with a place and food to heat in the winter.

The exhausted workers quietly retrieved their lunch boxes from the dining car, drinking hot bitter brushing water, and eating food in large mouths, which was the happiest time they felt every day . You don't need to work, you can fill your stomach and take a break. There is no better time than that.

There are forty or fifty similar breaks throughout the project, and each break in the mountain will create one such break. In addition to the vertical construction, there are also horizontal constructions that they need to do. Although the construction machinery is very powerful, not everything can be done.

As for the worker who wanted to show off a few things in his stomach, he lost the showy mind under the temptation of food. There was only the sound of swallowing in the quiet space.

Suddenly, a worker raised his head and looked back and forth, "Did you hear me? It sounds like something."

"What can there be?", The worker beside him muttered, "Hurry up and eat your food, and you can sleep for an hour after dinner. If you don't want to sleep, I will report the work laziness in the afternoon.", He It is the foreman of this project section. The main job is to lead everyone to carry out the construction of the stone walls on both sides of the gorge that have been blasted and slightly cleaned up. At the same time, record who did well and who did not.

The joint construction workers from the Federation are more aware of the role of the two special things of internal competitiveness and role models under the group effect than some capitalists of the empire. Three people each day in each section get an extra dollar reward, which is enough to stimulate Everyone's enthusiasm for work, especially after they have formulated more reward rules and punishment rules, everyone is working seriously, and few people choose to be lazy.

Every morning, engineers come to spray paint. The area where green paint is sprayed should be reinforced. The area where red paint is sprayed should be knocked out. The three groups of people are constantly cycling to work day and night, which has pushed the work process to the extreme.

At the beginning, the man was a little bit worried. He picked up the lunch box and walked to the support point for supporting the ceiling. The two men had a layer of iron wire and steel bar entangled with the thick wood, which not only possessed a certain degree of hardness, but also had sufficient shock resistance .

He had just walked into one of the support posts before it was time to look closely, and suddenly a piece of sawdust flew to his face, hurting his face, and he looked down and lay out in the lunch box. Wood chips, suddenly there is an unspeakable fear in the inner world that is spreading rapidly, like the restless animals before the earthquake and the birds that ran away before the storm.

The weird sound in his ear seemed to be a little louder, and a snoring sound, a piece of wood with a large palm falling out and flying against his body.

Suddenly he turned his head and looked into the dark depths like a tunnel. A breeze swept quickly, and a dull explosion came in the ears after two or three seconds! The lights hanging on the tunnel wall were dimmed a few times in a row, and everything that happened here was no different than five minutes ago, except for the flying debris.

At the same time, at the United Construction Corps headquarters in the Federation, a drunk engineer woke up from a hangover. When he opened the window and saw the heavy snow, he had just given birth to a language that wanted to praise and praise the snow scene. . The next second, a strong palpitation made him tremble. He immediately rushed to the phone next to the bed, dialed the dial with his trembling fingers, and called the phone to the Federal Institute of Meteorology.

"Is it snowing over the Empire?"

Answering him was a slightly magnetic middle-aged man's voice. The voice of the voice was still joking and said, "Don't you know the Ernell phenomenon? My answer is 'Yes', the Yaoxing Empire is in thunder North of Del has been covered by snow and ice, and there is still heavy snow or even blizzard in the central area. What's wrong? Do you have relatives over there? Ah, I forgot, your company is working there ... "

The engineer shuddered. He hung up the phone and quickly dialed the international telephone line transfer office. After about seven minutes, a busy tone sounded in the handset. He waited anxiously, waiting for five or six minutes before the phone was answered.

Without waiting for the other person to say anything, he almost growled and shouted: "Evacuate all the workers in the mountain operation immediately, immediately!"

A lot of things happened in this short time, but the worker standing in front of the pillar was not clear. The lunch box in his hands had fallen to the ground without knowing it. Weak steam while cooling quickly. The coworkers behind him stopped eating and looked at him strangely.

He stroked his hand gently on the pillar, turned his head sideways, and looked at the co-workers behind him. "I feel like this pillar can't bear it ..."

The next second, a cracking sound from beng was the sound of the steel wire being straightened sharply. A twisted steel fine suddenly burst from the top of the tunnel, whining and inserted at a strange angle. Hit his body, and shot from the side of the thigh, stuck in the ground. The steel bar didn't let him fall immediately, and he didn't even feel the pain. He lowered his head and touched his unconscious half body, then glanced at the steel bar that had pierced his thigh and exposed.

Everyone was shocked by the sudden sudden change. They stood up and rushed to him in horror, and some people rushed towards the alarm bell on the cliff, but more steel bars shot down from the ceiling in the sound of constantly twisting and bursting sounds. The wooden part of the pillar began to show obvious fractures, and the steel bars and wires were twisting and wailing.

A layer of shadow covers everyone's mind ~ ~ Everyone's first action is to look at the tunnel mouth like a needle in the distance, and then run away!

After the appearance of a sound not weaker than the blast, the latest seismometer in the research team of the Imperial Research Institute of Earthquake Research found that a small-scale earthquake occurred in the southeast of the Empire, the intensity was not high, and there was no sense of earthquake. Therefore, the researcher in charge at this time only recorded the incident in the notebook used for daily information collection, and did not report to the superior.

Fifteen minutes later, Du Lin, who was chatting with the local celebrity and businessman who came to visit him, pleaded guilty, stood up, walked aside, and answered the phone. It took only a few seconds for his face to change from a smile to a gloomy horror. After a while, he hung up the phone and walked to the center of the room. "Sorry, gentlemen and ladies, I encountered something very urgent, I need to go back to Otis. I'm very sorry for this, and I solemnly invite everyone to come to Otis if they have time. "


As he walked outwards, he asked Jose to call Thomas and ask him to send a speedboat to see him at Otis. This time something happened!

The engineering subsidiary collapsed completely, at least not less than 700 people were buried in the canyon. It is possible that this number will be increased a bit, because some temporary workers came in the new year's salary increase, and they were not registered on the workers list. in.

Du Lin did not believe that those people were waiting for rescue. There is no doubt that the vast majority of these people should have died. Suddenly, more than a thousand people may have died. This is definitely the worst security in the history of the Empire. accident!

He must arrive at the scene as soon as possible! I want to talk with more like-minded people about "Xima Empire", WeChat follow "Hot Web Article or rdww444" and talk with more book friends about favorite books

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