Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 559: Treatment [two]

Magus, who is working with his old friends Barr and afternoon tea, picked up a handkerchief and dipped the tea in his mouth. He was still very happy, after all, the new year only started for a few days. At noon, he went to the Royal Palace with Barr to meet His Majesty the Emperor and the princes and princesses, and stayed in the Palace for a meal.

The emperor did not like him, that is, this guy, Magus, let the emperor lose the power in his hands, but the problem is that it is no longer the royal family that is the master, but the New Party. So in order to maintain what the royal family still has, His Majesty the Emperor had to make a good relationship with Magus and offered him a meal in his splendid restaurant.

Although he has also eaten in the past, after all, Magus is also a marquis. After the royal family killed almost all the dukes and all the non-royal princes, the marquis was already the largest aristocracy. What's wrong with going to the palace to accompany the emperor several times? This is normal behavior.

His butler knocked on the door, and the conversation between Magus and Barr stopped, both of them were a little stunned and dignified. Under normal circumstances, Magus's housekeeper will not bother them, unless something big happens.

"Come in!", Magus sat back a little, and with his legs tilted, he stretched out his hands and flipped off the sesame seeds pastry scum on his trousers, and then watched the incoming housekeeper with all his spare time.

The steward greeted the two and said, "The accident at the engineering site in the eastern mountain range of Otis has just caused the collapse of the already opened canyon. About 1,100 workers and related management personnel were buried inside. District asked if they would organize some people to rescue them. "

The focus of this sentence is not how many people have died, but that I want to dispatch in the warning area in the second half of the sentence. The guard zone is the last line of defense of the Imperial City against invasion by external forces. It contains the First Imperial Guard Corps, which was formerly the Iron Knight Corps. Of course, this army group has never been a direct force of the Royal Family. They belong to the New Guard Party, a group of core nobles directly under the United Guards, the total number has been maintained at about 50,000.

This unit is not only the last firewall of the imperial capital, but also a sharp blade for suppressing and deterring the old party aristocracy in the north. It is also a cage for the royal family not to come out and run around. Now this is very important. You should n’t take the initiative to do something in the warning zone. You have to move before the Cabinet ’s order. There must be some other reason.

After Magus let the housekeeper go out, he smiled again. He smiled and said to Barr, "Dulin is in trouble!"

Yes, Du Lin is in trouble. What military foundation he has made is a trouble. No one in politics will come forward to attack Du Lin with this incident, because the Army is still very obedient. If even this small matter is to be brought online, it will definitely hit the Army ’s emotions and create unpredictable danger. So Du Lin may feel that no one deals with him in this matter because others don't know or care about it, but this is impossible.

Do n’t ever think of keeping such a sensitive thing about the army secret. The deputy commander reported it to the military department after Du Lin promised it, and presented it to Magus. In this regard, Magus did not express much, coldly dealt with the matter. At one point, he believed that it was a joke if Du Lin wanted to penetrate the army. He would no longer have the money to match the military expenses allocated to the army every year. However, the two military expenses including the navy military expenses were clear to the entire army. No matter how rich Du Lin is, it is all small money.

Secondly, it is a good thing to use Du Lin's money to find a comfort zone for the first retired generals in the new era. Du Lin raised them in vain, which will make them feel that although they have lost their power, they will not be short of money. At the same time, they will be able to maintain their decentness. This can be avoided to avoid any inappropriate signs, and to stabilize Army sentiment also plays a role. Even one day Du Lin felt that it was too bad to run this foundation, and the cabinet would take over and continue to run it.

Those people do not use this thing to attack Du Lin, it does not mean that Du Lin has put on a layer of invincible iron clothes. Someone will soon attack Du Lin, and he made a mistake.

Magus walked to his desk and called up the phone. It was also a good thing for the staff of the Cabinet to send an executive order to the guard area to send someone to send equipment to Otis to rescue the victims.

When Du Lin returned to Otis, it was already noon the next day. He came to the mountain without a break. At this time, the soldiers from the warning zone had started to clean up the ruins with the help of construction machinery. The shattered corpse was packed into a black bag and placed outside the mountain. From a distance, there are a large number of dense black spots in the white snow, which makes people feel suddenly cold, and it is really shocking.

Several managers of United Construction Engineering immediately came over when they saw Du Lin coming. These people were equally heavy, and so many people died. As a construction unit, they must be responsible for compensation. If according to the current compensation method of the Yaoxing Empire, the compensation for the loss of labor such as death and high disability and the need for care is about 8,000 yuan per person.

They have already received a sign-in note for the day before the accident, and there are a total of 1,317 people. If no accidents occur, these people have all died. Even if they didn't die the first time, in such a sustained low temperature state, it was enough to freeze them all to death! This is a compensation of more than 10 million yuan, which is enough to cause the United Construction Workers to encounter a huge setback! They need to discuss and remedy as much as possible.

The board of directors has spread the word that if they can't reduce their single loss to less than six million, they can find a place to jump off the building.

Du Lin did not look at them, but looked seriously at the rescue site being excavated. He asked softly: "Why is this happening? I told you more than once before the start of construction, we must ensure the safety of the construction process. "

The person in charge here smiled wryly. He looked at the pale engineer next to him. The engineer opened his mouth but didn't know what to say. His brain was still blank. Finally, the person in charge said it. the reason.

When designing this temporary frame tunnel structure, the engineer had designed the load factor according to the maximum threshold value, but one thing he ignored was snow. Maybe he is unfamiliar with the meteorological environment on the side of the empire, or maybe he doesn't think it will become a "snow disaster" even if it snows. After all, the Federation, which is located in the subtropics and the tropics, rarely sees blizzards.

He did not include the snowflakes that could not feel the weight in his palm into the load factor. When Blizzard came, Blizzard became a key factor in crushing the tunnel. He had already contacted the engineering department as quickly as possible when he discovered the problem, but it was too late, and with a loud roar, it was too late. He immediately paid for a speedboat and crossed the strait to the Empire. He appeared here about an hour before Doulin.

Until now, his brain was still groggy, he didn't know how to deal with the accident and the losses caused by the accident. He couldn't afford it, and what might be waiting for him was the prison.

Du Lin sighed and glanced at the person in charge of the United Construction Workers in the Empire. "You need to come up with a solution as soon as possible. I will give you a little more time a day. I will hold a press release the day after tomorrow. Will come to deal with this matter, if you can't come up with a suitable solution at that time, I'm afraid your empire journey will end here! ", Du Lin nodded, turned and left quickly, he didn't like the atmosphere here , The corpse piled up like a mountain seemed to make his hair a little hairy!

Many people appeared on the streets of Otis, which had been deserted like Irian. These people seemed to have only two faces, one with a sad face, with sadness and sorrow in their eyes, and the other one was from the heart. Excitement frenzy. There is no doubt ~ ~ The former is the family of the deceased, the latter is journalists from all parts of the empire and people waiting to see the lively. Because the workers adopted the principle of recruiting nearby, it didn't take long for these deceased's family members to come here. They set up tents in empty places on the streets, or set up simple small spaces in corner alleys.

The first thing Du Lin returned to the City Hall was to allow Dove to arrange a temporary and unified residence for the families of these victims, and at the same time let Heite manage the reporters who shot the camera with a magnesium lamp everywhere, and used it when necessary. Some means.

It didn't take long for him to sit on the butt, and Harry called.

"God is here. Your call is really very difficult. Do you know how many calls I made to you from yesterday to now? Do I now want to thank God for sending me this in the first week of the new year? A big gift? "Harry's complaint penetrated the earpiece. Du Lin heard that he was very manic now." Tell me how many people have died, and to have an exact number, I've been crazy by those reporters. ! "

Du Lin sighed, "More than a thousand people have died, but you can reduce this number a little, I believe no one will count this number!"

"Is this good news?" Harry sneered. "What are you going to do about this? I'm annoyed now, you know? This could be the biggest stain on my governing state of Cosnas!"

Du Lin also had no good way, "What else can we do besides compensation? Go and ask your God to raise them all? I believe he can't do it, so you have to be quiet and think about how to minimize the impact. I will cooperate with your actions. "I want to talk about" Xima Empire "with more like-minded people, follow WeChat to" Hot Web Article or rdww444 "and talk with more book friends about favorite books

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