Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 563: Intra-party meeting

At 9.30 am on the second Monday of the new year, in a huge classical auditorium next to the Imperial Palace, as the thick bell rang, gentlemen and ladies in the hall sorted out their dress and checked Take a look at the documents you carry and walk into two different doors. This is the place where the party conference is held. For many years, royal members have watched operas or circuses, and occasionally held dance parties here.

After the New Party came to power, it was transformed into a multi-functional complex, most commonly used for meetings.

The first-floor lobby is connected to three larger halls. Both the New Party and the Old Party have set up the venue of the party conference here. Being able to set foot in this place means that they have truly entered the center of politics and only can participate in the party. The politicians at the internal meetings are the real politicians.

As for the outside ..., it's just getting started.

Magus sat at the top of the huge round conference table. On the left-hand side he was the chairman of the New Party Committee, Mr. Odgar, or the kind of hereditary successor, but unfortunately he personally interrupted the hereditary succession Now, there is no identity of nobility, as people here often say, everyone is equal.

In the second position on the right-hand side of Magus, Powell is seated. The ruling party ’s whip can be regarded as the third person in the ruling party. For reasons such as Powell's reluctance to sit with Magus, he is now sitting in the second position on the right side of Magus. The vice chairman of the New Party Committee, who was sitting there, sat next to Magus.

There are forty-eight seats in the entire conference room, and fifty-two seats beside the wall. During the normal meeting, party members sitting against the wall are not allowed to speak actively on the main topics and processes of the conference. Only They are then eligible to raise their hands when speaking into the discussion process. Many people call such intra-party meetings "forty-eight people on the tower". This is obviously a statement with ridicule and jealousy, but it is accurate.

People sitting against the wall are always showing indifference to their colleagues sitting at the table, in fact, they do not want to sit on the chair over there all the time, that is the real core!

Harry was sitting on the 19th seat. He was still quite a while away from Magus. He wanted to talk to Magus before the meeting, but he didn't know why. It was time to step into the lobby, and it gave him no chance to breathe with Magus.

When everyone was in place and sat down, Magus patted the microphone in front of him gently, and the entire conference room suddenly quieted down, leaving only people's breathing.

"Good morning, gentlemen and ladies. I am very happy to repeat what I have said no less than a hundred times, and thank you for being able to attend our party meeting on time. This is important to us and to everyone. Both. Next, we will discuss some proposals submitted in the Imperial Parliament tomorrow, as well as some things that we need to decide. Before the end of the meeting, I hope that everyone can try not to leave their seats and not to walk around casually. To maintain order at the venue. "

"Then, then, we enter the first agenda of the meeting, and we will submit the final review, supplement and discussion of the draft draft of the Anti-Corruption Bill to Parliament tomorrow."

Magus's words had just ended, and the Vice-Chairman of the New Party Committee sitting on his right opened the folder and began reading the draft draft of the Anti-Corruption Bill.

This bill was first proposed by Magus in July last year, and the Ministry of Justice subsequently supplemented and finalized, and finally formulated Article 33 of Article 79. Its main purpose is to restrict and limit the erosion of government power by capital forces, Bribe, buy!

Whether in economically developed or underdeveloped areas, capitalists always wield the checkbooks in their hands to buy local officials, **** their legitimate or illegal business, and use this method to expand unlimitedly. Their own forces, cracking down on other people's business, have resulted in a few or a dozen very prominent enterprises in some places, almost completely monopolizing the operations of the same industry in the local area.

If we look at some reports alone, it seems that the economic construction of these cities is perfect. Perfect tax payment, perfect leader enterprise, perfect economic form. But all this is false and deceptive. When a city's industry is controlled and controlled by individual companies, the destructiveness it brings far exceeds the "constructiveness" they show.

This is a kind of destruction, the destruction of red fruit, and the market that lost its self-regulation will soon be on the verge of collapse because of the greed of these capitalists.

The purpose of this legislative proposal is also to cooperate with the "Anti-industry Manipulation Act" to crack down on illegal capitalists at multiple levels. From the perspective of the current social situation, it may have a great impact. After all, the empire did not have an accurate control over the "income" of officials. As long as they can make the city better, then their personal legal and illegal income will not be included in the evaluation system.

And people are also used to obeying some rules of the aristocratic era, isn't it normal to do something and spend some money? Even if you want to open up wasteland, you have to pay a little wasteland for the nobles in the territory?

However, this set is no longer applicable to the current social situation and the international situation. Officials are no longer like those nobles in the past. They may not change places in their lives. They often leave for a few years and do not care. Will the cities they run leave huge questions because of some of their ways of governing. Anyway, as long as they didn't erupt when they were in office, as for him in the future!

Under such circumstances, it is imperative to formulate a set of laws that can restrain officials and capital forces, and only then has this agenda at today's meeting.

After the Vice-Chairman of the New Party Committee read out the draft of the Anti-Corruption Bill, the Deputy Minister of Justice, who was standing by the wall, stood up, and he began to explain the meaning and standards of each law. After each explanation, everyone will raise their hands to vote, and if there are no questions, they will proceed to the next one.

The entire process of interpreting the content of the bill lasted for nearly half an hour. Among them, the New Party has passed all members after slightly modifying and supplementing the three articles. The rest is officially submitted and voted in the Imperial Parliament tomorrow.

"The second agenda item is also about a new bill to be submitted to parliament tomorrow." Magus took a sip of cold coffee and moistened his throat. "The Anti-Industry Manipulation Act has been sorted out and supplemented for some time, More content will be added. After thinking and discussing with my colleagues in the cabinet, I decided to rename the supplementary bill to the Anti-Industry Monopoly Act and re-legislate it. Next, my colleagues in the Ministry of Justice will explain it carefully for everyone. In this regard ... "

Regarding tomorrow's imperial parliament, it was not until 1 pm that Magus paused the meeting for a while, and everyone needed to rest and eat. At two o'clock, the meeting continued. What follows is about the transfer of personnel within the party, the allocation of resources within the party, and some other issues.

This is the favorite content of those politicians sitting against the wall, maybe they will sit at the table next time they come here for a meeting.

Powell, who had been silent, suddenly turned on the microphone in front of him, and after two brief noises, everyone in the conference room looked at him.

Since the second intra-party conference last year, Powell has barely spoke much. I did not expect that he would have something to say today. Some people secretly set their sights on Magus. Everyone now knows that Magus and The "disagreement" between Powell.

Magus looked at Powell with a smile, and said with a smile: "What? Mr. Powell looks like he has something to say. It just happens that everyone is here today. We might as well listen to what Mr. Powell wants to say ~ ~ Powell No change in expression was seen on his face, and he nodded, "Thank the leader for giving me this opportunity to speak ..." The moment he said this, some people realized that today ’s meeting may be more than usual Even more exciting, the resentment and unwillingness in this sentence almost clarified every word. Magus smiled, and seemed unable to understand what **** Powell said, and kept watching him.

"I have always had a problem. I don't know if you have discovered that our party members have become younger from the past 50 or 60 years old. I don't deny that young people are not good, but young people have not experienced More things, no more mature thinking skills, and a lack of time accumulation, so they usually perform well, but when something happens, it must be a major event. "He chuckled, but no one in the entire venue agreed He laughed, and even his politicians of civilian origin closed their mouths tightly. These words he said today did not pass through with them, so they wouldn't speak up until they understood the situation.

Powell looked at Magus. He said this to Magus. Magus smiled, pressed his hand against the edge of the table, and leaned back against the back of the chair. "Mr. Powell, you mean Otis Mayor of the city, Mr. Du Lin? "

"Yes, the person I'm talking about is him!" Powell was not timid at all, and went straight to Doulin. "We can't be dazzled by smarts, so we ignore the other aspects. A few days ago in Otis, Everyone also knows the accident. According to the official press conference, the death toll is close to 300. Gentlemen, due to a little negligence, 300 imperial citizens left the world, at least 600 families. It hurts, and that's the consequence of being too young but holding heavy weight! "

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