Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 564: Resolution [make up]

There was a whisper in the conference room. Powell's direct shot at Dulin actually pointed his finger at Magus. Without the unanimous affirmation and trust of Magus and Harry, it would not be possible for Dulin to be young at all Mayor of Den Otis. He is only 21 years old this year. When almost everyone in this room was 21 years old, he had just completed the primary stage of life-the nobles had only just completed the maturity ceremony only one year ago and had not been assigned family tasks and resources. , Those politicians of civilian origin are still studying and are about to set foot in society.

Even if someone is willing to give them a chance, it is impossible to become the mayor of a city in one go. The mayor's position requires sufficient experience and experience, and it is definitely not something that can be undertaken at the age of 21.

But Du Lin did it. He was already a mayor when he was 20 years old. No matter what the purpose of Horton's nomination of Du Lin was, in short, under the arrangement of Harry, Du Lin became the city of Otis. long.

Harry is from Magus, and he is a member of the New Party from a large aristocracy. Without Magus' nod in it, Harry may be difficult to arrange Durin to be the mayor of Otis.

It is true that according to the current political system of the empire, the state capital has a considerable degree of autonomy. Arranging a mayor does not require a cabinet nod, and no party conference vote is required, but this is too strange. Some people even began to speculate that Du Lin was originally thrown to the dilapidated place in Otis, which is their one-step plan, and then secretly tilted and planned a follow-up development route for Du Lin. The speed has grown to what it is today.

As the young sun rose in the hinterland of the Empire, Doolin also gained great popularity. It was even known to the Empire when he was assassinated some time ago. He has become a representative of "minority officials", which is also his most powerful protective cover. If someone deals with him without permission, he must first bear the stigma of racial discrimination against ethnic minorities, so that those who are satisfied with Du Lin do not speak, and those who are not satisfied with him do not speak, and no one wants to be public opinion. The focus is still the worst one.

The smile on Magus' face gradually converged in the face of Powell's allegations, and he lowered his head slightly in contemplation. He had not spoken yet, and Harry in the 19th seat spoke first.

"Mr. Powell, making mistakes is the power that God has given to each of us, and each of us makes mistakes. I believe that everyone here has made mistakes. No matter how big or small, as long as you make positive corrections to make up for the losses caused by mistakes, We will turn mistakes into experience and experience, which is also the most valuable asset in our life. And as you said, Doolin is still young. This is his power and his gain. "

Harry's sudden voice made other people's eyes focus on Harry. As the top boss of Du Lin, Harry actually performed very well. In terms of political literacy alone, Harry can be said to be among the best. Not only did he have good relations with members of the party, he also had considerable friendship with the old party, capitalists, and people from all walks of life. His development plan for the state of Cosnas has already shown great results. We must know that Cosnas is one of the most "lagging" states in the empire.

Because during the Patriotic War, the Federal Vanguard Corps and the Japanese Victory Corps were surrounded in the state of Cosena. In order to force the federation to sit on the negotiating seat, the Imperial Army conducted a long and undifferentiated state of Cosnas. Shelling. Where the major cities were almost completely razed, ruins were everywhere, and agriculture and animal husbandry were completely destroyed and messy.

After the Patriotic War, the state of Cosnas was poor, let alone the industrial foundation, and even the economic foundation was completely absent. Under such circumstances, the New Party carried out the first eight-year transformation of the state of Cosnas. The industrial base was restored in Cosenas, during which Mayor Harry stood out from the mayors of many cities. It only took him five years to turn his city into a city, attracted enough immigrants, became a political star at the time, and was highly praised by Magus.

Since then, Magus's consensus has made Harry the governor of the state of Cosnas. During Harry's administration, this state, almost as white as the white land, has rapidly developed, and has a self-sufficient light and heavy industrial foundation. The economic and ecological environment in the state has also been greatly improved. In particular, Harry has a very good way of stimulating investment. Under his leadership, it took less than fifteen years, and Cosenas got rid of the empire's penultimate situation, which also allowed Harry to own the party. Quite a reputation.

Perhaps from the current seat, Harry's position in the New Party can be seen. Excluding Magus, the chairman of the New Party Committee and a vice-chairman, members of the party such as Powell, and members of the cabinet, his ranking It can be said that he has entered the top three, which is why he has the confidence to run for the next prime minister and has the confidence. As long as Magus supports him and nominates him, he has great hope for that position.

When he said such words at such a time, no one would feel that he was arrogant. When he was mayor, he was in his twenties, almost the same as Du Lin. He used his own experience to tell Powell that Doolin is not "special", and he is not much different from some politicians here.

"However, those citizens who have lost their lives should not be responsible for their own faults. If hundreds of lives are used to accumulate experience for a politician, then I think it is completely rude and cruel. "Loss of" growth "." Powell shook his head, he looked down at the pen in his hand, and looked at Harry later, "I don't deny that Mayor Doolin brought him during Otis's administration. Changes, I acknowledge his contribution to the city of Otis, to Cosnas and the Empire. "

"However, after all, he made a mistake. I know that the outside media said that the mistake was with the United Construction Workers. But in turn, we can reflect on why Mayor Du Lin did not allow the rich construction experience in the empire. Engineering company review? If he did so, I believe that any company with sufficient qualifications in the empire will tell him that this design is unqualified. But he did not, no matter what the reason, what kind of reason, he Must take responsibility for these three hundred lives! "

Harry narrowed his eyes slightly, and quickly turned his head to keep silent, his chest bouncing violently, and he looked very angry.

But it didn't.

Maintaining Du Lin is the instinct of a politician. Politics is actually a game circle. It has its own rules of the game, and "protecting shorts" is one of them. Anyone who wants to achieve something in the empire's political arena, has certain achievements, and pursues higher goals, can never be alone. He must have his own party feathers, his own team, then defending himself is everything What a team captain must do, even if he knows it's wrong.

Of course, after arguing and demonstrating his attitude, Harry stopped fighting Powell because it really required someone to be punished, so that the public opinion and public opinion of the government saw the importance the government attached to the accident. That person would not be him, too. It wouldn't be Magus, it wouldn't be anyone else, it would only be Doolin!

He did what he had to do, then calmly accepted the result, and his task was completed.

Magus glanced at Harry, then looked at Powell, "So what do you think Mayor Doolin should do?"

"Of course, it is a temporary dismissal. He is currently attracting people ’s attention. It is no longer suitable for continued administration in Otis. We need to refrigerate him for a period of time to let him recognize his problems, summarize his past mistakes and gains, and let He has a process of growing up. When the turmoil of this incident passes ~ ~ and re-enable Mr. Du Lin, we still need his talent. "

Magus nodded his head, "I think I understand. Since Mr. Powell has put forward this intention, then we will vote in accordance with the rules and regulations. Please raise your hand if you agree to temporarily dismiss Mayor Doolin ... "

Facing the gradually raised arms, Magus lowered his head expressionlessly, and recorded a paragraph in the book.

At 8 o'clock that night, Du Lin was sitting in the living room drinking, and the phone rang suddenly.

He glanced at the cup half-moved, looked at Scott, and shrugged easily. "If I'm not wrong, this is definitely not a good signal."

Scott smiled and lowered the raised glass, the smile on his face was very stiff.

Du Lin went to the phone and lifted the phone. Harry's voice came from the receiver.

"Dulin, I'm very sorry. At the meeting of the party today, Mr. Powell's proposal to temporarily remove you from office was approved. I have worked very hard to argue for you, but it has no effect."

Du Lin took out a cigarette, and Scott took out a lighter to light him up. He waved his hand and turned to light a cigarette for himself. The friction of the lighter made Harry's hand a little sweaty on the opposite side of the phone, and he continued: "But there is good news ... I've got some convenience for you. The dismissal is only temporary, and after this period of time has passed, The party will enable you again. And you don't have to worry about your party's status at all. At the very least, you are also the mayor. It is very likely that you will be nominated as a member of the Imperial Parliament. Many people will wait for this step for a lifetime. "

Du Lin grinned twice, "So should I hold a banquet now to celebrate my future ascent? Are you here? Just today!"

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