Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 567: West [2]

Du Lin left. When the executive from the Imperial City read the final resolution of the cabinet, Du Lin stated on the spot that he was willing to accept the resolution of the cabinet without any protest, and left the city of Otis lightly. When the news of Du Lin's departure spread, many people couldn't believe it was true, so he left without any trouble? Then lost a lot of wealth?

This may be a trap, a trap, maybe Du Lin is still hiding somewhere in the city ....

Du Lin had really gone, and three days later he was standing in the first city bordering the wild west and middle of the Empire.

Speaking of the west, most people's impressions of the west come from some film and television works, everywhere are turbulent grasses and yellow sand pushed by the hustle and bustle, and those who ride horses with guns may appear anytime Robbers and sheriffs, of course, people are most impressed by the West, but they are still gold.

The gold rush and gold digger have always been in the west and there are hot topics in the west. A vein with medium gold reserves can form an ecosystem with a population of 100,000 to 200,000. It can be said that gold in the western empire It's everything, everything revolves around gold.

Good, bad, and not bad.

"The air here is very dry ..." Du Fu looked at this a little uncomfortably ... The city should be the city, but there are no concrete roads elsewhere, and the dust on the ground makes the city look like It's like going to ruin. There are wooden houses everywhere, and they are not very tall. The tallest house is only three stories high. It is better to say that this is a city than a ruin that is about to be flooded by sand.

Du Lin stood at the station with a suitcase. He contacted the Guarts here before he came. Someone would pick them up, and he was looking at the city. Honestly very shabby and backward, but it is clear that this is actually a tourist city.

Yes, the tourist city, this is also the only tourist city in the western part of the Empire. Some people always watch movies about the West and want to experience the wild life in the western part of the Empire. But in fact, those wild lives are not only a little fun, but also very dangerous. To survive in the wild in the west, you need to face two of the most terrible things. The first thing is the animals that are used to eating meat, the Gobi, the black hairy lion, and countless wild dogs.

None of these animals are easy to deal with. The reason why Gobi wolves are not called coyotes is that these wolves living in Gobi are absolutely different from the coyotes that are common elsewhere. The fur of Gobi wolves is yellow-brown, and it is difficult to find these top western predators when they are on the Gobi. They are more slender, and their limbs are more developed. The most terrible thing is that their number and predation are more cruel.

In order to capture a prey, the Gobi Wolf may create a hunting plan that lasts for several days, until the prey is completely desperate and still be slaughtered by them. Some biologists believe that Gobi wolves are intelligent creatures, otherwise they will not be able to formulate some hunting plans, not to mention the division of labor and cooperation, a capability that only intelligent creatures have.

The second black hairy lion is rare on the Gobi, but there are a lot of those corrupted rocks. The black hairy lion's hunting time is at night. They can clearly see things at least 150 meters at night. Excellent hearing. Traces left by them can be seen near many mines. For these top hunters at night, the place where humans gather is equivalent to their canteens, and some humble places will explode every few days. news.

The last one is not horrible in terms of individuals. They are very thin, but they can be compared with the other two predators in terms of quantity. If you haven't seen dozens or hundreds of wild dogs hunting at the same time, you must never imagine that this small thing that seems to be able to be killed with one punch can actually have such terrible hunting ability.

This is only the first point, and the second thing is more dangerous than the first point, that is, humans that appear in the wild.

They may look like caravans passing by, or pedestrians on the Gobi. When you think they are not dangerous, they tend to shoot you secretly. Then take away your belongings, horses, and sometimes heat it up.

Humans are always more dangerous than animals, because when you see those predators, you will be mentally prepared, know that these things will cause harm and danger, and come up with countermeasures. But when you see people, the first thought will never be the idea of ​​"kill him before he kills me", so humans in the wild are the most dangerous creatures in the west!

In order to avoid those movie fans and idle eggs from hurting in the wild in the west, they have become the food in the stomachs of animals before they have realized the fun of the wild, but also for the economic construction. They are all built according to the pictures in the movie, and many people will visit here except during winter.

After waiting for about ten minutes, a ... wooden cart used to pull things or forage in the countryside appeared in their sight. The two stallions trembled in the cold wind, and their hairs were about to stand up.

"Mr. Du Lin, I'm very sorry to be late. The road ahead is temporarily closed, so I can only go around a little bit." The driver jumped out of the groom's position. He explained it and put it in the bucket. Two thick caps were pressed against the bridles, so they looked as though they were wearing clothes for the bridles.

Du Lin nodded, then turned over and climbed into the bucket with Dufo, "You don't have a car?"

"The car?" The driver smiled wryly. "The mayor does not allow anything modern here, especially during the peak tourist season. All citizens here must wear clothes that were more than a hundred years old. Say yes To keep the original flavor of the West. "

Dufo could not help but laugh out loud, "Living here doesn't look easy, can't you have modern things in your home?"

The coachman returned to the carriage and pulled the reins and shook, "Of course not. You may not know how curious those tourists are about our life. They may break into your home anytime, anywhere, and then ask for a overnight stay to experience life. .All modern things will destroy their experience, I feel like we are primitive people. The only good thing is that we do n’t need work, and the city hall will give us free necessities and necessary supplies, and then pay us a sum of income , Each person costs ten yuan plus twenty yuan in silver coins. "


The driver pulled out a silver coin that looked like a silver coin from his pocket. He handed it to Du Lin, who turned it in his hand and turned it over a few times. The front is printed with ... feathers and twigs inserted in the head, dressed in very different chieftains and the like, with a crossed axe and spear on the reverse, and a shell on the bottom.

In the explanation of the coachman, Du Lin gradually understood the meaning of this thing. To put it simply, this is a currency in circulation, which is about 15 cents in value. When trading in the city, you can use these silver coins as props for settlement. It has a similar purpose as the tokens from Du Lin. However, these silver coins are not open to tourists. They are purely props that can only be used between locals, and cannot buy valuables. They can only buy things such as food.

Along the way, Du Lin lamented that this empire is still somewhat "smart". The city has attracted many tourists in an alternative form. In addition to the normal sightseeing experience, there are many activities and alternatives. Experiences, such as horses and cows, riding horses in a limited range, and even playing bows and arrows.

This is like a miniature of an era in a modern world, and indeed it can attract many people to travel here.

The coachman brought Du Lin directly to the church in the "city". As soon as the door of the church was opened, a heat flow emerged from the door, making people feel inexplicably relieved.

A very burly guy in his thirties came forward and extended his hand ~ ~ Holding tightly with Dulin's hand, "Mr. Dulin, I heard that you are coming here , We all look forward to this day very much. Thank you for everything you have done to us, to all Guartes! ", This burly man is called Ecot, the branch president of the fellowship here, has Considerable prestige, this is also one of the conditions for selecting the club president.

He introduced Doolin and Dufo into the church and walked, saying, "The mayor does not allow us to build any building outside the plan, so we can only hold events in this public church, this time all guar Special families have sent representatives, and everyone is very happy! "

When Du Lin walked past and entered the main hall of the church, everyone in the main hall stood up, a pair of eyes focused on him with curiosity, doubt, gratitude, excitement, etc. This is not the first time such a scene, and Du Lin will naturally not be stage frightened. He keeps nodding like the people around him, or says hello, to make the atmosphere in the hall very active.

When Du Lin came to the stage, people sat back on the bench at his request. He looked at these people, glanced over their faces, and said with a confident smile, "We are all The first time I met, some of you may have heard of me. My name is Doolin, Doolin Kema. I am very honored to be here to say something to you, which is one of the reasons I came here . "

"I'm not different from everyone here ..." He raised his hand and kicked, showing his normality, "But it's a little different because I'm not willing, I don't want to, I can't Endure! "I want to talk about" Kisma Empire "with more like-minded people, WeChat follow" Hot Web or rdww444 "and talk with more book friends about favorite books

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