Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 568: The future [1]

"Let's talk about something different from what I said before. Have you ever been to Emperor Capital? Do you know where Ogdin lives and how?", Du Lin did not directly use the usual way this time. Opening the topic, he asked a question that seemed to have nothing to do with what he wanted to express.

Everyone in the church shook their heads. After the death of the Guart Empire, they were scattered everywhere, although the Imperial Government did not publicly say that these Guarts could not leave their place of residence at will, but Someone was following them from the beginning. When the Empire discovered that the Guarts seemed to have obeyed their destiny's arrangement, they gradually relaxed or even stopped monitoring.

Compared to those irritable provincial yas, the Guarts are really too honest. Adversity is only part of their personality. These people are honest enough to let the empire rest assured.

At the same time, the network of relationships that have been living in one place for a long time, and because of poverty cannot afford the migration, the vast majority of Guarts in the entire empire have not left the city where they live, even if they travel long distances, they only turn in the state A turn. So when Du Lin asked this question, his answer was very uniform.

Du Lin began to describe the imperial capital for these people, describing the life of the country's dominant race.

"They get up from the fluffy bed every morning, then clean themselves with exquisite utensils, put on expensive clothes, and then enjoy a delicate and delicious breakfast, and then they will drive to work in their own cars. Every month I can get a salary ranging from forty to sixty yuan from where I work, and at least two months of paid leave each year-that is, two months without having to go to work, and I can get salary. "

"They enjoy a rich life and material. Women will put a lot of expensive cosmetics on their faces. Men will take five or even ten dollars to choose a tie they like. They don't need to bear what we have. I think the labor pains just need to spend time in a bright and luxurious office. Their children will receive a very good education, they will have excellent classmates, and build a childish relationship network little by little. This may help their lives as they mature. Help them continue to dominate the country and dominate the fate of other races. "

"Every weekend, they drive their families to scenic places to drive. They may have to pay a few dollars for this. They don't care about these money at all because they can make more money. Money. They are called successful people by us. They are the pillars of this empire and support the operation of this empire. People will give them a lot of praise, such as 'hardworking', 'wise', 'lucky' Many positive words like "have persistence" and so on will become the prefix when others introduce them ... "

With Du Lin's description, the daily life of an ordinary Ogdin family living in the imperial capital gradually formed a complete picture in the minds of all Guartes in the church, rich, happy and joyful. Some people had a weird expression on their faces, and more were at a loss. They didn't know what it meant to them that Du Lin told them how well the Emperor Ogdin lived.

When Du Lin finished talking about what he should say, he made people get a glass of water. In the process of drinking water, he left enough time for the thoughts of these compatriots to ferment.

After two minutes or so, Du Lin lowered his glass and looked at everyone, "Are you jealous of this life? Do you yearn for this life? Obey your sincerity, don't make indifferent resistance, tell me that you want to have this. Life? "

From one person shouting "Yes, sir" to everyone starting to shout out their desire for this kind of dream-like life, Du Lin raised his hand to calm them down, and his expression gradually became serious, "Yes Yes, I know. Everyone is envious of this life. We have had it before, but it was destroyed by some people. "

"While the glory of the princes and gods still shines on us, the Ogdin can only become slaves we are called, and the Provincial Elegants are only paired with sheep in the sheepfolds. We were betrayed and led us to When the war was most critical, we were attacked from the inside, which made us stand instead of kneeling. But we did not completely lose all our opportunities, even if the princes and gods left us, we still have those The spirit is guarding us! "

"I'm here. It's impossible to bring you all the best things in the world. If I say that, I'm a liar. There is only one thing I can bring to you ..." He raised his palm Squeeze into a fist, "Hope!"

He stepped out from the podium of the stage, and walked back and forth in front of everyone, on the steps, and said loudly, "Hope, hope full of sunshine, hope that you will get rid of the predicament of life now, let all The hope that the Guartes can stand up! "

"I'm rich, I can take out a sum of money to make you all happy and happy, and it's very easy for me to do it. But after this money is spent, what do you do? Go back to now Going in such a miserable day? "

"So I will not give you any direct help, but I will create hope for you, and open up the hammer, axe, sickle, and even a gun of the future!"

"We who were once kings of the West should not be in this dirty corner waiting for the alms of the Ogdin who once were our slaves. We should stand up and walk to those who are arrogant and prejudiced. In front of me, take back what belongs to us. "

"I will not encourage you to do extreme things. That is not my intention. I will use another method to lead everyone not only to stand up, but also to climb the towering mountain peaks to see. The view above the clouds! "

"For the earlier arrival of this day, I hope that all of us Guartes can unite. This is also the reason and purpose of my establishment of the fellowship. We are a family, the descendants of the first king, regardless of each other. Our veins are galloping With the same blood and the same roots, we must absolutely trust each other to complete this great cause! "

"There may be bloodshed and sacrifice in this process, but please believe me, all the bloodshed and sacrifice, all the efforts are worth it, and it is worthy of your pride, because we will ultimately be because of your efforts. Let the whole nation stand up again! "

"I will not hide behind people and watch you sacrifice and give. I will stand up first and stand at the forefront of the wave that will destroy the entire age, to accept the trials and challenges of the age!"

Du Lin walked back to the stage, picked up the handkerchief placed on the stage, stained some saliva from the corners of his mouth due to rapid roar, and looked at everyone in the church flatly. Some of these people are very excited, and some are contemplative. He continued to whisper: "To complete all this requires our joint efforts. This is not something that can be done in a day or a year. It takes a long time. Maybe It will take decades, but please believe that I will dedicate my life to this and fight for the Guarts! "

His words turned around, and he turned from something with a sloppy head to reality, "I will build a complete education system in the west that belongs only to our Guartes, and our children will learn in clean and tidy classrooms. The most advanced culture and knowledge will also let them know that we are not born to be inferior, and we also have a proud past. These children will be completely free education qualifications, and the school will give them food, So that they can fill their stomachs while perhaps knowing. "

"From elementary school, to university, and even some more high-end scientific research institutions. Can you imagine it? When ten or twenty years later, a large number of outstanding Guarth talents have emerged in this society, our lives will be What does it look like? "

"Besides ~ ~ medical, communication, social security, I will roll out comprehensively, everyone does not need to bear any additional costs, as long as you and I shed the same blood, have the same Ancestors, you can enjoy it all, completely free of everything. "

"I will gradually set up many enterprises and factories in the west. You will become one of them. You can get a non-discriminatory salary. You can become the rich and happy life you want now ... ... "


The long speech lasted more than two hours. When Du Lin's vocal cords gradually subsided under the trembling of the last syllable, all the people in the church had stood up. These people looked at Du Lin frantically, because Du Lin has built a hope for them, a bright future for them!

Icoot was standing under the steps excitedly, his arms and his body were trembling slightly. If Du Lin could do all these things, he could have met them ten or twenty years later. Will become the real mainstream crowd, no longer be biased because of past, quantity and other reasons, because they are the mainstream!

"Mr. Durin, very exciting speech ... Sorry, I'm still a little emotional." Icoot's hand holding Durin's hand was shaking, and there was a mania in his eyes, "Yes Be sure to tell me to do anything, I should do something, and I must do something, otherwise I will regret it when I get old! "

Du Lin shook his arm and patted his shoulder. "Rest assured, I won't be polite with anyone, and I will definitely need you in the future, waiting for me to make history together!" I want to share with more like-minded people Let ’s talk about “Xima Empire”, WeChat follow “Hot Web or rdww444” and talk with more book friends about favorite books

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