Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 573: Fedley [2]

At this time, Du Lin was chatting with Mr. Federley about the gold mine.

The gold mine on the western side is always the thing that attracts people's eyes. A newly discovered gold mine first represents not wealth, but luck, but disaster. Every time a new gold mine is discovered, it means that a **** and brutal fight has begun. It is difficult to stop the killing until the predator enters, but predators such as this do not always enter the game on time to join the game. They also need to consider whether the things they have in their hands are too More, will it cause people to rebound.

This is the western part of the empire. It is synonymous with barbarism. Even if it is the capital crocodile that has caused anger here, some people dare to touch it in the middle of the night to do a vote. Whoever wants to round up the business here, then the simple western people will tell them that money is put in a pocket, and eventually this pocket is broken.

So even if there are new gold mines, those predators will not show too much possessiveness too. This is not the south, not the east, not the north, and not the place where most civilizations live.

Mr. Federly has a gold mine and a gem mine here. He is the supplier of the Doolin Irian Jewelry Store. The jewelry stores on the other side of the house have been using Mr. Federley's gold and gemstones. Good partnership. Relying on the gold from the formal channel of Federly, Du Lin washed his batch of gold.

This time when he came to the west, Doolin's first person to meet was Feldley.

Mr. Jack has a certain understanding of the West, but he does not live in the West. His understanding of the West comes from those under his control. It seems that he knows a lot of things, but these things may not work in the West. . So Du Lin first met Federley and talked about some specific things in the west. This topic started from the mine.

"I want to talk about some interesting news recently. It must be something over Mount Yagul ...", Mr. Fedley is in his fifties and looks very ordinary. The only thing that makes people feel sorry is his hair, the middle That piece has already fallen, and only the big bald head that can reflect the lights and shadows is left. "Last time at the West Mine Conference ... Oh yes, you just came to this place and it's not very clear. The West Mine will be an abbreviation The full name is the Western Mining Development Committee, which is composed of large and small mine owners, mainly to solve some skinny things. "

"It is said that several tourists picked up an iron ore in a river channel that has been dried and weathered for many years outside Mount Yagul, and then brought it back. They were found when they took it out at the market. After inspection, it was found that The news of the silver mine that has been oxidized immediately spread to the silver mines in Mount Yagul. Almost the vast majority of free gold prospectors and forces of all sizes ran away. Yagul, who had never paid attention to it in the past, A huge silver mine was found near the mountainous area. According to the exploration results of the Western Mining Association, the Yagulshan silver mine is a rich ore with a finished product inventory of about 120,000 to 200,000 tons. "

"Some copper mines have also been found around. Geologists believe that some underlying faults have been caused by topographic changes. Mount Yagul should have huge and rich mineral resources. The emergence of copper and silver mines may mean that they may still exist. Some other deposits and associated deposits, so everyone rushed past. "

Du Lin listened with interest, although he didn't understand at all, but it did not hinder his curiosity. "No one wants to win there?"

"Take it?" Fedeli haha ​​laughed. "You're kidding, Doolin, a silver mine of 120,000 tons, even if the imperial official forcibly occupied the mine, I am afraid it will not last long, which means that A huge fortune, anyone who wants to win it will only be blood-washed by others. "

At present, the silver price in the Western world is very stable. According to the Empire ’s exchange rate, one empire can buy 4 grams of finished silver. If a 120,000-ton silver mine is excavated and purified into finished products, the total price is about 300. Billion!

This is a number that is crazy for everyone, so any individual or group who wants to occupy this mine alone will be wiped out by some thugs who have been blinded by fortune and their eyes are crazy, 30 billion yuan. So far they have not collected so much tax!

And there is a good brass mine next to it, and there are other small mining areas nearby, most likely there are other types of huge rich ore hidden. Under the auspices of the Western Mining Association, Mount Yagul has become a "public mining area", and anyone and any group can mine in the past.

The term public mining area first came from some depleted deposits. Many low-reserved mining areas were completely depleted after the mine owner gave up, and even gave up the ownership of the area where the mining area was located. It would be very bad to buy land in the west if there were no mines. A good deal. According to the provisions of the current empire's current land use regulations, non-agricultural and residential land needs commercial construction after the purchase of private land, and a certain number of jobs need to be solved according to some local standards.

If there are no mineral deposits in their own land and they do not give up, these mine owners must spend money to support a group of people, whether he has something to do or not, he must put the designated "salary" into the designated account every month. Otherwise, you will face problems such as fines.

Therefore, as soon as most mines have no mines to mine, the owner of the mine will immediately give up the ownership of the land and change from private land to public land. At this time, the mine on that land will also become a public mining area. The mineral deposit is sometimes magical. It doesn't mean that there isn't any at all if you don't have it. Maybe you can dig here and dig a little there. In the past, some mine owners gave up depleted mines and were dug out new veins, and they are not in the minority.

Once the ownership belongs to the public, it is not easy to buy it again.

The huge silver mine found in Mount Yagul this time became a public mining area because of its huge reserves, which no one dared to occupy, and could not occupy. It is said that there have been more than 400,000 people living on Mount Yagul, and from zero to 400,000 in just three months is definitely a horrible growth rate. And because the news is not enough, and the weather is too cold, many people have not passed yet. After the spring, I am afraid that the number there will exceed one million or even more!

After chatting for a while about Mount Yagul, Mr. Federley turned his head, and turned back to ask Du Lin the reason for his development in the west. He and Du Lin have known each other for three or four years, and everyone's cooperation has been quite pleasant, and Du Lin can be said to have enough knowledge. In his opinion, Doolin's development in the west is a purely unsatisfactory thing. The way in which Doolin is currently operating is far faster than mining, and the prospect potential is much greater.

Mr. Fedley's gold mine can produce about 400 to 500 pounds of pure gold each year, with a market value of about 1.2 million. He removed all the costs, including the daily loss of purchasing slaves and setting up a **** team, as well as wages, and the income was more than 800,000. Of course, he also had a gem mine. This money does seem to be very much, much higher than the profits brought by some good businessmen's industries, but compared to those tycoons, and compared to Dulin's smuggling business, the money is actually nothing.

Du Lin's current private wine trade can bring him more than 400,000 net profits each month. His various incomes in Otis average more than one million a month, which does not include other income, so in It was a dumb investment for Mr. Fedley to see Du Lin go to the west to mine. The biggest dream of these individuals or collective mine owners in the west is to make a fortune and then leave the poor place where there is dust everywhere, and enjoy it in the south.

Du Lin did not give him a direct answer to Mr. Federley's doubts, because he himself did not have an accurate answer. He came here not to make money, but to a career.

"I don't have the time and energy to hire an exploration team to look for veins for me. I plan to buy some directly and look for new mines. There are a few places that I think are not far away from you." Talking about the several mines that he was planning to buy, Federley's face became more and more strange. Du Lin soon noticed this. He stopped and looked at Federley, "If you have any experience, It will be my pleasure to teach it to me. "

Fedley was struggling, and then sighed, "For our good cooperation in the past, Du Lin, I have to remind you that these people who are willing to sell their industry to you, or they are in the funds It ’s in trouble, or they have found a new way. If it is the latter, the problem will not be too big, but if it is the former, it may be a little trouble. You know, this is the west. You use it in the civilized world. That set is not very useful here. "

"Here, people believe in 'the dead will never tell you', swallow your money, and make you disappear forever. It's definitely happened more than once here!"

It is not impossible to meet those mine owners who have collected the money and do not give up the mines. These **** miners and their subordinates are all those who dare to shoot for the benefit. It's so noisy that it needs to go to war, and the state government will also ask, but this is not a good thing. At that time, the hat of an illegal transaction was buckled, and not only did he have to return his own money, but he also faced fines and even evictions. The state governments of the three western states have always been such assholes.

Oh no, this is not a bastard, it is a local protection policy!

The miners who ate black money made money, and the state government obtained hundreds of thousands of millions of fines through fines. Only the outsiders were unlucky.

So there is a famous saying here-bullets are more effective than money.

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Author: Tripod writes, "Ke Sima Empire" is reproduced works, the fifth chapter seven five chapters Fei Deli [2] published by the users.

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At this time, Du Lin was chatting with Mr. Federley about the gold mine.

The gold mine on the western side is always the thing that attracts people's eyes. A newly discovered gold mine first represents not wealth, but luck, but disaster. Every time a new gold mine is discovered, it means that a **** and brutal fight has begun. It is difficult to stop the killing until the predator enters, but predators such as this do not always enter the game on time to join the game. They also need to consider whether the things they have in their hands are too More, will it cause people to rebound.

This is the western part of the empire. It is synonymous with barbarism. Even if it is the capital crocodile that has caused anger here, some people dare to touch it in the middle of the night to do a vote. Whoever wants to round up the business here, then the simple western people will tell them that money is put in a pocket, and eventually this pocket is broken.

So even if there are new gold mines, those predators will not show too much possessiveness too. This is not the south, not the east, not the north, and not the place where most civilizations live.

Mr. Federly has a gold mine and a gem mine here. He is the supplier of the Doolin Irian Jewelry Store. The jewelry stores on the other side of the house have been using Mr. Federley's gold and gemstones. Good partnership. Relying on the gold from the formal channel of Federly, Du Lin washed his batch of gold.

This time when he came to the west, Doolin's first person to meet was Feldley.

Mr. Jack has a certain understanding of the West, but he does not live in the West. His understanding of the West comes from those under his control. It seems that he knows a lot of things, but these things may not work in the West. . So Du Lin first met Federley and talked about some specific things in the west. This topic started from the mine.

"I want to talk about some interesting news recently. It must be something over Mount Yagul ...", Mr. Fedley is in his fifties and looks very ordinary. The only thing that makes people feel sorry is his hair, the middle That piece has already fallen, and only the big bald head that can reflect the lights and shadows is left. "Last time at the West Mine Conference ... Oh yes, you just came to this place and it's not very clear. The West Mine will be an abbreviation The full name is the Western Mining Development Committee, which is composed of large and small mine owners, mainly to solve some skinny things. "

"It is said that several tourists picked up an iron ore in a river channel that has been dried and weathered for many years outside Mount Yagul, and then brought it back. They were found when they took it out at the market. After inspection, it was found that The news of the silver mine that has been oxidized immediately spread to the silver mines in Mount Yagul. Almost the vast majority of free gold prospectors and forces of all sizes ran away. Yagul, who had never paid attention to it in the past, A huge silver mine was found near the mountainous area. According to the exploration results of the Western Mining Association, the Yagulshan silver mine is a rich ore with a finished product inventory of about 120,000 to 200,000 tons. "

"Some copper mines have also been found around. Geologists believe that some underlying faults have been caused by topographic changes. Mount Yagul should have huge and rich mineral resources. The emergence of copper and silver mines may mean that they may still exist. Some other deposits and associated deposits, so everyone rushed past. "

Du Lin listened with interest, although he didn't understand at all, but it did not hinder his curiosity. "No one wants to win there?"

"Take it?" Fedeli haha ​​laughed. "You're kidding, Doolin, a silver mine of 120,000 tons, even if the imperial official forcibly occupied the mine, I am afraid it will not last long, which means that A huge fortune, anyone who wants to win it will only be blood-washed by others. "

At present, the silver price in the Western world is very stable. According to the Empire ’s exchange rate, one empire can buy 4 grams of finished silver. If a 120,000-ton silver mine is excavated and purified into finished products, the total price is about 300. Billion!

This is a number that is crazy for everyone, so any individual or group who wants to occupy this mine alone will be wiped out by some thugs who have been blinded by fortune and their eyes are crazy, 30 billion yuan. So far they have not collected so much tax!

And there is a good brass mine next to it, and there are other small mining areas nearby, most likely there are other types of huge rich ore hidden. Under the auspices of the Western Mining Association, Mount Yagul has become a "public mining area", and anyone and any group can mine in the past.

The term public mining area first came from some depleted deposits. Many low-reserved mining areas were completely depleted after the mine owner gave up, and even gave up the ownership of the area where the mining area was located. It would be very bad to buy land in the west if there were no mines. A good deal. According to the provisions of the current empire's current land use regulations, non-agricultural and residential land needs commercial construction after the purchase of private land, and a certain number of jobs need to be solved according to some local standards.

If there are no mineral deposits in their own land and they do not give up, these mine owners must spend money to support a group of people, whether he has something to do or not, he must put the designated "salary" into the designated account every month. Otherwise, you will face problems such as fines.

Therefore, as soon as most mines have no mines to mine, the owner of the mine will immediately give up the ownership of the land and change from private land to public land. At this time, the mine on that land will also become a public mining area. The mineral deposit is sometimes magical. It doesn't mean that there isn't any at all if you don't have it. Maybe you can dig here and dig a little there. In the past, some mine owners gave up depleted mines and were dug out new veins, and they are not in the minority.

Once the ownership belongs to the public, it is not easy to buy it again.

The huge silver mine found in Mount Yagul this time became a public mining area because of its huge reserves, which no one dared to occupy, and could not occupy. It is said that there have been more than 400,000 people living on Mount Yagul, and from zero to 400,000 in just three months is definitely a horrible growth rate. And because the news is not enough, and the weather is too cold, many people have not passed yet. After the spring, I am afraid that the number there will exceed one million or even more!

After chatting for a while about Mount Yagul, Mr. Federley turned his head, and turned back to ask Du Lin the reason for his development in the west. He and Du Lin have known each other for three or four years, and everyone's cooperation has been quite pleasant, and Du Lin can be said to have enough knowledge. In his opinion, Doolin's development in the west is a purely unsatisfactory thing. The way in which Doolin is currently operating is far faster than mining, and the prospect potential is much greater.

Mr. Fedley's gold mine can produce about 400 to 500 pounds of pure gold each year, with a market value of about 1.2 million. He removed all the costs, including the daily loss of purchasing slaves and setting up a **** team, as well as wages, and the income was more than 800,000. Of course, he also had a gem mine. This money does seem to be very much, much higher than the profits brought by some good businessmen's industries, but compared to those tycoons, and compared to Dulin's smuggling business, the money is actually nothing.

Du Lin's current private wine trade can bring him more than 400,000 net profits each month. His various incomes in Otis average more than one million a month, which does not include other income, so in It was a dumb investment for Mr. Fedley to see Du Lin go to the west to mine. The biggest dream of these individuals or collective mine owners in the west is to make a fortune and then leave the poor place where there is dust everywhere, and enjoy it in the south.

Du Lin did not give him a direct answer to Mr. Federley's doubts, because he himself did not have an accurate answer. He came here not to make money, but to a career.

"I don't have the time and energy to hire exploration teams to look for veins for me. I plan to buy some directly and look for new mines. There are a few places that I think are good. They are not too far away from you ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ Du Lin talked about several mines that he was planning to buy. Federley's face became more and more strange. Du Lin soon noticed this. He stopped himself and looked at Federley. "If you It would be my pleasure to have any experience you want to impart to me. "

Fedley was struggling, and then sighed, "For our good cooperation in the past, Du Lin, I have to remind you that these people who are willing to sell their industry to you, or they are in the funds It ’s in trouble, or they have found a new way. If it is the latter, the problem will not be too big, but if it is the former, it may be a little trouble. You know, this is the west. You use it in the civilized world. That set is not very useful here. "

"Here, people believe in 'the dead will never tell you', swallow your money, and make you disappear forever. It's definitely happened more than once here!"

It is not impossible to meet those mine owners who have collected the money and do not give up the mines. These **** miners and their subordinates are all those who dare to shoot for the benefit. It's so noisy that it needs to go to war, and the state government will also ask, but this is not a good thing. At that time, the hat of an illegal transaction was buckled, and not only did he have to return his own money, but he also faced fines and even evictions. The state governments of the three western states have always been such assholes.

Oh no, this is not a bastard, it is a local protection policy!

The miners who ate black money made money, and the state government obtained hundreds of thousands of millions of fines through fines. Only the outsiders were unlucky.

So there is a famous saying here-bullets are more effective than money.

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