Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 574: Comprehend

"Do you mean that I will encounter some problems when acquiring the mine?" Du Lin quickly realized what Mr. Federley meant, but Mr. Federley took care of his face and did not speak straight. To be white, at the same time this is the second time that he has heard someone tell him that it is not feasible to get the set of things from the west to the west. It seems that the west is indeed self-contained and has a completely different performance from other places. .

Mr. Fedley nodded, "You can understand for sure that this is the best thing, more valuable than I told you. The biggest problem in the West is the sparse population, but the area is quite large. Last year in the West The number of homicides reported to the police is more than 3,400, plus those who have not reported the crime and found no corpses, and the number will increase exponentially. In other words, about ten people die every day here. And even every hour someone dies here. "

"Your identity, status, and prestige elsewhere are of no use here, unless you can let people know that you are not provoking and are afraid of you, otherwise what you do may not be successful!"

As Mr. Fedley said, the biggest problem in the western region is the sparsely populated land. The ecological environment here is relatively poor. Various cities have been actively promoting the expansion of agriculture and animal husbandry. May be the increase in tobacco leaf fields. Tobacco is also regarded as a crop, and the sales of Imperial cigarettes are constantly rising. In order to meet this rapid and continuous growth, many tobacco companies have taken a lot of land in the west and hired locals to grow tobacco. The government will also give appropriate tax refunds as rewards.

Problems such as the degree of greenery and the harsh climate have restricted the enthusiasm of foreigners to invest here, coupled with the chaotic and dangerous public security issues, the western region has attracted investment and has entered a vicious circle.

Investors saw the deteriorating security environment and ecological environment, hesitated and even changed their minds about investing here. Without the money in the pockets of these investors as the necessary funds for urban development, if the city fails to develop, the lack of development in the city will lack sufficient jobs, and there will be no job opportunities. A large number of unemployed people will start to cause extreme public order under the pressure of life. The impact has turned into those lawless "gold diggers". The entire western region is a quagmire, and not everyone can manage it.

It has been more than two decades since the New Party came into power and innovated. In the past two decades, the three western states have changed at least fourteen governors. However, there is not much difference between the western region today and the western region more than two decades ago.

Du Lin nodded thoughtfully, he looked around, "I want to make a call ..."

Mr. Fedley immediately pointed at the other door. "The phone is in my study. You can use it."

Du Lin thanked him and approached Mr. Federly's study. Unlike most people's studies, there is no assortment of books in Mr. Feldley's study. Exquisite raw ore, including gold, silver, gemstone and crystal ore, is like entering a place full of wealth.

His attention was quickly recovered from the ore. He called the temporary leased base in the city. The young man who connected the line told Doolin that Airlis had not returned yet, but Mr. Andorra called A phone call passed and told him that if Du Lin went back, let Du Lin call him.

Du Lin ordered a few words and then hung up the phone, and then dialed the number of Andorra. After two short busy tones in the handset, he was picked up.

"Here is Andorra Mining ..."

"I'm Du Lin, help me transfer to Andorra himself, thank you!"

After waiting for a little while, the earpiece suddenly remembered a footstep, followed by a hearty laughter from the distance, "I'm Andorra, Mr. Doolin looks busy?"

Du Lin froze, he frowned and turned to the side of the window, looking at the hole where the ore cart was constantly pulling out the ore. The blackness was like the mouth of a monster, "You Okay, Mr. Andorra, very daring to ask, is our agreement signed? "

After a few seconds of silence, Mr. Andorra replied: "Maybe my answer will disappoint you very much, because our agreement is only signed by me, and not signed by you."


Andorra laughed, "Some details need to be discussed and discussed, yours ...", someone whispered something next to him, Andorra continued: "That Ellis has no way to decide, for the time being No signature. My personal opinion is that you can come here in person, we will discuss it in person and decide it, and then solve it all at once. What do you think? "

"No problem, I'm in a hurry outside right now, and I'll be back to you at noon the day after tomorrow at the latest.", Du Lin hung up after saying these things, as if he had forgotten that the purpose of the call was to ask Al Those people went there.

But would he forget?

Of course not. He knows that the moment when Andorra invites him to interview in person, it means that people like Ellis are likely to fall into Andorra's hands. What **** details need to be discussed Du Lin can fully imagine that Andorra does not want to sell mine at all, and all his performances are an illusion. What he really wanted to do was to let Du Lin go in person.

What are the consequences of Du Lin's personal past? Nothing more than being abducted, extorting enough ransom to satisfy Andorra and then disappearing on this Gobi.

Mr. Federley's words were fulfilled immediately, which made Doolyn a little manic, and at the same time he complained a bit about Mr. Jack. If you can do it, you can do it. If you can't do it, you can't do it. In this way, Mr. Jack also needs to bear some responsibilities. Of course, this is not the right time to mention it. After he has cleaned up Andorra, he will talk to Mr. Jack.

Du Lin left the study after a delay. Mr. Federly, who was smoking, heard the footsteps and sat back on the sofa. His keen observation immediately noticed that Du Lin was emotional. ? "

Du Lin rubbed his cheeks and sat back again. He picked up a box of cigarettes on the table, smoked them, and nodded heavily. "My man was trapped in a mine called Andorra Mining. Want to lie to me. "

"Andorra?" Mr. Fedley was a little strange. He knew Andorra. Even if the mine owners in the west had not spoken, they probably knew each other because of the existence of the Western Mining Association. The West Mining Association holds two receptions each year. Most of the mine owners will be present and have met without speaking. According to what Mr. Federley knows about Andorra, this person is relatively low-key. There is no other negative information except for the rumors that he slaughtered the slaves.

But soon Mr. Federly glanced at Doolin. If Andorra did it, the problem actually lies with Doulin--he is so rich!

Mr. Fedley, who lives in the west, has seen reports of Du Lin from several newspapers in the west, and the rapid popularity of the phone. It is not difficult to investigate and ask information about a well-known person. Durin's previous industries are not counted. The profit of Otis alone is shocking. You must know that 55% of the land in Otis has been disclosed by Dulin himself.

What concept is this?

He simply relied on these land transfer and lease fees to suffice to earn a huge bonus every month, and he will continue to earn it.

When such a rich person comes to the west, it is like a golden can of gold ingots appearing in the thief's den. People with or without strength will consider whether they can grab the gold ingots by themselves. The only difference now is that some people are still thinking about it, but Andorra has already started.

There are few people who dare to open mines in the west, including Mr. Federley ~ ~, he also had such a little heart, but it was quickly dispelled. Because his family lived in the south and he was already in his fifties, he was not necessarily able to have children, so he gave up the idea.

He turned around and looked at Du Lin. "What are you going to do, do you need my help?"

"No, thank you. This is just a small thing. What makes me feel a bit troublesome is that I may have to redo my plan for the west. This is the most nerve-racking!" It is not that he is too confident, but that he has such strength. Compared with other regions with more developed economies and higher population densities, one or two million people per month may not even be able to see water and flowers in those places, but in the west, it is definitely not weaker than a thunder!

Large tracts of land, a rare population, a distressed economic model, and a sturdy and honest folk custom. With the help of a large amount of money, these elements can definitely be mixed together and undergo qualitative changes.

This is Du Lin's original idea. Now he understands that money is important, but not the most important. The most important thing is fist! Without the fist that scares everyone, they may not be so obedient. The bad child can only become a good child after the education of his father's love. This is the truth!

Du Lin refused very resolutely, Federley didn't say much, he nodded his head, "If there is a need for me, he must tell me. I will not say anything else here, one or two hundred people can still pull from."

Federley has said so, and Du Lin will not really be a man without saying that, "I am very grateful for your kindness and help to me, and if I need it, I will definitely inform you!" Like-minded people talk about "Xima Empire", WeChat follow "Hot Web Article or rdww444" and talk with more book friends about favorite books

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