Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 577: Face to face 【二】

The sound of footsteps in the corridor outside the door made Andorra even more frightened. He was nervous and suddenly shot his shotgun at the door. The exclaiming sound of his son came outside, which made him relieved and startled.

"It's me, father, it's me, can I come in now?" The eldest son looked back with a guilty glance at a painting that was destroyed on the wall of the corridor. Several sharp fragments tore the frame, and the vibration made this Thousands of paintings became a scrap.

There are two types of shotgun bullets. One is a general-purpose bullet, which is also the most mainstream bullet at present. Most firearms, both standard and non-standard, use such universal bullets. The other is a split bomb, which requires a muzzle splitter to be installed at the muzzle. A special warhead will cause slight vibration when passing through the splitter. The vibration was very small, but enough to split the bullet into six petals and shoot it out. This kind of split bomb is mainly used for hunting and killing of large animals and destructive killing at close range.

The split ammunition has a short range, only twenty meters, but it is enough for use.

Andorra didn't say anything. He was listening carefully to the sound outside the door. After about ten seconds, he asked, "Are you alone?"

"Yes, I am the only one. What should we do now?" The eldest son kept looking out the window at the end of the corridor. The dense gunshots in his ears had been reduced a lot, even for a few seconds. pause.

If it hadn't been for the invaders who had been repelled, then there was only one other possibility, the one he least wanted to see-the mining team lost and they were almost cleaned up.

When the entire camp was built, the camp was divided into three parts, one is the daily life area of ​​the slaves, the other is the daily life area of ​​the employees and the ore sorting area, and the living area where this villa is located. In addition to the three living areas surrounded by high fences and barbed wire, the other two areas have only half-height low fences. If the guards are defeated, it means that the intruders will be outside the villa in a few minutes.

There is no such thing as an underground passage in the villa. When it was originally built, it was never considered that it would be threatened. The entire mining area has more than two hundred people's protection teams, which is enough to suppress any behavior of the slaves. In addition, there is a high wall outside the camp, which makes Andorra very assured of their safety.

It's impossible to leave now, and the only way seems to be to stay here and wait for the judgment of fate.

After a while, the voice of "Come in" came from Andorra. The eldest son carefully opened the door, and then raised his hands to stand outside the door to ensure that his father could see him before he walked inside.

"Close the door!" Andorra moved his muzzle, and his eldest son immediately closed the half-broken door again. He lowered his shotgun and leaned aside, and then greeted his eldest son and walked towards the display cabinet. "Come on, take a hand, push the cabinet over, and the sofa ..."

The two pushed almost everything that could be moved in the room to the door, blocking the door tightly. They still have a little hope in their hearts. If those invaders can't come in, when the day dawns, maybe someone will find the anomaly here and call the police, then they will be saved.

The daily consumption of so many people in the camp is a very large number. In addition, the camp itself does not operate farming and pastoralism, so every day food will be delivered. Every day at five in the morning, two horse-drawn carriages will deliver the entire day of the camp. If they find something wrong, maybe the father and son can be rescued ... I hope so!

"Will you use a gun?" Andorra stuffed a shotgun into the eldest son's hand and gave him a box of ammunition, all of which were split-type ammunition.

The eldest son nodded. He and Andorra had hunted twice. Compared with Andorra's enthusiasm for hunting, the eldest son preferred something more civilized. But now the situation is special. He inserted the cartridge into the shotgun according to the actions in his memory and opened the insurance. The father and son looked at each other and sat in the corner of the room, staring quietly in the direction of the door.

There were fewer and fewer gunfire outside the house. The intermittent gunfire seemed to stop anytime, anywhere. I do n’t know how long it took, the night was restored to quietness, and no more gunfire sounded, as if the previous excitement was a false illusion.

"Are there any casualties?" Du Lin walked in through the door with a cigarette. He saw Dufo's armband with a bandage and asked.

Dufo nodded, "Seven people were dead ... and more than thirty were injured. We were unfamiliar with the terrain here, and they were killed by a black gun."

It is normal to have casualties in such a battle. Even if Kena, who is responsible for covering the sniper, is afraid to say that he can take care of all the places, plus a lot of ore has been accumulated in many places, the stray bouncing is also caused. Part of the cause of the casualties.

Du Lin nodded solemnly, and walked to the open space after the entrance of the main entrance. The open space was full of corpses, one by one, and looked scalp.

"Are all people here?" Du Fu nodded in response to Du Lin's question. Du Lin frowned and shook his head. "Go to a few mine workers and slaves and let them identify."

According to Du Lin's request, they arrested a few guys who looked like staff members and two slaves, let them identify the bodies of these guards, and calculated whether they had leaked the net. After several rounds of identification, it was found that three people were not among them. When Du Lin was about to order to clean up the entire non-slave living area again, Ellis appeared with three people missing the net.

"Boss!", Ellis walked towards Doolin with a smile, and the three guards behind him had been disarmed, kneeling on the ground with their hands in their ears.

The three of them thought about going to fight at the beginning, but suddenly the frequency of the crossfire slowed down and made them feel awful. They are well aware of the habit of the mine. If the invaders are repelled, Andorra will definitely call all the slaves through the loudspeaker and kill some invaders who have not died in the presence of the slaves. To deter those slaves. These things did not happen, then there may be only one-the protection team lost.

At this time, their only idea was not to avenge Andorra or other colleagues at all. They used to be some gold prospectors, but later gave up the dangerous life and joined the mine protection team. There was no loyalty problem at all. It was simply working with money. To eat, there is no need to be buried in Andorra. So they released Ellis and others and surrendered their weapons to surrender. Even cattle can guess why these invaders came, so surrender is the only way to keep their lives.

Seeing that Ellis appeared intact, Du Lin was relieved. He stepped forward and looked carefully, and let Ellis turn around. "They didn't do anything to you, did you promise them anything?" ? ", This sentence has two points, and the latter sentence says the three surrendered people.

Airlis reacted slightly after thinking, "Of course not!"

Dufo did not wait for Du Lin to order, stepped forward and pulled the trigger of his pistol, the three guys fell to the ground.

"We died of seven brothers this time, and the joy of victory could not wash away the pain caused by the loss of these brothers. I brought them out, but I couldn't take them back alive. This is my fault!" Du Lin played the soot and took a hard breath. The cold winter wind made him look a bit lonely. "The names of the sacrificed brothers will be engraved on the monuments of all churches and will always be worshipped by us. Their families will There is a 30,000 yuan pension, and every month I get another two hundred yuan compensation to support my life! "

"The promises I have made will also be valid. Their parents will be my parents from today. Their brothers and sisters are my brothers and sisters in Du Lin. Anything ...", Du Lin slammed his cigarette **** on On the ground, the sputtered Mars extinguished as soon as his feet lighted up, "Any phone call for anything, I will do it for them ~ ~ This is my commitment to them, and also to all of me Human promise! "

Although the Guarths from other places were excited, but did not show anything, the local Guarths looked a little shocked one by one.

According to the compensation stipulated by the current empire law, the maximum compensation for death is 8,000 yuan, but in fact many times those workers die for whatever reason, and they can receive a maximum of 5,000 to 5,000 to 6,000 yuan. This is still the case. Without justice, a purely private settlement may be only two or three thousand, or even less. Du Lin took out 30,000 yuan at a time and paid 200 yuan to each family to maintain their lives. He even promised to take care of the families of these victims, which made many locals in the west short of breath. stand up.

In this land, they are used to killing and death, they are used to struggle and failure, and their lives are not valuable.

Du Lin's words made them fully understand why someone would be willing to die for Du Lin without even regretting it, afraid!

Some people even felt for a moment that they were worth even if they were dead now. At least the family can live a good life. Those brothers and sisters can finally fill their stomachs and wear warm clothes. They do n’t need to be humiliated to change. Have a full meal.

"Let's go, let's meet the man who made it all!", Du Lin strode forward, led by the staff and walked outside the villa in Andorra.

He looked at the villa illuminated by searchlights, stood outside the door for a while, and then had someone bring him a loudspeaker.

"Mr. Andorra, I'm here as promised, won't you come out and meet me?"

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