Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 578: Hang

Du Lin didn't wait long outside the villa. Andorra was neatly dressed and his son appeared in the gate of the villa. Neither of them took any weapons. Andorra knew very well that the fact that Durin was able to stand here and talk to him to get him out meant that all his men were dead. If he continues to resist and does not cooperate, it is estimated that it will be ugly and painful. He might as well come out generously, maybe he can find a chance for life?

"Mr. Du Lin, what's going on here?" Du Lin hadn't spoken yet. Andorra actually spoke first, pointing directly at Du Lin's night attack tonight. He looked completely affected by the night attack. Shocked and wondering what happened.

To be honest, Doolin did not expect that Andorra could shamelessly reverse the black and white in such a scene, but he appreciated the courage of Andorra who desperately wanted to reverse the situation in the face of failure and danger. He doesn't have much wisdom. The reason why he doesn't have much wisdom is because he should understand that it is not a wise thing to provoke an opponent who is better than himself, even if Du Lin has not proven himself in the west.

Elliston was a bit annoyed. He stepped out from behind Doolin in order to "expose" the mean things Andorra had done to him, but Doolin raised his hand and stopped Ellis from speaking.

If Ellis had spoken and told everything that had happened to him, I'm afraid Andorra could find some fallacies and refute them, and even pretend to be very innocent. If it was elsewhere, at other times, Doolin would not stop Airliss, but the situation is a little more subtle now. Once Andorra refutes, no matter what his reasons are untenable, those employees, those slaves may think in Andorra's position.

Du Lin will not kill these people, he is not the kind of irrational butcher, he will not do anything to these unrelated people. Maybe he has done some things, in addition to the parties, he also angered the parties' families, but there is one point that needs to be explained. No matter how many family members he had returned to the embrace of God neatly, from the bottom of his heart he would not have the slightest guilt, because he did not involve innocent people because of his hatred.

Those people fight, conflict, kill with him. If they win, then they and their family will be the first beneficiaries. There is no such thing as harvesting and no risk in this world. If they win, their family will enjoy the fruits of victory stripped from the body of Du Lin, then they fail, and their family must also bear the corresponding consequences— -death.

These employees and slaves here are not the same. If Andorra's plan is successful, he will get Doolin's wealth, and he will not be able to distribute these wealth to these employees and even slaves. He should continue to exploit, maybe he will continue to intensify to strengthen his unquestionable authority. These people will not be the beneficiaries of this "war", they have nothing to do with the nature of the war, so they are innocent people.

It is not Du Lin's style to be angry at innocent people!

When Airlis's rebuttal is refuted by Andorra, these people may disclose what happened tonight, and people will think that it is Dulin who is in a bad position, because Andorra's words are very reasonable.

So Du Lin didn't let Airlis say anything. Since whether or not he told him, the fait accompli won't change, but there is a certain chance that people think that Du Lin is a hypocrite and a villain. Might as well just do it absolutely. Let people be afraid of his fierce name, rather than hate his "hypocrisy".

Aerlis took a step back because he didn't know what, as the Buddha often said. Doing things with his mind. Doing them. Doing things with his hands. He trusted him unconditionally.

Du Lin kicked the stones on the ground, and then looked up at Andorra, who was "righteous", and said with a smile, "I am here to conquer your property. Now you have two choices. "

"Unconditionally transfer all your property and property to me, or I despise your trivial possessions and send them back to your family, please choose, Mr. Andorra."

The gloating smiles on the faces of the surrounding employees and the slaves who were watching the bustle suddenly became a bit indescribable. They didn't even dare to touch Du Lin and looked at other places. They thought that Andorra was vicious enough, and did not expect that a more powerful one would come. Such people might be in the moody category. In case they also died, they would suffer a lot.

Andorra was still in place, and he had no chance to say what he said. If Airlis had refuted him just now, he could point out all the "mistakes" immediately. He had not abused and hurt Ellis and others, but also provided them with everything they could enjoy here, and even "incarceration" could be said to be too late for fear of accidents on the road, and they were enthusiastically left behind.

But this comment made by Du Lin not only blocked his mouth, but even his mind was a bit stiff-it turned out to be a horse-riding thing. The purpose of this **** is to take my property?

The momentary change in thinking between the hunter and the prey gave Andorra a very funny and ridiculous feeling, as if he had ripped off a girl's skirt, but saw a behemoth, and then pressed himself to the ground Full of grievances and anger.

He clenched his fist and his eyes changed, "You are a crime, and the empire will punish you!"

"Sanction me?" Du Lin couldn't help laughing, and he laughed as he walked towards Andorra. He could see that Andorra's energy had been exhausted and was no longer dangerous. "Except the King and the gods could sanction Me, who else can sanction me? Law? Judge? Ethics or the will of the people? "Du Lin shook his head while throwing out a series of questions," Oh yes, there is something else in this world Can punish me, that is justice! "

"And I represent justice!"

He was already standing in front of Andorra at this time, and suddenly raised his fist and slammed it on Andorra's cheek. His head slammed and the whole man took a two-step back and was taken by his son. I helped.

Du Lin met the jealous gaze of the father and son, without the slightest avoidance and shake, his voice became a bit cold, "Do you stupid thing know how many people we have died tonight? Seven people, tell you, yes Seven people! Because your stupidity cost me seven brothers, I change my mind now, I do n’t want any wealth from you, I only want your life! ”

He kept staring at Andorra in fright, with his right hand behind him and his palm up. Dufo, who had been quietly following him, put a pistol in his waist in Du Lin's hand. Du Lin took the pistol and aimed directly at the son who had been supporting Andorra.

Blood soaked Andorra's face, and his pupils suddenly shrunk like needles under the flames and lights. Losing the power to help, he fell to the ground, tilted his head and looked at the eldest son with a small black hole in his forehead. His heart was like a knife, and he screamed screaming--no!

"Do not?"

"You reject my kindness?"

Du Lin came to Andorra, stepped on the back of his hand, and the muzzle in his hand was also facing Andorra. "Do you understand what happened now?", And waited for Andorra to answer, Du Lin suddenly closed After firing a pistol, he shook his head and turned to leave, while walking, saying, "When the sun rises tomorrow morning, hang him on the sentry tower beside the gate!"

In the early morning of the next day, there was no quietness in the mining area without the protection team. No matter the living area of ​​the employees or the living area of ​​the slaves, there was no sound at all. But the people here are already up. They are looking at the sentry tower on the left side of the gate. After the first rays of sunlight penetrated the cold wind and darkness, the whole mining area seemed to come alive. People watched several figures walk to the sentry tower, and then they made a rope and tied it to a person's head, pushing him out in many exclaimed voices.

The two delivery coaches took a look back and then looked back. They were a little accustomed to the corpse swinging around in the wind ~ ~ I got used to it when I came too many , And many slave mines in the west are basically very good. The slaves are not worth the money, and death will not feel the pain to the miners, but these dead slaves can wake up the living slaves. If they do something wrong, it is their turn to wake up. other people.

So the two coachmen didn't look carefully at the guy who was constantly twisting his body and making snoring noises and struggling. When everything was neatly arranged, they drove farewell to some new faces and left the staff living area. Just as they crossed their impending rush back to town, one of the coachmen glanced back towards the sentry tower, gave a light slap, and held the reins.

Another coachman also pulled the reins to stop the carriage. "What's wrong?"

"That man ... seems to be Mr. Andorra?"

Both eyes surrendered to the guy who was no longer struggling under the sentry tower. He was wearing decent clothes and his fingers were embedded between the noose and his neck. His pale and blue face seemed to be familiar.

The distant sun rises completely from the horizon and cuts the entire space into two worlds of light and darkness. The line of light falls slowly, covering the face of Andorra little by little.

That's right, Mr. Andorra!

The two coachmen took a breath, and immediately thought of some abnormalities in delivery today. It was too dark at that time, and they didn't notice anything. Now it is a problem to think of it!

The reins trembled wildly, and the waving whip fell on the horse's buttocks, and the two carriages galloped away, leaving only the corpse swaying back and forth under the sentinel tower as the cold wind blew! I want to talk with more like-minded people about "Xima Empire", WeChat follow "Hot Web Article or rdww444" and talk with more book friends about favorite books

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