Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 583: Back hand [two]

Some people are cheering for Donald's new policy, then someone must be shaking his head for his new policy. These people are undoubtedly the capitalists who followed in the footsteps of Dulin during the "Dulin era" of Otis. They either broke away from the chamber of commerce or joined an official trade association for the first time. No matter what they were in the past, under the call of Du Lin, they firmly believed in Du Lin and obeyed his orders, letting I embarked on a fast track for development.

As a vested interest group of Otis, if there was no accident and if Du Lin would not be held responsible for the accident, they may still be sitting in the room laughing and talking about some boring topics as before. They don't need to worry about their business. As long as Du Lin is here, no one dares to violate the rules of the game he makes, no matter who that person is!

But this is no longer the Dulin era, it is the post-Dulin era, and it is also a time when Donald is eager to deny some important policies of Dulin to achieve a political goal that the former is not as good as himself.

People say that standing on the shoulders of giants can see farther, but who knows that the first person who really stands on the shoulders of giants will definitely not look far, but inferiority, jealousy, and anger! Because of my smallness, I need to stand on the shoulders of others, but still not as far away as others, but also make an excited expression that is deeply heartbroken after receiving help from others or even giving alms?

No, that's not what Donald wanted.

A politician who has been in the company for more than a decade can not say that he has failed, but can only say that he is a bit slow, especially a nobleman. None of the rich resources and connections is needed, this is the biggest taunt of politicians of noble origin!

In the eyes of others, Donald is an ascension. From a city's second character to a first character, it is a huge breakthrough. However, in Donald's mind, this was not obtained through his own efforts. This was the "head start" in other people's political compromise deals, and he had no qualifications. He is also very clear that his term of office is only three years, and after three years he will go to a remote place as a compensation to make up for Du Lin's mentality.

Therefore, he must do something big in three years, only in this way can he avoid the fall of the next four or even eight years.

The main merit of negating the predecessor is the first priority of the successor after he took office, because only in this way can he show his visionary vision and change the plan left by the predecessor in the opposite way, can he prove that he is not weaker than the predecessor Ability to govern. This is not the experience of Donald alone. This is almost the habit of most politicians. How can he highlight his importance to this city without demeaning his predecessor. Besides, he is also a "miracle maker" like Doolin. How can he climb that mountain without demeaning?

The second mayor of the imperial capital opened two light rail transits for the city. After the third mayor came to power, he fiercely criticized his predecessor and spent money in meaningless places. With a public transportation system, what other light rails are needed? Then, in the next seven years, the mayor not only quadrupled the city of the imperial capital, but also built twelve additional urban light rails.

They may see the same purpose as themselves, but degrading others is a great help to elevate themselves.

Of course, this kind of derogation is not the kind of saying that the predecessor did badly in public. What is wrong here and what is the problem? On the contrary, they will maintain the predecessor everywhere, and then treat themselves with contempt for some things. With derogation manifested. This is a very artistic political wrist. It is by no means a simple narrative. Donald does just that.

The faces of the big men in the room are no longer smiling, and they are in stark contrast to the guys smiling at the banquet two streets away.

The atmosphere was a little dull. Everyone was smoking a cigarette or playing field, but no one spoke. One of the many governance ideas put forward by Donald after he took office was "unity." At first they didn't know what it meant, but now they know it. He wanted to "unify" those who were excluded by Du Lin, and then harmed their interests to make up for those excluded. This is simply playing with fire!

"What should we do? We should stop him!", The owner of Jindun Men's Articles Company asked with a sad expression. Du Lin once provided these merchants with a small idea, which was to carry out his own workshop. The reform, in addition to retaining the ability of purely handmade high-end clothing to serve the nobles, produced the clothes in batches, and then sold them all over the empire and even the world. With this proposal from Durin, with Otis as the core, a large number of high-profile brands began to produce and sell low-end products. The sales volume made people feel happy, and these merchants became more united around Durin. .

"He can allow those outsiders to share our interests today, and we may be kicked out of here tomorrow. What do you think the chairman of the business meeting came here? Donald must have any agreement with him, and it must be bad luck we!"

One of the shareholders of Good Luck Casino glanced at him, "Everyone here is very clear about this. The question is how do we solve it? With your mouth? Are you going to give him your flexible tongue to please him? Let him change his mind? Of course it is impossible, sir and gentlemen. We need to discuss a countermeasure, at least in the case of protecting our own interests, with only minimal concessions! "

People started talking about their thoughts and suggestions, but everyone couldn't convince anyone, and even someone came up with a ridiculous idea, that is, dual membership. As a member of the Otis Business Chamber and a member of the Chamber of Commerce, all things will be solved. This proposal has attracted many people, especially those who have been members of the Chamber of Commerce and later withdrew from the Chamber of Commerce in order to join the Otis Chamber of Commerce. They have no objection to joining the Chamber of Commerce.

Just when everyone couldn't reach a consensus, someone suddenly asked, "Why not call Mr. Du Lin?"

The room quieted down instantly. Everyone looked at the honest man. The honest man immediately realized that the call was bound to be him!

Some people have always said that Du Lin's food is not good, this time Du Lin can finally say that others' food is not good. He had expected someone to call himself for help, but he didn't expect the call to come so quickly. He knew that Donald was a little relieved after he took over from him. During his administration in Otis, Donald was not a mountain or a river. He was a low-key person who was said to have been studying the development of Otis. Du Lin feels that Donald's succession to the mayor can guarantee that his policies will not deviate in the general direction.

But often people's ideas are not faster than changes. In less than ten days, Donald actually wants to break his own rules? This made Du Lin feel a little absurd and felt realistic.

The reason why every politician in politics is respected by his friends and enemies is not because of how much personality he has, but because of the power in his hands. People are in awe of Magus because Magus is the prime minister of the empire, the head of the cabinet, if he is not? Then he may be like the bad old man on the side of the road, no one will stop for him and greet him.

Donald doesn't want to worry about himself, so don't worry about it.

Du Lin touched his strong supporters during his administration and told them that changes would occur at the latest one week. Let them be quiet and do nothing. Do n’t think, just wait for the earthquake in Otis. !!

He hung up the phone and picked up the phone. At the same time, Scott, who was lying on the sofa watching the tape, was suddenly taken aback by the ringing phone. UU Reading Book www. uukanshu. After Donald took office, he was first transferred to the Mayor's Secretariat of the City Hall as Secretary-General. It seemed that he was promoted, but the problem was that he had nothing at all. Donald's affairs were left to his former secretary, and Scott, the secretary general, was left unattended all day.

If it wasn't for Du Lin who had told him something, those businessmen would come and tell him that he might have been discouraged.

After receiving the call, a red light appeared on Scott's decadent face. He kept nodding and said that after a few minutes he left home to go to the Otis Regional Police Station and found Haight.

In fact, Hite was also treated coldly. Some people who opposed Durin, such as the family members who were shot dead by Hite in the bank, and the old man who was amputated in a wheelchair by Nami Lindes, said that Hite It was a dog raised by Du Lin. Whoever he told him to bite, he would bite. Perhaps it was because Haight did a lot of things, and the rumors that Donald was temporarily afraid of Haight did not move him, but his life was not very good.

There are many elements in Donald ’s inaugural speech. In addition to the “solidarity” element, there is also “streamlining”. He believes that the current staffing of some departments in Otis is too bloated and needs to be streamlined in the future. There is no doubt about this. This is the regional police station. There are already indications that the director of the Police Investigation Bureau and Donald are very close. Donald may replace the authority of some regional police stations with the Police Investigation Bureau, and eventually clear the police station before reopening.

Under such circumstances, the Guarth police are still very stable, and those locals and police of non-Guarth ethnicity are a little bit anxious.

When Scott came here, Haight had just fired and fired three police officers, letting them pack and get away.

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