Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 584: Scandal [1]

Carter slammed the door heavily, tore his neckline and walked back to his seat. He took the tea cup and drank half of the coffee left over from last night. He walked back and forth a few steps in annoyance, cursing something in his mouth.

The newly-appointed Mayor Donald's attitude towards the police chief made him feel a little alienated, and the people below immediately showed some signs of something wrong. When Du Lin didn't leave, he was always a unique voice in the entire police station. No matter how unreasonable tasks he asked the police officers to perform, no one would refute it, and he would not even question it. But now, there are already some bad signs. These non-Guarth police officers have begun to violate his orders and even questioned the purpose of his orders.

He knows exactly why these people do it, because he wants to avoid the fact that the Mayor cleans up the Doolin team in the police station. But they overlooked another problem, and when they began to consider leaving a back road for themselves, they cut off the back road of Hite. If Hite didn't deal with them, at most a few days, almost half of the police officers in the police station would be violent, and ignored his orders. Once the people's minds were dispersed, the team would not take them.

Scott calmed down the anger in his heart and looked at Scott curiously. "What are you doing here?"

"Good thing!" Scott stroked Haight, sitting on the chair he was facing, with his legs raised, "Boss said that since Donald was going to challenge his rules, he should let him know that something had been done, There is a heavy price to pay! "

"It's decided?" Hite gave a moment's notice. Donald was just a few days after he took office, and Dulin was about to step him down. Isn't it a bit too fast. But soon Hett nodded and agreed: "No problem, he should learn a lesson, I will do it immediately!"

After Scott left, Hite thought about it, put on a police cap, and went directly to the last one in the cell. After he opened the door, the woman in the room immediately raised her head, and her eyes were strange. This woman has been locked here for almost half a year, and will still be upset at the beginning, either to accuse Du Lin or threaten to commit suicide. After more than a month of noisy, no one took care of her, and she broke her food for two days before she became honest.

A policewoman will come to chat with her every two or three days. It is said that this is to avoid driving her crazy, but now she looks good.

He lost the paper bag in his hand, and Alice reacted somewhat dullly, and she opened the paper bag with a thick picture inside. Alice's numb expression changed for the first time. These photos are almost all close-ups of different characters. There are male and female, old and young. They all have a distinctive feature. They are all Alice's loved ones. .

Her elder brother, her father, mother, her uncle and aunt, all of them appeared in these photos. Alice looked up at Haight sharply, clutching her document bag tightly, she pursed her lips, "what do you want?"

"Me?" Hite laughed softly. "It's not me, ma'am, it's boss who wants you to do something for him. After doing these things, you may have some trouble temporarily, but soon you will get Free, go to new places and start a new life! "

"how should I do?"

Hite glanced back at the corridor and closed the door.

Three days later, an explosive news spread to all newspapers through telephone lines in an instant. Many morning and daily newspapers printed an emergency supplement in the evening, which shows the sensation brought by this news.

A major breakthrough was made in the assassination of Mayor Durin of Otis. After freely remembering that he sold the photo in his hand to multiple newspapers for 50,000 yuan, he sold it to the rest at a lower price. Newspaper. Although her behavior was very shameless, but everyone looked at the content of these photos and decided not to care about her for the time being, because these photos are indeed worth the money.

That night, Donald's face turned blue and got the supplement printed by the Otis Daily. The first page of the supplement was completely occupied by black and bold text, and the content was "Darkness Behind the Sun." The next seven were enlarged. The photo, the entire newspaper, except for the title, has no text, but it is absolutely imaginative.

The first photo was the moment when Turin was rioted in front of the Town Hall Square when he was assassinated. There were crowds fleeing everywhere. The most striking place was that Turin fell under the podium. Several assassins with pistols can be seen in this photo, pointing at Doolin on the podium.

The second picture is a car parked on the street. Behind the car, three guys with clear faces and weapons in their hands are rushing towards the car. The car has a local license plate, and there is a driver in the cab. These people are wearing loose trench coats and dome felt hats, and the brim pressure is relatively low, but they can still distinguish them.

The third picture is that these people are sitting in the car, and one of them has his hat completely raised, revealing his appearance, very clear. He was watching the running police and Dulin's bodyguard in the distance. The driver on the side had already turned the steering wheel and the car had left the curb.

The fourth photo is a very ordinary street shot. In the street shot, a woman sits beside a flower bed and looks at the book in her hand demurely, revealing a thoughtful look, and a slightly twisted brow makes people want to find out Desire, what in the end makes this beautiful woman confused. But this is not the point of this photo. The point is that in the lower left corner of the photo, the assassin is inviting a sideways male into a restaurant.

Then the fifth and sixth photos are obviously not taken by the same camera as the previous photos, and the time may not be within a time period. But the assassin who assassinated Doolin appeared in the two pictures. The assassin stood in a formal dress bowing his head and stood at the edge of the photo. In the middle of the photo was a very famous person in the northern high society. His name was Solo. Readers who have seen this photo have guessed that this assassin must have all the connections to the savvy figures in the photo.

The seventh photo, the content is very simple, and everyone is familiar with it. It is the front photo of Mr. Donald who recently served as the mayor of Otis. He wore very decent clothes, turned sideways, facing the camera, smiling very sunny.

Many people suddenly realized something, and immediately returned to the fifth page, holding the magnifying glass to look at the person in the lower left corner of the photo, and his face was suddenly shocked.

That's Donald, Donald is with the Assassin!

Donald himself was bewildered, but soon he came back, and he tore up the newspaper and shattered it. That's right, Soro has talked to him and asked him to say something good to the Cape family in Durin's ears, and see if he can get through the relationship of the No. 2 person in his city and let No. 1 Cape's relationship The family got a share of the casino. They did sit outside for a while, and he did agree with Solo's request, but he hadn't said anything to Dulin about this.

He just perfunculated Solo, but he did not expect that he would probably be planted in this matter.

At the same time, he can guess the driving force behind this incident-Du Lin.

The guy must be hating himself for stealing his position, so he has to be kicked out of this way, but he is innocent!

Donald told himself that he had to do something. If he didn't say anything, public opinion would definitely have a one-sided situation under the conspiracy theories of conspiracy theories that can be used as anything. Those ordinary and very stupid people will surely believe that some truth has been distorted. He had to stand up and tell him that some people had persecuted him. These reports were untrue, and they were deliberately combined to frame him.

Just then the phone bell on his hand suddenly rang. He hesitated before answering the call. Some strange voice came from the phone. "Hello, Mayor Donald, I am Powell, I have a You need to answer the question ~ ~ You must give me the most realistic answer. Only then can we choose how to do it, understand? "The voice on the phone paused for three seconds, and then it rang again. Then he said, "Have Solo met you?"

Donald knows Powell. He could say a lot of power when he came to power, so he hesitated for a moment before saying "yes".

"Did you talk about Doolin and some policy questions about Otis? This question is very important and you must answer it truthfully!"

"Yes, we said ..." Donald's words weren't finished yet. He moved the handset away from his ears blankly, and then stared blankly at the handset in his hand. The call signal in it had been cut off.

What does it mean?

Why did I hang up after asking two questions?

Does Powell trust himself?

Donald couldn't figure out what was going on in the world in a split second, but Powell wasn't sure, because the call was not made by Powell.

On the second day, the price of the Daily News rose to three hundred and ninety-nine cents. Such a horrible increase was not because the decision-making level of the newspaper was crazy, but today's newspapers are somewhat different. In addition to the newspaper itself, there is an audio tape, the content of which is short and horrifying, and it takes less than thirty seconds to set up.

But even so, all the newspapers that have been printed and sold in Didu Daily have been emptied within an hour, and after four consecutive publications, the scalp sales have been effectively alleviated, which has excited Didu Daily. What's more, newspapers and news organizations from all over the empire ordered a total of more than 217,000 tapes from them, which will make them sell for one day and top the sales for the past three months!

On this day, those two conversations are repeated in the streets and alleys of the Empire!

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