Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 588: Fermentation [1]

The director of the Investigation Bureau suddenly recalled all the agents who dealt with illegal cases outside the country to maintain law and order. These agents were somewhat inexplicable.

To be precise, there are some complaints. It seems that this department of the Bureau of Investigation is far more "upscale" than the police department. In addition to the fact that there is a sense of superiority in wages and names, there is only a sense of superiority, and There are no practical benefits. According to the empire's laws and institutional interpretations, the Police Investigation Bureau is a high-level comprehensive detection agency with a wide range of powers, but only deals with cases of serious nature. The serious nature means that it is a major and important case. Many superiors and senior executives are concerned. In such a case, it is definitely too comfortable for you to make money with black hands.

On the contrary, after they started to take over the work of the police station in the past few days, they found out that the police station was the real “welfare agency”. Usually, they would not encounter anything too dangerous, and there were still many ways to get money.

The car parked crooked and was fined.

Doesn't look like a good person, and asks to show credentials, doesn't it?

Two fines.

The fine of this two pieces can be dozens of times a day, especially now that the law and order situation is not good, there are more guys on the street who wander outside the store door and are not good people. These guys provide them with a lot of money. Not everyone will carry a resident card with them. This thing has been implemented in Otis for less than half a year. Many people put it at home after picking it up, who is fine with them? This allowed many detectives to drop three or five yuan in their hands in one day.

Now they were called back and the director asked them not to allow law and order on the street, which made them complain a little. This one-time job counts a month's income much higher than your own salary. It actually ends there, and even makes some people feel worse than going to the police station to get a job.

As soon as Donald was aware of the news, he called the director of the Bureau of Investigation and asked him why he did not follow the orders to send the agents to the streets to maintain law and order. Fifteen minutes after the agents of the Bureau of Investigation evacuated, Three more burglary cases occurred and a businessman was beaten and injured. Responsibility for these problems cannot rest on Carter and the unmanned police station who have been dismissed, nor can he fall on the police investigation bureau. He can only fall on his "inaction" mayor.

The Director of the Investigation Bureau was silent for a while before giving an answer, "I'm very sorry, Mr. Mayor. The Police Investigation Bureau only accepts assignments from higher authorities, and the City Hall only has the power to advise us and has no management power. As The important power department of the empire, we should also abide by the laws and systems of the empire, so I am very sorry, it is very difficult for us to go out to maintain law and order without the orders of superiors, I hope you can understand! "

"Did someone speak at the State Bureau of Investigation?" This was Donald's first reaction. It must have been the pressure on the State Bureau of Investigation by Doolin who had ordered the State Bureau of Investigation to ban it. "I see I don't blame you for this, I will make other arrangements! "

After hanging up the phone, Donald felt completely trapped in a huge net, and felt the complicated struggle he had to face after being promoted from the second person to the first person. These struggles come not only from within the political arena, but also from the outside of the political arena, making him troubled internally and externally. He never thought that the mayor of a city would have to face these things, would n’t all the mayors encounter similar problems? At the same time, he also had a clear understanding. As long as he can overcome this difficulty, he will be able to grasp the true power of the city of Otis, which is the real power, and the real power after the isolation of Dulin!

"What should I do?" He lay down on the sofa and looked at his secretary with some dismay. His secretary is almost fifty years old, and has been following his father's work at Emperor Capital. After running this time to be elected as a New Party member of Otis, his father left to send his secretary to Donald to assist the kid.

The secretary calmly thought for a moment, "I think the most important thing for you right now is to reorganize the police station. It is actually a good thing for you that the police officers who left the post of Commissioner Hate resigned together. This will prevent you from facing all the pressures of cleaning the police station in the future. They can leave by themselves is the best choice. Now you only need to insert people you trust into the police station. I believe the re-established police station Can play a key role in stabilizing the law and order of Otis! "

Donald froze and immediately sat up. He glanced at his secretary gratefully. Indeed, he didn't expect that. He was just fainted by the active departure of Hite and a large number of police officers. He would have spent some hands and feet to clean up the police station. Isn't he clean now? He immediately picked up the phone and immediately made arrangements.

Anyway, he is also a nobleman politician. Naturally, he will have a lot of resources. Under his arrangement, the candidate to replace the director of the Otis District Police Department has appeared. He also gave the new director a great deal. Personnel powers allow him to freely select those he deems feasible to enter the regional police station and give police officers a staffing.

The deserted police station became lively again overnight. The new director brought more than 50 people, although not as many as during the Shanghai Special Period, but he could barely maintain the current city's law and order. And the new director also received a very powerful authority from Donald-no restrictions on the right to fire.

Police can take the initiative to fire on any criminal who appears to be attacking and dangerous to himself, which is why the new director dares to take over this position.

The new director is called Singh, who is from Ogdin. He has a very rich resume. He has been a thug, a smuggler and a bar. A few years ago, when Donald was very young, he had conflicts with some guests in his bar. Singh stood with Donald with a clear banner, helped him smooth out those troubled guests, and won Donald's friendship. In subsequent years, when Donald needed someone to help him dare to do dirty work, he would give the task to Singh.

It seems that they have a close relationship. In essence, Donald doesn't look down on such a person. He has been using Singer to work for himself. He will certainly not hesitate to face important choices of interests. Abandon Singh. But now, Singh is very important to him, it's also a dirty job.

The next day, after dawn, the city hall issued a decree. In view of the frequent criminal activities in Otis and the frequent occurrence of violence, the city hall ordered a curfew policy to be implemented from now on. Considered suspicious, you need to show your residence permit. If you do not have a resident card, you need to follow the police officers who found them to the police station for identity registration and investigation. If there is resistance, the police officers can, if necessary, directly shoot the suspect after firing a warning.

This decree came into an uproar throughout the city, especially the seven major casinos have protested. After the evening is the hottest time for casino operations, if a curfew is implemented at this time, it will definitely have a fatal impact on the casino business.

Donald also knew that there would be protests, and he immediately summoned the shareholders of the seven major casinos into the conference room of the city hall, and gave a solution, that is, the special car for casino transfers will not be included in the inspection scope. In other words, guests in the casino can take the shuttle bus to the casino or return to their hotel and the police will release them. Although it may seem like a way to get the best of both worlds, shareholders at the Big Seven casinos have been completely disappointed with Donald.

He only cares about the struggle between himself and Doolin, and treats their interests as a child's play, which exacerbates the disappointment of Donald in the local high society of Otis.

In fact, this is not to blame Donald's anger into the devil ~ ~ The violent cases that have occurred have caused those members of the chamber of commerce to walk more than half, and lost these supporters who can support him, but also can get his trust, to meet him The work that came down, and the current situation, have had a huge vicious impact. He must curb the deteriorating law and order of Otis in a very short period of time, and with the most basic approval of all citizens, set about changing the current situation and trying to get the disadvantage back.

He thinks this is not difficult, it may be enough to solve it in a few days. Once the people of Du Lin realize that continuing to engage in those tricks will have extremely serious consequences, they will give up such stupid and childish behavior, and then it is true. Fight, not yet!

Donald was not clear at this time. Outside of Otis, news reports about him were still fermenting, and new content was added.

The hundreds of citizens who discussed a series of violations of local rules and regulations in front of the City Hall were captured by many reporters. They added some subjective titles and content to turn the contents of the photo into a procession. , A protest!

Hundreds of Otis citizens gathered outside the city hall to protest against some of the new Mayor Donald ’s policy agenda, arguing that Mayor Donald ’s personal ability was not sufficient to serve as the mayor of Otis. In addition, his morals were impaired, and many citizens Donald was asked to resign.

Well, journalists do n’t need any manuscripts. They only need one photo to write dozens of articles with different core content. If you add Du Lin, you can send 50 to 100 yuan to each newspaper. Manuscript fees ", they are more willing to tilt the position of the article towards Du Lin's side.

More and more people are paying attention to the city of Otis. With the sudden curfew in Otis, some contributors have asked directly in the newspaper-is the war again?

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