Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 589: Outbreak [two]

"Before you came, I had talked with Mr. Durin on the phone!" Therme stepped out of the small room next door solemnly. He stood in the side hall, which was filled with the seven casinos of Otis The shareholders, as well as members of the Otis Business Group, are strong supporters of Dulin. They exchanged a lot of wealth with their support for Du Lin. Many people ’s wealth doubled in this year, even more than ten times.

They will not forget Doolin, nor will Doolin be an enemy, because according to Doulin's plan, their wealth will continue to grow exponentially in the next few years!

Once the Otis package plan is successfully implemented, their personal wealth will at least triple or even five times, which is equal to dozens or even hundreds of times their wealth a year ago!

This is not to be taken into account. With the completion of the accident in the eastern canyon, the joint construction workers will start construction again. It is expected that the mountains will be penetrated in the middle of this year and will be opened to traffic early next year. The last short board of the city of Otis will also be filled, and a new huge take-off is ushered in, and their wealth will continue to grow significantly.

Even if it is just a fruit seller, as long as they follow Du Lin's footsteps for the first time, I am afraid that there are hundreds of thousands of net worth, let alone those speculators who have a lot of money in their own possessions.

For the benefit of capitalists can trample on the law, for the benefit of dozens or hundreds of times, the capitalists dare to kill you.

Just now this gentleman talked to Du Lin. The current situation in Otis is very bad. Every night there are gunfires and even gun battles. The guests in the casino ca n’t see many people because of the sharp decline in the public security environment. It can be said that there are no guests. The newly formed City Hall of Otis, headed by Donald, has no better way to do this. The Otis Business Group has made suggestions and issued protests, but they were pressed back by Mayor Donald.

In the words of Mayor Donald, when law and order are completed, he will deal with other things, and will definitely bring Otis back to the original state.

But everyone knows that this is impossible. What he needs to do now is not to deal with the public security issues that are always unclean, nor to overwhelm Doering ’s law with his own policy agenda and philosophy, but to Xiang Du Lin bowed his head. As long as he confessed his mistakes to Doolin, and sought for Doolin's forgiveness, only a phone call would be required to restore Otis to its original state.

But he did n’t do that. He seemed to be carrying it with Du Lin. When he was a member of the Diet, he did n’t have these signs. He can only say that power is so attractive that people forget their ability and only believe that they see it. Is what you can control.

The speaker is currently one of the directors of the Otis business group, and can also be regarded as one of the largest capitalist representatives in Otis. He has a good relationship with Doolin and is considered to be the first batch of corresponding Otis investment plans. Businessman investing. Regarding the smuggling miracle created by Du Lin on the East Coast, he believes that Du Lin can create another miracle in this desert. At that time, he came here with his more than 4 million properties, and all of them have been suppressed. In return for more than 50 million returns, so he called Du Lin, he also believes that only Du Lin's law is the best choice for the sustainable development of Otis City.

Salem, the businessman who dared to speculate, looked at everyone in the room and whispered, "Mr. Durin told me that he had done what he should do. Next, we will do it for ourselves. Go choose! "

"What does this mean?" Someone couldn't understand the sentence and immediately stood up and asked, "We have chosen to stand with Mr. Du Lin, what else do we need to choose?"

Compared to some people who are ignorant and ignorant, others have deep eyes, they look at each other, and hear the meaning of Durin from Thurlem's words.

Du Lin provided directions and did all the preliminary work well. The next time is for them to show their desire to protect their interests and desires. They need to show their absolute sincerity and prove that they and Du Lin will always be stand together.

Du Lin took them to make money and took them to grab money from tourists from all over the world. He has already done what he should do and fulfilled his promise to everyone. But if you want to further the relationship between the two parties, then it is not simply a matter of earning your own money. They also need to show their sincerity and show their positions.

How to show your sincerity?

Take Donald out of office.

Prior to this, they had always responded negatively and did not have any initiative. To put it simply, Du Lin has been safeguarding their interests. They are just waiting for the result without paying anything. Any income must be paid in relative terms. If you want to get anything in this world, you must have equal pay. The results are not obtained because the heavens dropped these things, but by their own efforts.

The atmosphere in the room was a bit singular, and Thelem slaps and claps with a smile, attracting everyone's attention. "I don't think that during this time we have shown what we should do to safeguard our vital interests, so I There is an idea. In the next period of time, we need to take the initiative to show resistance and determination to the various unreasonable policies of the current city hall. Only in this way can we ensure that our interests are always in our wallet. ! "

"There is a certain risk here. After all, it may be difficult for the City Hall to completely offend some of the friends present. I will not force anyone to stand with us all the time. If anyone wants to withdraw, it is too late! "

The words of Salem immediately made these sly and treacherous merchants understand the meaning of his words. This was to allow them to declare a war with the City Hall in an all-round way, thereby forcing Donald to resign and win the war. What other exits are we talking about at this time? Donald himself is obviously difficult to protect himself. If he leaves the business group, he will certainly become the first "sacrifice" after the results appear. Everyone's silence seemed to unify Thurlem's proposal, waiting for what Thurlem would say next.

He nodded. "Very well, I have an idea ..."

On the third day, Donald was awakened from his sleep by the ringing of the phone. More than ten seconds after he picked up the phone, he turned to the window and opened the curtains.

A large number of local citizens and migrant workers outside the window held banners and signs, shouted a unified slogan and passed by the door of his villa, and a large number of demonstrations gathered on the Town Hall Square not far away. They only have one slogan-return me to work!

The most important thing in any city is always employment, and no political factor more important than this thing exists, even if a place is very poor and backward. But as long as this place has sufficient jobs, even if life is very distressed, people will take the initiative to adapt to this life. But if there are not enough jobs, law and order, social environment, investment environment, and economic construction will become shit! Those violent workers who lose their jobs will destroy everything they see and put those in power in great trouble.

Donald threw himself on the bed with a crawl, struggling to sit on the other side. When he picked up the phone, there were sweat beads on his forehead, and he asked loudly: "What happened to the ground and why no one was notified?" I, they are going to hold a parade, and what do these people mean by the sign? "

Police Chief Singh reluctantly stated that these people did not submit any application for a march to the police station. It can be said that their march was completely illegal, but there were so many parades, and their police station could not stop the crackdown at all. It is too late to apply for the army from the Imperial Guard Zone.

As for why there was such a march slogan, Singh could only give a message that made Donald cold.

At 9 o'clock last night, all members of the Otis business group, including the seven major casinos, officially announced the indefinite suspension of business. The reason was that Mayor Donald deliberately disrupted the various relationships that built the city's harmony and caused social unrest. The great impact caused huge losses to members of the business group of Otis City. In order to stop the loss temporarily, more than 70% of the capitalists in Otis announced the termination of business operations.

In other words, they don't play anymore.

All of the 270,000 jobs in the city of Otis disappeared in a flash and replaced by 270,000 "unemployed" people. This huge resentment formed such a sudden procession. Of course, this parade can be understood as sudden, after all, it happened suddenly. This is what Donald saw.

He slammed on the phone and put on his clothes, and went to the study to call the directors of the seven major casinos, but no matter who he called, no one answered, just like these calls were all empty numbers. It wasn't until he dialed the phone of that he was relieved.

Someone answered his call, which meant that there was room for easing the matter, but even so, he already hated those people. After this incident, no matter what he will do in the future, he will no longer take up the main post, and at most he will mingle with the kind of powerless empty post in the party. This march can be said to have ruined his political career, but if he did nothing, he might not even have a "destroyed political career".

"Seleme, why is this happening, why can't we sit down and talk about it, can we let those outside go back to where they should go first?", Donald's tone is more than the days he took office It has softened a lot, and even the meaning is begged in the voice.

There was no change in Salem's voice, "Dear Mayor Donald, this was not caused by us, it was caused by you. You ca n’t accept our advice and hurt all of us, given that you are a member of the Chamber of Commerce Extra trust, you can tell these words to the members of the Chamber of Commerce. I believe that with the capabilities of the Imperial Chamber of Commerce, they can help you solve your current difficulties. "

Donald's body was trembling slightly. He tried not to let his emotions affect his voice, so that he didn't look so helpless. "What can I do to make up for the damage I have caused you?"

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