Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 590: My rhythm

Donald, who hung up the phone, was sitting in a chair with his hair sternly. The pain from his scalp could not cover his helplessness and irresistible anger.

Salem put forward two conditions. As long as he can fulfill these two conditions, everything will return to peace, and even someone will stand up and take part of the responsibility. But these two conditions made him unacceptable and he didn't even want to remember.

The first requirement was that he had to call Mr. Durin in person to admit that his arrogance had caused the turmoil in the community of Riodiss for this period of time and begged Mr. Durin for forgiveness.

The second requirement is that he must immediately submit his resignation letter to the state government, resign his position as mayor of Otis, and then publicly apologize to the public, express remorse for what he did, and then leave here forever.

As long as he achieves these two, within one hour of completing these two requirements, all business operations of Otis will reply, and 270,000 jobs will reappear, and people will live and work again. The businessmen who invest here, members of the Otis Business Group will also support the City Council decree as always.

But if Donald refused such "goodwill," Selem didn't say what he would do, but Donald knew that they would definitely try their best to step down and even subject himself to some investigation.

He is not afraid of investigation, he is afraid of being driven out of office, which is crueler to a politician than to kill him.

After killing him, he may still leave some political thoughts and political lines, and continue to play his role in politics. He is continuously mentioned or even affirmed by his latecomers. His thoughts will continue until a major political system reform. , It will gradually fade away. His body is dead, but his political life is alive, and his family, his children and offspring will benefit from it.

But if someone is ousted from office, no matter what kind of work he has done, what kind of dedication he has done, and any outstanding political thought and vision, all these things are right, and they will be denied by people's final hammer. Because he is a loser, it is impossible for a loser to have mature political ideas. This is an iron law.

He painfully picked up the phone and called his father who was working in Didu. He had to ask his father for help. Although his father was only a very ordinary legal person who interpreted the definition of justice, he did not even have a remarkable title, but his special position was destined to make him obsolete while remaining obscure. He is a double-edged sword, which can hurt himself and others. When he needs to be used, people who use him may not care if they can hurt themselves.

Moreover, in the core area of ​​the empire's political arena, the complexity of politics far exceeds other places. Here is where the contradictions between the New Party and the Old Party are most acute. Every day, every day, some people are calculating other some people. Those who can stay here, even if they are just a humble official, have quite high political qualities.

It was not surprising that Donald's father received a call from his son. He had seen a long list of negative reports about the mayor of Otis in Didu, and it was not too late for Donald to call him. He only told Donald a word, no, it was a word, and immediately gave Donald a feeling after the rebirth of the fire, as if all the fog in front of him was cleared away, the sun came out, and few dark clouds were about to disperse .

What did he say?

Only one word and two syllables!


Donald ’s father has been mingled in the political vortex of the Imperial Capital until now, so he knows more about the cruelty of politics. If his son is this kind of material, he must be able to know what he is talking about. If he can't figure out what he wants to express, it means that Donald is not this material. He doesn't need to stand up again, just follow the flow. He can wait for the next generation of sons and daughters to grow up to complete Donald's further dreams in politics.

Donald was very smart, he immediately realized that Du Lin had made a faint move this time. Two of those seven photos were that of the murderer and Solo, which was equivalent to dragging the Cape family into the water. . His father's meaning was very clear. With this opportunity of Dulin, Cape was completely dragged into the quagmire, and then stood on the side of the Cape family without reservation. Let the Cape family and Doolin fight, no matter who wins or loses, he will not be the worst loser.

Even having the chance to defeat Du Lin and get the real rule of Otis, he was also accepted by the Cape family. This will be his strongest support in politics!

"So, I'll let them take a picture of the Cape family." Du Lin was sitting in the room and was talking to Kevin. Kevin would be transferred to the Imperial Capital Justice Department in the second quarter as one of his most hated Prosecutors, prosecutors' promotion to the Minister of Justice are just as difficult as the promotion to life-long justices through city court law. However, it is difficult to say political things. Sometimes it does n’t take much personal ability. You only need to nominate when you form a new cabinet, and an unknown person can become a minister.

Kevin's current task is to exercise, strengthen his business capabilities, weave his network of network interests in the Ministry of Justice, and one day when he is nominated as Minister of Justice, he will not be at least a general who will be able to call Move the entire Justice Department.

Kevin is now very enthusiastic about politics, and this time he talked with Doolin to consider whether the seven photos thrown by Doolin were too hasty. These photos not only struck Donald, but also involved the Cape family.

Du Lin continued: "The person responsible for the execution of the plan is said to have disappeared. I can treat him as dead. If the Cape family does not intervene in this matter, it is their luck. Once they decide to intervene in this matter, they will It's not that simple to find a quagmire. This is a swamp, a man-eating swamp! "

Increasingly smoother information exchanges have allowed public opinion and public opinion to play a more important role in the political arena of the empire. If the Kape family intervenes, the first object they need to face is not Durin, but those who are "protecting" "Dulin's public opinion to fight, there are many accusations of celebrities who fight for ethnic independence, and turbulent public opinion.

Regardless of whether they surrendered or failed to surrender, they were destined to assassinate Du Lin. One side was an old noble, the other was a “minority” emerging official, plus power and interests as adjuncts. It will become a rich meal, a thing that people have been discussing for a whole year or more.

As long as this testimony is established, there is not even enough evidence needed, and Magus, who is sharpening his sword, will definitely raise a sharp knife and slash it on the Cape family.

A group of "old age" nobles assassinated officials of the new age for the benefit? Who gave them such courage to trample the laws of the empire, is it God?

Once a series of investigations are launched, Donald will not only benefit from it, but will get deeper and deeper. In the end, it is absolutely impossible to die only Donald and the Cape family, and more people will be implicated.

There is a lot to say, the more you are, the harder you are to get started with yourself. Magus, who was born as an imperial empire, knows aristocracy better than Durin, more than most people in society. These parasites that only destroy and not build can only make the country weaker and weaker. Never expect that these vampires will feed their blood back to the empire!

Du Lin has arranged a lot of backhands to fight these two forces. He is now an unofficial official. Without the burden of the mayor, he is invincible.

After Du Lin's explanation, some areas of Kevin suddenly became cheerful. He played with the law is a good hand, but he did not know enough about politics.

"Well, since you said you had arranged it, I won't worry about it. Let's talk, is there any fun in the West? I heard that the women in the West are hot and open, is it true? "After three sentences, Kevin's old condition has relapsed, and it comes to things about enjoyment.

Du Lin replied with a smile: "If you don't mind discussing the origin of life with women who are covered in dust and dirt with their fingers, I think it may be more suitable for you to live here."

"It sounds very interesting. I also heard that you will communicate with body fluids while riding a horse on the back of a horse, is n’t it? Really the excitement of riding a horse, I will go to you after I hand over the work here In a few days, you have to arrange this for me ... "

After hanging up the phone, Du Lin was also a little bit confused. While riding the horse on horseback, while letting the spirit and the flesh overlap to achieve the sublimation of the soul, is this also a feature here?

After more than ten days of dissemination and precipitation, Du Lin's notoriety has finally spread completely in the western world. The strange thing is that the local government did not come to trouble him, as if he had never heard of Du Lin. . This strange phenomenon made Du Lin feel that it might be a farmer or someone else.

At such a special point, Garfield came to the west.

He was Ilion's largest steel supplier himself. Later, following the pace of Doolin, he was also called the largest steel supplier of Otis. With a piece of land he photographed, it can now be said to be one of the few on the Empire Tower. Pick up people.

In terms of liquidity alone, he has nearly 20 million deposits in banks, plus those real estate industries, his wealth has swelled to 60 to 70 million! Try again, maybe he can form a small consortium with himself as the core.

The reason why Garfield came to the west this time is also to hear that Du Lin won an iron ore as soon as he developed in the west. His business can never be separated from these iron ore, plus Du Lin pulled him He is also a person who knows how to be grateful--especially after he was found to have committed suicide during Lu's overcoming sentence, and after Juan jumped off the building to commit suicide, he even knew what gratitude was.

Not many more opportunities to repay Du Lin, he may not be able to sleep well at night.

"As soon as I heard that you won an iron ore, I thought that my good days are finally coming. I don't need to find people to get ore through relationships. You helped me again, Doolin!" Garfield showed He looks very grateful, as if he didn't come to repay him, but to thank Du Lin for providing him with high-quality ore.

As for his performance, Du Lin actually knew it well. He took Garfield around the mine. "The iron ore here contains 53% iron. The sample is dry-based and the mining volume is average. If you want to leave it to me, it looks like I have to win a few more iron mines! "

Along the way, Garfield paid close attention to the quality of the iron mine in Doolin. He also deliberately read a few reports by himself. Although it is said to repay Du Lin for his help in the past two years, this kind of repayment should not be based on his own total loss. Such retribution will only quickly break the relationship between the two. Reasonable trading and giving up some of the profits are the real rewards, at least Garfield thinks so.

"The content is good, I can provide a price of eight yuan per ton of raw ore, unlimited underwriting is fine!" For this, Garfield is definitely a half expert. According to this data provided by Du Lin, it takes about five to six tons of ore to make one ton of base steel. Now the empire's steel prices continue to rise due to infrastructure construction everywhere, followed by rising raw materials. A meal is sold for between 80 and 120 yuan.

The cost of about forty pieces of ore plus the expenses and losses caused by transportation and steelmaking. The ore left from Doolin and turned into steel ingots for sale. Garfield's own profit was only a few dollars to a dozen dollars. He has put His own profits gave Du Lin a lot.

Du Lin is also a semi-professional ~ ~ He knows that the offer is a lot higher than the market price, but he didn't say anything, this is the goodwill of Garfield, and he has no reason to refuse.

The two quickly talked about things in the field of western minerals, and they had some understanding of what happened here in Garfield.

"If you want to find the deposit yourself, it's not an easy task." After returning to the room, Garfield talked about this after the two sat down separately. "At the moment, there may be deposits in the west. It has been privatized. As for those places that have not been privatized, there may not be any mines. Many people come to the west to open mines with a gambling nature. If they win, they will immediately become rich. If they lose, they will lose money. Return. "

"I've seen many speculators commit suicide after their failure. Not only did they invest their own money, they also borrowed money from others."

"It takes about 800,000 to 2 million to start mining on a piece of land to thoroughly explore all the places. This is why those big miners are willing to buy the mines discovered by others, and are unwilling to go by themselves. The reason for looking for mineral deposits. Because they can't afford to lose, a failure is likely to make their income one to two or three or three years into water vapor. Compared to spending two or three million more to buy a mine, obviously the latter More cost-effective! "

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