Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 592: compromise? Do not!

"Mr. Donald has called you several times, and I hope you can call him back when you return." Du Lin just arrived at the villa, while Dove unloaded his jacket and told him what happened after he left. I don't know if it was because Dove served as the mayor's secretary-general for some time that she has increased her personal experience or she has smelled some special tastes. This time Du Lin chose to come to the west and she followed directly.

Du Lin nodded, greeted everyone and got into the study. Now he has an unparalleled huge liquidity in his hands. As long as he wants, he can form a medium-sized consortium anytime, anywhere. But his future is not in business, so the money will not be used elsewhere for the time being. After arriving in the west, he asked people to buy a larger villa in the main cities to house these people who came with him.

After entering the study room, he picked up a towel and wiped the invisible dust from his hands. He brought a glass of wine by himself, and then sat down in a chair and called Donald.

"I heard that you have something to say to me?" As soon as the phone was connected, Du Lin made it clear.

Donald squeaked at the other end of the phone. "Yes, I think we should talk about the city of Otis before things change completely."

"You can say that, I'm listening!" Du Lin took a sip of wine. This is not a product produced by Ilian. It is a wine brought by a local agent from an authorized party, but this wine is not widely distributed. There is not much artificially added water, which is the second puree. In addition, some spices are added to keep the wine with a light fragrance, and it is not so dull to drink.

Donald organized the language. He called Dulin to hope that he could talk to Dulin, and it took great courage. After all, Du Lin had tossed him enough during this time, he was the real victim, but he had to communicate with Du Lin from a standpoint of doing something wrong, which made him very uncomfortable and indignant.

After a few seconds, he said, "Dulin, we have worked together for a while, and we should know each other very well. You know who I am and I know who you are. Let this farce come to an end Stop it! It doesn't do me any good for you to continue. This is something that shouldn't have happened. No matter what the problem is, we should do communication first, not fight. "

"Now Otis is facing a huge problem. If we ca n’t solve the lasting impact after the spring, I believe this is something we are not willing to see. It ’s still too late to deal with it, and we can negotiate to resolve between us. What do you think? "

Donald feels that he is very sincere in his remarks. His tone is already in perfection, and it can even be said that when he begged Durin to end all the previous things, he would never have done anything. compromise.

His father told him the solution. He thought about it deeper and deeper. In fact, he couldn't solve his current situation perfectly. He is a nobleman himself. He understands the demands of power and interests of the big capitalists from nobleman. degree. Once he has joined the Kape family, his power will be reduced to a level that can only “maintain” his mayor status. In the future, everything that exceeds his authority must be discussed with the Kape family. He Will turn into a puppet.

If this line of thought continues, it is clear that a compromise with Du Lin is more appropriate than maintaining the identity of the Cape family. He knew what kind of person Du Lin was, as long as he did not violate the rules he made, he would have nothing to say even if he flew up to the sky. He would have more freedom than relying on the Kape family and the Hymn Consortium.

So with a last hope, he begged Doolin to forgive him, and then sat down to handle the matter.

Du Lin played with the wine glass in his hand and asked, "Anything else to say?"

This sentence obviously erased Donald ’s efforts just now, which made Donald ’s anger somewhat unstoppable. “Dulin, I know you are great, but you also need to understand. In this empire, it ’s not just you One person, and many others, can make you powerless. I'm just doing my last effort to hope that this matter can be resolved peacefully, if we can't reach an agreement ... ", the voice in the receiver suddenly broke. For a moment, "Well go ahead, I won't necessarily lose, and you won't necessarily win!"

Du Lin put the cup in his hand on the table and sat up a little straight. "If you want to tell me only this, I can only tell you clearly, then we will go to war!"

"Mayor Donald, you have only two ways to go, apologize, and get out of my city."

"Or let me defeat all your persistence and pride and drive you out of my city."

"You have no other choice, and please remember that no one can force me to do what I don't want, no one can!"

A snapped call made Donald on the other side of the phone feel a severe stomachache when he was angry. He was irritated by Du Lin. He had compromised, but Du Lin was still aggressive! As long as he resigns voluntarily, there will be no further room for him in politics. Politics is a very cruel circle. This is not the film and television circle. If you fail a movie, you can do it again, not to mention the sports circle. It is common for failure and victory to alternate.

Here, as long as you fail once, those around you who are in the same position and constantly climbing will regard you as a stepping stone, and keep stepping on you to climb to higher places, there will be no room for resistance.

For his own future and to be able to reinvigorate the glory of the family, Donald had to choose to stay in the Cape family after Dulin refused to compromise. He had to struggle, even if he lost in the end, at least he tried.

He asked the secretary to make some wine for him, took a deep breath after taking some painkillers, and felt that he was better. Then he called the phone and called the Cape family. He had to talk to the old man. .

In fact, the cape family almost extinguished the idea of ​​continuing to fight for benefits in the city of Otis after returning from Solo, and Du Lin's cross-shareholding is by far the most complicated and most involved shareholding plan. If you want to win a casino, you must convince at least dozens of shareholders before you can take the majority of the casino's shares. If you want to own a casino's shares completely, you must convince 140 shareholders.

No one is a fool, using a few years of profit to buy one will continue to generate profits, and even can be used as "heirloom" equity, only the mentally retarded will be willing.

But unexpectedly, the peaks and turns, a great conflict broke out between the new mayor of Otis, Donald and Dulin, which made some elderly people in the Cape family think that this may be an opportunity to re-glow their control of the casino. With the cooperation of Donald and the intimidation of their Cape family and the Anthem Consortium, people who fear death will surrender their equity.

It was just at this time that Donald's call made the focus of opening the net export special zone with the Fatima family, and then returned to the hinterland of the empire.

At the same time, the great prime minister of the empire, Magus, is also paying attention to this matter.

He was receiving his good friend Barr in his study. The two had known each other for decades, and the relationship was very good, almost to the point of saying nothing. Of course, being able to talk to big names like Magus, Barr also has a certain status. After talking about some other things, the two quickly turned to the recent events in Otis.

The internal investigation team of the New Party has not yet initiated the investigation procedure for Donald. It was Magus who raised his hand to stop it. It is not suitable for moving the knife at this time. Waiting for the main dish to serve is the best time to move the knife.

"I didn't expect that the young man of Du Lin could have such a terrible mobility. His wisdom and his ability should not appear on a farmer's son. Such a good young man might be able to recruit us. I listen Say you have a granddaughter? "Barr trembled his legs while chewing beef jerky. If there were other nobles in the room, they would be frightened. The two great men of the empire did not look like aristocrats at all. They were like civilians.

Magus rolled his eyes, "My granddaughter is only nine years old this year, and I don't intend to make up for the last shortcoming of Doolin. You also admit his terrible, if you give him a bigger stage, no one knows him What a shocking thing to do! "

Barr touched his hair ~ ~ and pushed back with his fingers, "I admire him very much, you can ask if he would like to come in, my granddaughter is just old and has already Sixteen. "

"You're playing with fire, understand?" Magus also picked up a piece of dried beef jerky and chewed it in his mouth. "He can turn Donald and Old Cape into nothing, if you Give him more things, then it may be you who is playing around. "

"His ambition is too great. What the Empire needs now is not the ambitionist. What is needed is to restore the strength of the Empire as soon as possible. It looks like the possibility of war in the future is unlikely, but you notice that there is no place other than us Wars are breaking out frequently, after all, this world is not safe. "

"We are facing a world that is constantly changing, full of change and storms. If we can't survive this period safely, we will usher in destruction!"

"Extremist Zionists, federations, nobles, consortia, restless civilians, ambitious politicians ... there are too many things that endanger our cause. The only thing we should do is to protect ourselves while purifying Classes in the Empire! "

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