Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 593: The future of crazy dogs

"What you have to do involves the interests of many people and may not be able to complete it, and!" Barr shrugged. "If anyone knows your plan, you may do everything to get you to take your plan. Into the coffin. "

Magus smiled. He looked up at the sun like a sky, and looked back at Barr. "If that day comes, I will release all the restrictions on Doolin, and let him tear all the obstacles that stop him from moving forward. People. "

"Sometimes I envy him, not only because he is young, he has more time to realize his dream, but I also envy his wanton behavior! If he wants to do it, he will do it, even if he lifts the table. Doing things well and doing it well is a terrible power. He has no awe for this society, for the empire, for the entire world. I guess he definitely thinks he can overcome everything, so he will become what makes us all Appreciation. "

"I have a lot of things I want to do, too many, I can't count them. But I told myself that these are things I can't do because I don't know what the consequences will be after I do it. That is What I can't do, because I can't afford the heavy task of construction after destruction ... We have too much helplessness, not because we have too little power, but because we understand awe and learn to restrain ourselves. "

"Domestic dogs are scared when they see a lion, and wild dogs can still bark openly when facing a lion."

"But Dulin, he dared to jump up and bite the lion!"

"Hope, everything will be as smooth as planned! No one wants this empire to go in an unknown direction, at least I am!"

The expansion of capital power is not a problem unique to the Yaoxing Empire. The entire Western world is facing such a problem, but some places seem to handle it very well-for example, the Federation, which itself is built on the soil of capital. The countries above have transformed the power of capital into a means of management. They have very skilled skills in using capital to restrain capital. Looking at the top of the Federation, almost all are big capitalists.

Either the head of a certain family or the representative of a certain consortium, they first enjoy the benefits of capital and then use this power to target others. But there is also a disadvantage here, and that is the class issue.

The Federation seems to be more free than the Empire. It doesn't seem to have a class problem, but it is not. Class problems still exist in the Federation, and they are more serious than the social structure of the Empire. When all actions and powers are equated with money, it means that a more horrifying, class-solidified interest group appears. These people can be called the top of the Federation. In order to avoid losing their status as much as possible, they will find ways to make the most severe counterattack to those challengers.

They have more money, and it is very easy to eliminate those challengers, because there is a trick in the capital market called hurting oneself, and betting on the other side by many times the financial strength of the opponent. At the bottom of the family, there have been countless failures for the senior management. But as long as they succeed once, they will let those who challenge themselves fall into the abyss.

In the long run, the beautiful freedom and initiative of ordinary people will become a joke, a big joke. A completely solidified top class will produce absolute decay, they will reject any form of change, and in order to ensure their own interests will stifle all changes. When the Commonwealth was at its heyday, that is, when they were beginning to go to ruin, and it was not too long ago.

So Magus hopes to be able to explore a way forward for the empire. He does not need a solidified class. He needs a class full of variables, spurs and motivation. When the governor fails to bring happiness to people, people will be civilized and rational to let him step down, not by force.

In fact, this was originally a big plan that should lag behind. Magus has clearly realized that he has no means to restrict the expansion of capital power. He has now slightly changed his thinking. This time he read it. This book is from a sociologist in the Kingdom of Cyrus.

The sociologist succinctly clarified the nature of capital-an undisguised pursuit of desire. When you own one, you will think about owning ten. When you own ten, you will want to own more than everyone else. The expansion of capital is actually the release process of human desire itself, but people turn this instinct into a seemingly simpler method, and then seek to satisfy their desires.

The sociologist put forward a hypothesis in the book that if social problems are introduced into an infinite cycle, that is, continuous construction and destruction, controlling this cycle through multiple forces may be the best for capital forces at present. Means of restraint.

Periodically, large-scale bankruptcies are caused to those big capitalists, and the money they hold will flow back into the whole society. The unevenness generated during this redistribution process will create some prominent people. These people will Becoming a representative of the new capitalist, once again stood at the top of society. Then continue this cycle indefinitely. When the solidification phenomenon appears at the top level of the tower, it will break it and let the society make another choice.

It is possible that when a social class is reset after countless years, a real fairness will be born.

The above is the illusion that farts and scholars do not pass through their heads, but Magus believes that these **** still have some practical meanings, such as a class that has begun to solidify within the empire, a large consortium dominated by nobles. After several hundred years of cumulative accumulation, these forces have possessed more wealth than the collective power of society, and their relationships and influence on society have left them without natural enemies. With the sociologist's view, Magus had a less mature idea.

Turn the so-called cycle into a food chain.

A complete food chain that looks like a circle. Once there is an expansion in one link, the previous link will be hugely replenished due to the expansion of the next link, then progressively advance, and finally return to normal.

But this is difficult to accomplish, and it will always be an idea, because everyone knows that the social structure is always a tower, not a circle.

What he has to do now is to try to complete this masterpiece, first breaking down the most complicated, most difficult to attack, and almost solidified noble capitalists!

In this process, he needs to face, that is, the group of the biggest vested interests. They will defend their interests and dare to attack those who intend to harm them, including his prime minister. They will not be placed by them. Eyes. So he now needs someone like Dulin, a mad dog, and then points him in a direction to let him bite all the way and attract firepower for himself, so that he can hope to improve his conception of social structure as much as possible.

As for how to arrange after Dulin runs out?

God may give him the answer!

On the fifth day of the Otis Parade, Donald finally appeared in front of the people. He stood on the steps of the square outside the town hall, facing the densely populated citizens, and his voice let all through the loudspeaker in the cold wind. Everyone can hear.

"The great miracle creators of the city of Otis, today I stand here facing all of you and have a lot to say."

"I know that every Otis is a peace-loving and life-loving person. We should not and cannot make unpredictable changes in our lives because of a few people's arrangements. I know everything that happened recently I have a relationship, but I hope that everyone can understand the nature of these decisions I made, and definitely not to hurt any of you. I hope to make everyone better, to make this place richer and stronger, and to make Otis more Good! "

"But there are some people who are willing to drag everyone to hell, and they are not willing to let me bring the goodness to everyone. I hope everyone can take a sensible approach to all this, and in the past few days, I have found a solution Method, I will expand the city of Otis on behalf of the City Hall! "

"And in the next month, the city hall will provide no less than 150,000 jobs to citizens who have lost their employment environment, and this number will continue to increase ..."

In a house opposite the Town Hall Square, members of the Otis business group headed by Salem gathered here ~ ~ they listened to the sound from the window, their faces gradually dignified.

Thurlem looked at the "little man" in the square in the distance and sneered. He turned and looked at the big guy. "Have you heard? Donald has reached an agreement with the Anthem Consortium, and the Anthem Consortium will be fully responsible. Otis second phase construction plan. They intend to double the city circle ... "

This news can be said to be the latest news. After Donald and Mr. Cape made a phone call, the intention of "cooperation" between the two parties was determined. For the Cape family, this will not hinder their future development plans. The original plan to cooperate with the Fatima family to create an import and export zone continues, and will also make concessions to the Fatima family in cooperation. Their initial plan was to make no less than 35 percent of that plan, and strive for as many as possible.

But with Donald ’s trust, allowing them to directly intervene in the operation of Otis City, the demand for interests on the other side naturally reduced. They have reached a final agreement with the ladies of the Fatima family, and their proportion in the new special zone will be reduced to not less than 20%, and then the main financial and human resources will be used in Otis .

They also fancy the plan of packing and going public, and intend to make a fierce sum from them to compensate for the profits they lost in the new special zone.

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