Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 604: Way forward

Mr. Mack is obviously not those who have the fate of the protagonist. Under the threat of death and the temptation of money, he chose a way to survive.

People say that small people are pathetic, and indeed they are. In front of big people, small people are a sad "species", but you cannot ignore another thing. That is, although the little people are sad, they still have a choice!

机会 At some point, this opportunity is more valuable than the majesty of the big man.

I know that only small people can choose, and big people never make choices, not because they have grown up and refused to do multiple choice questions, but because they have no right to make choices, let alone opportunities.

Small people, big people, who is more suitable for this society, who is more suitable for long-term survival in the society is really not a very clear thing.

Mr. Mack is a man who is very skilled and enthusiastic about his work, as Du Lin said. Several documents are written with information content, then the official seal is stamped and signed, and the license is short. It all finished in less than five minutes. With this permit, Du Lin can mine a large area in a fair and righteous manner, not that it cannot be mined without this permit, but many things you can do in violation of the rules, but also be prepared to bear the corresponding results.

A small person secretly discovered by the state government, may be fined at most, and then the reprimand is over. But if the big man secretly finds it, it is like a drop of blood in the sea water, and all sharks tens of kilometers away begin to swim towards this place quickly. Many magnificent buildings we see often crack from a trivial place and then collapse!

I don't give people any chance to find trouble in the rules. This is Du Lin's attitude. Because the more straightforward and straightforward the method, the more impeccable it is.

正 Doing business is not the same as going the wrong way!

At the same time I got the permit, Mr. Mack also very easily explained to Du Lin who was against him at the back. This person was indeed the farmer, as Du Lin expected at the beginning. He wasn't surprised that Mennonite regarded the west as his base camp. He wanted to become the governor here and find a way to ascend the throne of the empire's supreme power, so he would not allow another one in his base camp to have his Threatening potential opponent.

Think about it from another perspective. If Du Lin is now in the position of Mennon, he may be more extreme.

On the afternoon of the day when the permit was retrieved, Du Lin was asked to contact the snakehead. At least 500 slave miners must be purchased, and about 50 to 150 imperial miners must be hired. Mixing miners is a very common behavior in mining areas in the west, and most mining areas are implementing this management method. In fact, there is nothing clever about it. The class within a miner is artificially established. The essence of the class is struggle. Mining groups in two different classes will hate each other. This is one of the ways to ensure the "smoothness" of the mining area.

But Du Lin's purpose is to let the slaves go through a psychological process, let them endure the pain, and then let them "find" the way to the future.

In addition, Doolin also made ten miners working very hard from the slave miners in the Andorran mining area, and told them in front of all the slaves that these ten people love their current work , And have a strong sense of responsibility towards themselves, so they are free in advance. Not only can you pay here anytime, anywhere, and you can continue to work here, but you can also move to the staff area to live and enjoy the same salary as local miners.

For a moment, all the slaves' eyes changed terribly. Before this, Doolin also made a lot of guarantees to them, and some of the promises were fulfilled. Improving diet and living conditions, for example, and paying salaries slightly lower than local miners, have all been fulfilled. But these slaves did not behave too aggressively. Only a few people behaved differently from others. The slaves who had been here for a long time became indifferent after the initial excitement, because they thought it might be a lie weaved by Doolin.

No matter how much salary they saved during their work here, what it was three years after Durin promised, it was still far away. What if they were killed before they were free, or even after they were free? Did everything they have returned to Du Lin's hands? What's the point of Doulin's promise?

But this time is different. The people picked out are all obvious to them. They are all new slaves, so they are more eager to regain their freedom. They become numb without excessive deception and harm. There is a lesson for man-man should move forward with dreams and hopes for the future.

十 These ten young people were also very excited. They were free, they also received 100 yuan each from Du Lin, and they could leave the mining area to nearby cities anytime, anywhere, or even leave the empire to return to their hometown.

Du Lin did not deceive them. When the open door was close to him, no one could stabilize his inner undulating mood, one by one, his heart throbbing, and his trembling legs seemed slow, but almost all He ran out of the door just like he was running.

The silhouette of them running freely outside the gate was reflected in the blind and muddy eyes of the slaves in the slave area. Their eyes became clear and thorough, and some people even burst into tears with excitement.

There was no guard team with a gun outside the gate, and without the traps they imagined, they saw those people running far and far, and when they couldn't see them, their emotions were slightly calmer.

If it is over here, it is obviously too underestimated by Du Lin. On the second, third, and fourth days, on the fourth day, ten people returned.

They changed their clothes, and their spirits looked completely different from before they left. At least they didn't seem to have been persecuted. Everyone's face had an inexplicable confidence and expectations.

Yes, these ten people are back again. Many of them started out thinking of leaving this terrible country at once, leaving this hell-like west. But when they took out money to buy a ticket to go to the West Coast, they involuntarily froze.

Tatars always love face animals. This is the same in both this world and the other world. It is an unbreakable truth.

Does it make sense for me to go back with my body wound and my inner heart?

Why can they be tricked into the empire to be sold as slaves?

Is n’t he still hoping to change himself and the situation of his family through the efforts of his own hands?

They were deceived once, but they met Du Lin very fortunately. They were not deceived again. They began to hesitate, hesitate, and start thinking. If what Du Lin promises can be fulfilled, then they now work as free people, can they not get the same salary and enjoy the same treatment as local miners? Then why leave and return to your backward hometown, or even your hometown in war?

Why not stay here? !!

Why not here, looking for the future they used to desire?

So they came back. It seemed like a trivial matter, but it was a big deal for the slaves in the mining area. Many slaves looked at them through the high wall twisted by barbed wire and steel bars, and asked if they had met Du Lin outside and whether they had been arrested.

When they talked about things outside and held their heads up, all the slaves in the slave area were a real sensation!

Huge cheers seemed to put the entire mining camp in a grand holiday celebration. These slaves arrogantly vented the fear of being suppressed deep inside, a smile appeared on their faces, and their eyes were full of hope.

Yes, yes, as long as you work hard to mine, you will not only get the freedom you have been missing for a long time, but you will also be treated equally. You can return home decently with a sum of money and receive the baptism of the envy of your family and neighbors!

"Your method is terrible ~ ~ Dove is standing next to Du Lin looking at the boiling slave area. Those slaves are shaking the wire fence and the high wall hysterically. In addition to making people stare at them, Do Lin They didn't stop them from doing more excessive actions. They needed something to stimulate their numb nerves and give them more motivation.

Du Lin shrugged his shoulders, these are small things, "Let those ten people come up, I still have things that they need to do. Those people staying here to dig stones are a bit wasteful."

Aerlis nodded and turned away, and it didn't take long for ten young men who were so refreshed to be brought to the mine's office.

年轻人 These young people have great respect for Du Lin, and all of them have stooped down and are called "His Lord Du Lin".

"It's very good that you can come back. I have seen something different from your personality, morals, and soul. This also destined you and others, most of them are different." Du Lin stood with a smile. When he got up, he opened the window, stood by the window, and turned to look at these people.

The sun was behind him, and a golden and warm glow fell on his shoulders, making him feel like bathing in sacredness, and even Jinhui became his foil. He raised his arm and squeezed his fingers tightly together, giving a particularly powerful visual impact!

微笑 He smiled and asked, "Do you believe it? From you, I see the future of the West!" ...

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