Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 605: saint

"Do you know how many slaves there are in the western part of the Empire?" Ten people shook their heads. They were not familiar with the Empire at all, and they did not come to the West voluntarily. Compared to their original idea of ​​going to the south or east of Hainan in the west, it is said that it is easier to make money there.

Du Lin answered the question for them, and he was on three fingers. "According to some unofficial crude statistics, there are no less than 300,000 slaves from all over the world in the western part of the Empire. Many of these slaves are with you In the same way, they left their hometown with great dreams and wanted to break out of the world and change the destiny of themselves and their families. But they are all here now, all living in the mines in the west are better to die, and they have become slaves! "

This isn't Du Lin's random flicker. He was originally engaged in the smuggling channel on the East Coast. He still knows a little about other ways of living on the sea. The most worth mentioning here is human smuggling.

These professional population trading organizations are recruiting workers in some poor and backward countries or war-torn countries. They have used local people ’s desire to change their lives and destiny. They have been recruited with various good-sounding statements such as high salaries, high benefits and high benefits. A large number of people willing to work abroad. They will select and classify these people, and the name is also very simple-different jobs require different types of work, the industry definitely needs those strong and young, and the light industry recruiters definitely want to be delicate and patient girls.

As for the more detailed, but not many, if the locals listen to their deception and believe it to be true, they will basically not escape the end of becoming slaves. These population trading organizations will conduct a "go to the big city" medical examination, and when they get on the bus, they will find that it is not a big city or a medical examination, but the beginning of their miserable life. They will be assigned a number like a farm animal, and then divided into different, more specific organizations.

Then they will enter the quarantine process. Although human trafficking is illegal, everyone is still responsible. Not responsible for these people, but responsible for money. Once a person has an infectious disease in a closed sea transportation environment, the epidemic will basically die as long as the epidemic spreads. Such a loss is unwilling to be encountered by any organization and unwilling to try. So there will be a very strict "quarantine" process. Then they will separate those who have gone to school, have a little culture, and ordinary people, and do not give these people instigated by the language or intimidation of these "commodity" riots that may not know what will happen later.

发生 Riots in the sea are not a joke, because even a population trading organization cannot find support anytime, anywhere. Once a riot occurs, there is only one end for these commodities, and that is death.

When they get there, these goods will be sold to those who need slaves for hundreds or even more, and these main consumer groups are not in the west, but in the south, on the east coast, and in all developed economies. Area.

Only the remaining ones will be selected, and they will be thrown to the west to be disposed of as garbage.

This is a cost-free business, you only need to pay some management fees, bear a little shipping costs, and then profit!

廉价 These cheap slaves in the west will not be valued by all the miners, it is nothing more than dozens of baskets of **** money-if a gold mine is opened, it may be worth the price of a raw gold mine!

Du Lin took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and lit one. The cigarette was sandwiched between his fingers. As the arm moved while he was talking, the rising smoke was constantly changing. "I always believe that every time At the moment of personal birth, they are all equal and there is no difference. Slaves should not appear in this world, this is the retrogression of civilization, gentlemen. You have experienced this pain and torture in person, and you should know more than me To the despair of these people. "

"I was born in the countryside. My father, my grandfather and even grandparents were farmers. I want to change my destiny. With my hands, I have chosen the same way as you to challenge fate to arrange for me. I am lucky, I I did it. Then I started to think that I should do something meaningful, because money, power, status should not be all of a living person. I should have a more noble pursuit, and then I decided that I would challenge me Challenge the world yourself. "

"I want to lead all the oppressed, the enslaved, the unfairly treated to do something. Even if we are broken, at least we face the injustice of fate and the barbarity of the society with all our might."

"When I came here and came to the west, I realized that there was such a brutal act in the civilized world, and it was scary and sweaty!"

"I once complained about why I came to the west, why I didn't stay in a more prosperous and prosperous place, seeing you, seeing the people below, I understand why the gods let me come here!"

Dulin's tone became heated, "Because of you, because of what I need to do, the gods chose me, let me see and let me change!"

"I know you might ask, why do I not release all the slaves here at once?"

When this question was thrown out, the ten people who were still willing to believe had some intentions, because this question pointed to a key point of all the words in front of Du Lin. Since you want to change, why not change it immediately?

It's not that Du Lin was faint, but that he must speak now. He speaks out, and speaks to others, even if every word and the tone of each word are the same, people feel different. In the hands of others, this may be a sharp blade to destroy Du Lin's "hypocrisy" appearance, but he himself said that that is the toughest shield to protect himself!

"Because even if I immediately released these people outside, I just rescued them. There were 300,000 slaves in the entire western region waiting for the day when the light shines into the inky mine. I can't put 300,000 slaves All released, I do n’t have that power, even if I die, I ca n’t do it! "

"Moreover, even if I release them now, it may not be a good thing for them, because this is not your hometown, not your country. Many stubborn minds here have accepted the shameful beast behavior and Thought. Maybe less than one-tenth of these people can return home, and the rest will die in the western part of the empire. "

"What I need to do is change, change people's minds, put wild animals in cages, and release civilization from a box made of gold!"

"On that day, only 300,000 people who are being treated unfairly will greet the real sunshine!"

而 "And you, will be the warriors who returned civilization, and this is what I see from you!"

"You have the beautiful qualities that everyone will praise, firm, tenacious, courageous, persistent ... and only with your help can I make a difference in the west. Gentlemen, your work should not be in mines. With a pickaxe in the cave to dig ore, but to fight for a return to civilization and a path to light for the 300,000 victims of barbaric slavery in the western world! "

"I will tell you what to do, I will point you in a direction, and then you can only look at yourself."

"I know this is a very bold request, but I also hope that after empathy, you can think for the slaves who are suffering in the west. When you are chained together by Andorra and locked in a mine to work Isn't it as bright as everyone else? "

"The gods brought me here because of you."

"If possible, I hope we can change the west, change the empire, change the world, make the world less tortured and painful, and warmer and sunny!"

"This is a very hard, even life-threatening career. If you are willing to do something with me, stay."

"If you don't want to, I will still give you the same treatment as the locals as I said, so that you can continue to work with me."

"A road full of thorns ~ ~ is destined to be safe and not peaceful at your feet, and you have the right to turn back, but please believe me, going down this road will greet you better than you Looking forward to a glorious future! "

The ten young people in the room may come from different continents, different countries, and different cities.

They may have different or even opposite beliefs, and some may not.

But at this moment, at this moment, in the second that seemed to be frozen, they forgot all their past beliefs, and they forgot that they had been praying in the mine but could not help God, Lord, it was not them who rescued them The **** he believes in is the man in front of him.

人 This man is bathed in the endless golden light, his whole person seems to be shining, the sun is fascinated by him, surrounds him, and refuses to leave. When I looked at him, I saw the infinite flame, like watching the sun in the sky that brought life and warmth to all living things in the world.

They all slowed their breathing in this very short time, afraid that their heavy breathing would interrupt Du Lin's words. His words made each of them's blood boil, and the constant power in their bodies made them seem to see countless dark chains firmly locked in the distant sky. This power gave them a confidence, as long as With a fist, you can break all the chains and let the sun shine everywhere! ...

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