Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 615: Core target

The captain immediately looked back, "Yes, yes, two officers, I am the head of this fleet ...", the captain took out the cigarette in his jacket pocket and walked over, but was approached by two when he was not close. The soldier pushed away, this action made the captain faintly feel abnormal, because this is not the same as before!

The shipping companies they belong to are not ordinary small companies. From top to bottom, there are more than a hundred freighters running sea freight, and they are one of the best in the entire empire. They have a great reputation in the shipping industry. The company's board of directors maintains a close relationship with the Navy's top management throughout the year. It is said that there are family members of the high-ranking navy on the company's board of directors to ensure that the company will not be deliberately troubled by the navy during the transportation process. And the company will give out no less than 500,000 yuan each year as a "patriotic donation" to the Navy, the relationship between the two sides has always been very harmonious.

It ’s not like I have n’t encountered similar boarding checks before, but most of the time I just go through a cut-off. The soldiers who board the check-in smoke cigarettes here, play a few cards with the sailors, and then get some local specialties quickly. Will leave, never before has such an unusual attitude.

The captain's brain is still thinking slowly. One of the soldiers showed him the "Imperial Coast Defense Search Notice", "According to the latest requirements of the Empire Ministry of Defense, the West Coast will strictly crack down on smuggling. Please inform the other two ships. The staff on board are concentrated on their respective decks to cooperate with our inspection. If there is any wrong behavior that leads us to think that you are resisting us in carrying out our mission, we have the right to sink your ship! "

The captain's gaze rested on the notice, with the seal of the Imperial Ministry of Defense, the Imperial Navy Headquarters, the Imperial Western Navy Headquarters, and a series of signatures. It can be seen that the Imperial Navy attaches great importance to this notice. It is now difficult to see the seal of the Imperial Ministry from the Navy notice, but it actually exists on this notice!

The captain handed his cigarette back and was able to be the captain, and he was also the leader of the fleet. It was not his physical fitness but his experience. He took the initiative and nodded with a smile. "No problem, no problem at all. I'll let them cooperate with the Imperial Navy's operations. Can I contact them in the control room?" He leaned slightly, tentatively.

The two soldiers did not stop him. He immediately returned to the control room and began to try to contact the nearby telegraph office by radio. After the telegraph office was quickly connected, he was transferred to the Empire's headquarters.

The person who answers the phone is the person in charge of the company's emergency handling office. No one knows what the situation of the ship's resistance on the sea will be. So every shipping company has such a department to deal with any emergency. The situation, and give the most appropriate treatment.

The captain said what he had encountered and worried about, and the receiver was silent for a moment, and then gave him a shocking answer!

Early the next morning, most of the Empire's newspapers reprinted, and people's attention has begun to shift from the assassination of Doolin to the scandal of several big stars, but the news on that day once again attracted people's attention to Dou On the other side of Lin's assassination, the Cape family and the Anthem Consortium.

According to newspaper reports, just yesterday, when the Navy on the West Coast routinely prevented smuggling of passing ships, it found three smuggling ships departing from the Federation and destined for Yongdong Port, the northernmost part of the empire. A large number of goods from the Federation were smuggled on these smuggling ships. What is even more unexpected is the owner of this batch of goods, which is actually the empire's well-known trifurcation heavy industry, involving a huge amount of seven million!

During the interrogation of the smugglers, the leader of the smuggling fleet provided even more amazing inside information. On average, every two months, Trident Heavy Industry asked them to smuggle a batch of goods of similar value from the Federation, and this time they were found. No less than sixty times so far! This will be the smuggling case involving the highest value, the longest time span, the widest personnel involved, and the highest social status in the history of the Empire!

The newspaper also disclosed that the Imperial Ministry of Justice is planning to investigate and prosecute the shipping company and Trident Heavy Industry, in particular Trident Heavy Industry has been requested to suspend production, seal all the contents of the material warehouse, and undergo inspection.

It took less than two hours as soon as the news came out, and Trinity Heavy Industry stock was cut directly. At the same time, all three major trading transactions related to Trinity Heavy Industry were stopped, and the stock was temporarily withdrawn from the trading card. Xie Lisi Street mourned.

The accident of Sancha Heavy Industry triggered the listed companies related to it. Twenty-seven stocks related to Sange Group plunged at the same time. In addition to the Sancha heavy industry, 28 stocks evaporated 710 million funds in the morning. Driven by the Empire State Index for the first time in the new year, the entire industry is facing a huge crisis.

Analysts believe that the illegal behavior of Trident Heavy Industry is likely to be an exception. Once Trident Heavy Industries is unable to face the current investigation, it is determined that there are a large number of illegal facts, which is likely to affect other heavy industry industries. Each heavy industry company has issued statements to assure the society that its company does not have any illegal acts, and strongly condemns the trigeminous heavy industry for the shameful behavior of trampling the law in order to make huge profits ...

At noon that day, the old Cape was suddenly unconscious and was rushed to the Saint-Martier Hospital for rescue. The Cape family had messed up into a pot of wheat kernels, and the staff of the Anthem Consortium broke out inside the high-level quarrel.

Du Lin, who returned to the west, put down the newspaper in his hand. Magus's shooting speed was much faster than he thought. This may be directly related to the rapid response of the Anthem Consortium to raise the stock price and shift people's attention.

Any news hotspot will not last for too long, and when the lawsuit on him has not yet reached its conclusion, public opinion tends to him, but it is not entirely one-sided. The Cape family who responded bought a large number of newspapers to continue their whitewashing. In addition, they also found the significance of those social activists, and bought a large number of social activists who represented the public opinion to carry out activities for them. Coupled with a series of scandals in which three film and television stars broke out a few days ago, the focus of public opinion has begun to shift.

Once this thing has subsided, it will take more effort to mobilize the support of public opinion again. At the same time, repeated incitement to public opinion will also have a negative effect. People will feel bored, tired, and even lazy at the end. attention. Once the heat drops, the follow-up plan will have a fatal impact. The method of the Anthem Consortium is simple and effective. It replaces the past news with new hotspots. They may pay a lot for this, but all the payoffs are worth it.

I just didn't expect that Magus wouldn't do it. The shot was a thunder strike. The Hymn Consort that had just climbed from the quagmire to the shore once again fell into the quagmire.

This time, it is not so simple to get rid of the current predicament.

But this is a bit different from Magus's original plan. Magus hopes to involve more capitalists ... Suddenly Du Lin guessed something suddenly, which made him have a momentary thrill. Because he found that Magus's target seemed to be all capitalists, but the actual spearhead pointed at the stubborn power remaining in the empire-the northern noble system.

The aristocrats in the north still maintain the past, they bought all the land on their own territory, and the people who live on their territory still call these people the noble masters, which has hardly changed in the past. People ’s lives and past changes in these aristocratic territories are not too big. It can be seen from the fact that the economic construction of the North has been far behind the South. It seems that there is a force that is controlling the “innovative” power of the North, and let the North gradually And other places make a huge difference.

This power is called "Nobility"!

What Magus really has to deal with is not exactly capitalists and capital forces. What he hides underneath all surfaces is to deal with the legacy of noble forces!

Judging from the current situation ~ ~ The noble forces in the north "seed" the empire's northern region in a way that is not easy to be found, where they form their own system, and anyone who wants to do something with the current situation in the north Those who make changes can only end up in the sand. The Empire will never be complete without destroying these nobles and their systems.

What happened to the Cape family is just the ringtone at the beginning of the game. From the current situation, if the Cape family is facing a lot of difficulties, they must rely on the power of other nobles, because Magus is also a noble, and still Great aristocracy. The network of relationships between these big aristocrats is layered and intricate. Maybe whoever has a good relationship with Magus's family, just in case Magus is touched?

Once the Cape family really did, they really fell into the trap of Magus, because "conspiracy" and "shelter" violated the laws of the empire ...

Du Lin thought of some things that happened before, for example, he and Magus once mentioned that officials were corroded by capital forces, gave green lights to capitalist investments, and caused the loss of empire property. At that time, Magus seemed very dissatisfied with the practices of these officials. He also mentioned with Du Lin that he had an idea that he wanted to use legislation to restrict officials and capitalists from being too close. At that time, Du Lin put forward an idea to set up a new department and legislate to pave the way for this department. The ultimate goal was to find **** officials who betrayed the interests of the country and the people at their expense and sent them to prison.

Magus also laughed and said that not only officials should catch, but those who convey benefits should also catch ...

By now, should this department be almost established? !!

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