Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 616: Feces

Turat Mining Company is in the canyon of Brewer Bay. What Brewer said is actually a huge canyon, which has been weathered for many years and has lost the meaning of "Bay". The reason why it is called Brewer Bay is that the earliest presenter of this canyon is called Brewer. Like many people who seek to record their names in textbooks, this Mr. Brewer himself paid for registering the canyon with himself. , But it made him feel sad that the empire did not accept naming certain streets and natural landscapes with surnames, so that the descendants of Mr. Brewer pointed at Brewer Bay on the map and told others that this Named after their grandfather, people sympathize with them and give them great care.

In the beginning, Brewer Bay ushered in many exploration teams. Most of them did not have any interest in Brewer Bay. According to their knowledge, Brewer Bay was really a river bay in the past. . Many, many, many years ago, during the origin period, the water flowing from the melting snow in the western "snow top" Mount Yagul created the Brewer Bay. This is just a plain area. Now it looks like a magnificent canyon. It is a miracle created by nature's ghost and axe after the terrain changes. Of course, there are no mineral veins here. It can only be said that the possibility is very low.

Coupled with a variety of common sense as evidence, people are not very interested in Brewer Bay, but due to the western investment policy at the time, some people violated their professional ethics and arrogantly declared that Brewer Bay may be Mineral deposits exist. If more rigorous exploration is needed, investors will need to invest. Whether it is a lie created by the local state government in the west or the traps set by mining groups to fool speculators, they have succeeded.

In fact, it cannot be said that it is completely flickering, because some natural bare gold particles have appeared on the weathered river in the Brewer Bay. Some exploration teams believe that these bare gold particles are not the output of Brewer Bay. They should be Was washed up along the current from other places. But these bare gold particles have become the strongest proof of the high-quality gold deposits in Brewer Bay, which has attracted many speculators and mining companies.

Mr. Turat and his friends took out a total of 2.7 million to completely privatize the entire Brewer Bay, and then they continued to borrow from the Imperial Bank and began geological exploration for up to three years-because they could not find To the deposit, so the exploration cycle span is very long. Just when Mr. Turat and his friends were almost completely desperate, they had cash. The existing place is located at the bay corner of the river. When the exploration team camped, a large amount of golden sand unexpectedly appeared. Brewer Bay became the focus of the whole western area in an instant.

During the eleven-year excavation period, Brewer Bay provided Mr. Turat with more than ten million proceeds. As for his friend ..., it has been forgotten. The poor gentleman had an accident while climbing the Brewer Bay Canyon and fell from a high place and died.

Now it has been built into a huge camp by Mr. Turat. There are more than one thousand slaves and no less than three hundred imperial miners working here, and there are as many as three hundred guarding teams. Mr. Turat is no longer in the west himself. He has invested in many industries in the south and gradually shifted the focus of his business from gold mining to industrial investment.

At dawn, more than twenty horse-drawn carriages approached Brewer Bay from a distance with a full load of goods. The camp at Brewer Bay was built on the basis of a canyon, which has natural advantages. At the entrance to the canyon, two gates slowly opened, and the guard team members standing above the gate inspected all supply vehicles outside the gate with a gun. The carriages were allowed into the camp after several members of the guard team responsible for inspecting the vehicles made safe gestures.

The daily supply of thousands of people's camps is an astonishing number. Like most mining areas, it is purchased from the outside and does not produce it by itself.

After the carriage entered the camp, a face-to-face coach found the current person in charge of the camp, Turat's nephew, "Sir, I have a question to ask you, I don't know if you have time."

Tulaat's nephew is 27 or 8 years old and has not married. He did not come here voluntarily, but was forced to be sent here by his parents and uncle. He doesn't like it here. He likes the colorful life in the south more than the boring life here. If it wasn't for his fiancee's family who hoped he could be "stable", he might be in the midst of drinking and drinking.

By the time the coachman, who looked dusty and even covered with gravel, approached him, he was already impatient. "What's the matter?"

"That's it. We want to be able to buy excreta from you. Every day after we deliver the goods, we can take it back."

Turat's nephew's face suddenly showed a strange expression. He looked up and down this young man who was as young as himself, and asked strangely, "What you just said is ... 'shit? Money acquisition? Does your boss like those flavors? Or do they have other uses? "

The coachman did not show any impolite expressions because Turat ’s nephew had spoken well to his boss. He bent his head slightly and explained the doubt of Turat ’s nephew. “Because of the choice of several mining areas this year, In order to order living supplies from us, the farms and ranches we now have can not keep up with the daily consumption, and can only continue to expand the area of ​​the farm. Human excreta can provide more land for the land and let the parents Better and faster, and cheaper than fertilizer. "

Turat's nephew was still listening carefully at first. After hearing about it, he began to feel a surge in his stomach. God is above him. His favorite thing is to eat some raw vegetables. Some Yankees often promote the idea that eating raw foods can provide men with more energy. But when he thought that the food he ate was eaten with shit, he couldn't help but want to be upset. The good eating experience now seems to be very bad, and even he can feel a heavy smell of **** from his tongue.

Although Turat's nephew wanted to slap this guy who ruined his life, he realized clearly that the feces were not given away for free, but were "sold". Even if these people do not purchase feces, the feces in the camps cannot be preserved for a long time. Most of the time, they accumulate a certain amount of feces and then bury them in some mines where mining has ended. Now consider that these are all money, but also "own" money.

Turat's nephew did not intend to hand over the proceeds of the sale to his uncle. He concealed it and agreed with the young man to pay ten dollars a day, which is three hundred dollars a month. It is also possible to save 3,600 yuan a year, plus some other income, it is not impossible to save more than 10,000 a year, because there is no place to spend!

From the second day, many strangers appeared in the camp. These strangers brought a lot of huge wooden barrels and placed them in various places in the camp, even in the mine. At the same time, the camp's management issued a notice requiring all people, including slaves and non-slaves, to excrete in designated places, or they would be punished. In the agreement signed between Tulaat's nephew and the supplier, behind the price of ten dollars a day, it must be guaranteed that at least thirty barrels per day are produced.

The incident was quickly reported to Mr. Turat by the management of the camp. After knowing this, Mr. Turat only smiled and did not instruct the management to respond. Mr. Turat has two daughters and no son. Except for a small part of the property left to his daughter, the rest will be his nephew's property. He can stay in the west for two years and then marry. ~ Do not do anything extraordinary, Mr. Turat does not intend to interfere with his actions.

Besides, some dung, he did not intend to be a successful businessman competing with his nephew for dung.

The cooperation between the two sides is very happy for a week. With the cooperation for so many years, the camp has no restrictions on suppliers who have penetrated deeper into the camp. They also sent many slaves to help them carry buckets. Excreta.

On this day, these people came a little late, which is also normal. After they unloaded the supplies, they began to direct some slaves to carry the barrels. The members of the protection team stood in the distance and chatted with the young man, enjoying the free cigarettes.

When a slave was silent when the barrel was loaded onto the carriage and was about to leave, suddenly someone stuffed something into his hand. As soon as he turned his head, he saw an expressionless guy who was fixing the barrel, and that guy didn't even look at him. He immediately turned back and walked towards the slave camp, where slaves lived in two worlds just like ordinary people.

After dinner in the evening, the slave returned to the simple shack and lay down. With the light penetrating through the gap between the shack's wooden walls, he untied his belt and took the thing out.

It was a note that had become a small ball. He looked left and right, curled his body to block the eyes of others, carefully unfolded the note, and his face suddenly showed an extremely complex expression, which looked like Laughing, like crying, gradually this complex expression turned to fortitude. He shredded the note and stuffed it into his mouth, swallowing it with saliva.

All night, he didn't sleep, and the writhing emotion in his mind made him unable to calm down.

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