Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 633: survey

At this time in front of Mason was a car covered with canvas. From the outline of the covered car, it could be seen that it would never be a cheap car.

Only those high-end cars that are so expensive that people can only sigh and despair will have some distinctive looks, and this car is obviously one of them.

Mason doesn't know the car, but he knows the guy with the cart. He has known this guy for seventeen or eighteen years. He is the only postman in the town. The reason why he can remember this guy is that he probably rides a bicycle around the town every day, telling everyone that there is no letter written to them at the post office, and there is no ticket. This is very boring, but sometimes there are interesting people.

"Why did you show up here?" Mason looked at the postman like a beggar, and it was almost impossible to imagine what it would take him to make him look like this. The curled hair was sticking together, as if there were a lot of things crawling inside, some blades of grass or other things were not easy to notice. He had only a very worn out piece of canvas clothes, and he shivered in the freezing wind.

He held his arms, his face slightly warmed with a hint of warmth, "Dulin ... Let me ... give this car to your hands, Mr. Mason." He said he patted him. The car took off the canvas, exposing the smooth car without any traces of scratches and dust, shining brightly. The only regrettable thing is that the wheels of this car are exhausted and they are very worn.

Mason immediately called him into the police station and asked him to get a suit and warm milk for him. Then he told Mason all his stories for half a year.

In fact, there is no story, very boring.

Du Lin asked him to drive the car to Mason, and Mason himself decided whether to keep it for himself or drive it to the town to drive Mr. Kesma, so the postman drove the car from Ilian very responsible. It is the most northwestern city of Tener, with a span of thousands of kilometers.

He, including Dulin, had forgotten one thing—supply, as well as possible breakdowns and necessary maintenance costs of the vehicle during long distances. When the car drove for seven or eight hundred kilometers, there was a problem. A tire was flattened to a nail, and the postman took out his own pocket to make up the tire. Before he left, Du Lin gave him some money, which was quickly consumed in the next journey, such as continuing to repair tires, replacing the power cabin, purchasing catalysts and crystals.

When he drove the car to the middle of the empire, unfortunately the car broke down again. If the small amount of money left was used to repair the car, I'm afraid he couldn't support him to drive the car back, so he chose another one. One way to bring the car back is to push it.

He bought a canvas to cover the car to avoid rubbing it and hurting the body, and he would also sleep in the car when the weather was cold. The feeling of adding an extra layer of canvas was definitely different . In this way, he told his experience as if he were telling a legend, which made Mason think his brain might be broken.

"Why ... I mean, why not call me or the town?" If he can make a call, no matter who is on the phone, he can avoid a lot of things and trouble.

The postman was silent for a moment. "Sorry, I don't know your phone number. As for the town ... has the town installed a telephone?"

This made Mason, who was already a certain level, suddenly think of an insight, sometimes the wealth that can not bear is not a good thing for a person, it can only become a heavy burden. There is no doubt that if Du Lin handed him something worthless, he might have given up, but this is a luxury car, a luxury car that he cannot afford, plus his inexplicable responsibility Heart finally forced him to complete a journey like a legend.

There was some silence in the room, and Mason didn't know how to speak. Fortunately, a police officer rescued him and said that someone would find him and let him go down.

Mason took out two hundred yuan and handed it to the postman, and held his hand tightly. "This car is very important to me, and more importantly, your sense of responsibility has moved me so much. Now this society is lacking. This is the perseverance that can continue to do one thing. This is a little reward, you must accept it, you know, I still have something to do ... ", after the postman said he was OK, Mason only thanked him and left. .

When he reached the first floor lobby, a woman with a mask immediately looked at him, which also let him know who was looking for himself.

"I'm the director of the Tennell City Police Department, Mason. Is there anything I can help you with?" Mason is very polite. He didn't show his arrogance because he was the director. He grew up in the country. We always know awe and politeness.

The voice of the woman in the mask is very high ... cold, there is an indescribable arrogance, as if you saw the businessmen who bought the town when you were young. Those businessmen always cover their noses with handkerchiefs, as if the air in the countryside is not the same as the air in the city. They always look down at everyone with a high eye, with a red fruit look down in their eyes.

In this woman, Mason felt that contemptuous attitude, but he did not show any plan.

"We are members of the military. This is my certificate." The woman showed her identification. Lily was written in the name above. She quickly collected the certificate, "Remove a vacant one for us. Room, we need to look up something. "

Dare to use officer IDs at the police station. They are either crazy or fools. It seems that this group of people is not fake, especially the woman's eyes behind the mask show a kind of disdain. This is really no way to lie.

Mason quickly took them to the conference room. The meeting room of the police station was basically empty unless there was any deadline to solve the case. The woman named Lili asked her two men to sort it out and asked at the same time. "The town of Alfalfa is also under the jurisdiction of the Tener Regional Police Station. Is there any information on the town?"

In fact, this woman with a mask is Anna. Last time she couldn't help but went to the town of alfalfa. She didn't find any useful clues. At the same time, she had a feeling that she seemed to have shocked some people in the town. So she can't go any more. If there is no evidence to catch people directly, those people will probably run away. This is something she is not allowed to happen. After so many years of chasing, she finally got a clue, she didn't allow herself to fail. So she took advantage of this secondment of Anpu, and she had no chance of task. She came to the Tener regional police station and got the information of the residents of the alfalfa town here. Whether or not you can find Mr. Kesma, it is absolutely It's not useless.

Mason responded quickly, nodding his head calmly, and responded again and again, "Yes, definitely there. Alfalfa town is indeed within our jurisdiction. What information do you want? Or all?"

Anna took a deep breath and found a chair to sit down. "All!"

Mason left the room and ordered several police officers to move all the alfalfa town information and return to their offices at the same time. He was going to make a phone call to Mr. Kesma, but he didn't expect that the postman was still there. After the two looked at each other for a while, the postman took a half cup of hot milk to say goodbye to Mason. After closing the door, he remained silent for more than ten seconds, then lifted the phone and dialed the number at home.

"Father, the man you said is here ..."

The three Annas kept digging through several boxes of information until more than eight o'clock in the evening, and finally she selectively took a few copies of the information. There was no detailed information about a certain individual in these materials, only the alfalfa town from the appearance to Changes now, changes every year. Some people's names will also be mentioned in these materials, such as who and who were some people when the town was first established, how many people there are, how many crops and outputs, and whether there have been any cases that require the police ~ www. ~ The number of households transferred from other places in the second year, who are who, who, the total population of the town, how many households, how many farms and industries and tax issues.

These things are more like a general statistical report, but this statistical report does not have a variety of legends at a glance, and some are only page-by-page text, which instead provides some convenience for Anna's work. From these documents, she knew that the alfalfa town was established 33 years ago. At that time, there were only six households in the alfalfa town. In the second year of the alfalfa town, it increased to 30 households, and then there are some every year. Growth. Until fourteen years ago, this growth almost stagnated.

Now the only sure clue in Anna's hands is that there is a person using single-person heavy weapons around Du Lin. If there is no accident, this person must be Rayton or his descendants. That person can do things for Du Lin, or Du Lin gave him enough money, or his relationship with Du Lin was very good. In the investigation of Du Lin's past career, this person did not appear. Only after he arrived in Otis, this talent popped out somehow.

According to these materials, in the third year since the alfalfa town was built, that is, in the winter of 30 years ago, a total of eleven households became new alfalfa residents, including Mr. Kesma's family. . In the next few years, about sixty households will join the alfalfa town. If this person is in the alfalfa town, it must be in these less than one hundred households.

She greeted Mason and left with her own people and the information in her hand. The next things didn't need her to do it either. She planned to entrust to the newly established information office, starting from alfalfa town. population Survey!

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