Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 634: Black post

The postman didn't leave. Mr. Kesma asked Mason to leave Ceci, and he had some other uses.

In fact, when Mr. Kesma heard that a masked woman was inquiring about alfalfa town, he knew who the woman was.

If there is any hate that keeps a woman chasing behind her, even if she can't forget their group of people after more than 20 years, then there is only one possibility. Plus what Walter had said before, Johnson said that he knew this woman was Anna.

The dinner at Mr. Kesma's house is not as rich as people think. Perhaps most people in alfalfa town have not considered how rich Mr. Kesma would eat at night. He is the same as many years ago, as long as there are two kinds of meat and bread, if you can add some fresh vegetables and thick soup, it will definitely be a sumptuous dinner.

It ’s just that three more people are on the dinner table of Mr. Kesma ’s house tonight. The pseudonym Johnson has been living in painful memories. The older and the older Walter, the shorter and shorter. It is rumored that there are two brothers of the dragon descent, the youngest of which is also the youngest son of Rayton.

In the evening, Mrs. Kesma slaughtered a sheep for them, and made five roast chickens. Don't underestimate the meals of these guests and members of the Kesma family. The half-big boys and girls ate It was scary. How could their little stomachs hold so many things?

After the silent meal time, Mrs. Kesma returned to the upper floor with Mr. Kesma and the other children. She knew that her husband had something to talk to the three guests alone.

You all know my son, Mason. He called me and told me something that shocked me! After saying this, Mr. Kesma took out his pipe for many years from his pocket, took a sip, and leaned on the back of the chair, looking at the cracked ceiling, as if in a memory. .

But Mr. Leighton, who has known Mr. Kesma for more than 30 years, knows his friend very well. He must not be remembering anything, he is waiting for the next step. So he asked with a smile: Oh? What news can surprise you so much, I can't wait to know! He aggravated the tone of the word can't wait, and Mr. Kesma returned to his mind.

He pursed his lips with a touch of coziness in his eyes, and Anna returned, just in Tener.

On the side, Walt, who had quit drinking and had a pseudonym of Johnson, suddenly stood up. He had a large range of movements, shaking the table, and even the chair he was sitting on was popped out by his straight legs. There was some unclear hatred flashing in his eyes, as if hate, but there was something else.

A few months ago, Walter was drinking alcohol every day, drunk. They have called doctors for Watt, good doctors and bad doctors. These doctors all have the same diagnosis, but according to their good or bad, the vocabulary used is slightly different.

Good doctor: This patient has been stimulated very intensely, so his mental state is very poor, and sometimes he has a severe headache. I suggest that he take pain medicine for a long time to relieve some conditions that I don't know, which will make him more comfortable.

Bad doctor: He is a neuropathy, do you know? He has a problem in his head and he can't cure it. I suggest that if he messes up, give him the back of his head, he will be relatively quiet. By the way, do you guys come to play cards at night?

Walter's alcoholism is to anesthetize himself and relieve his head pain. Cheap drinks are cheaper and more accessible than expensive painkillers, so he is always drunk.

Until he saw Anna, Anna had not recognized him.

Since that day, he has no headache and no hallucinations anymore, so he quit drinking, which is called by some people an incredible strange thing in alfalfa town, and it is said that it involves ghosts and religion.

But old friends all know why he's okay, because he knows he can't escape, and everyone is mentally prepared for the day to come, so he doesn't show how surprised he is now.

What are you going to do? Layton asked, he was Mr. Kesma's assistant, and his figure appeared in nearly 70% of the assassinations in the past, and he showed much more cruelty.

Mr. Kesma reached out and moved his finger to signal Walt to sit down. This is why I invited you to dinner. Look, I'm old. Mason's **** can't even kill a cow. It needs to be resolved again, so I leave it to you. If any of you have different ideas, you can raise them before you go out.

Rayton shook his head, and his youngest son shook his head. The three eyes focused on Walter. Walter's expression was so distorted that no one could bear the killing of his children and parents in front of his beloved wife, and he couldn't do it. He had been avoiding in the past, but after seeing Anna the last time, he realized that there was another emotion in his heart that had been hidden by him. He wanted revenge!

This was a good opportunity, and Mr. Kesma also gave him the opportunity.

He lowered his head, clenched his fists on his knees, and after a while, he nodded his head hard, and I went!

Very good, very good, so can I continue to call you Walter starting today? Mr. Kesma sighed with satisfaction, **** Johnson, what a bad name it is, or Walter is nicer.

Mr. Kesma raised his hand slightly. Gentlemen, I have asked Ceci to post a black post on that woman, and at twelve o'clock tomorrow night, the blood will be red and dark!

Anna, who researched the information overnight and made many phone calls, did not leave Tener. Given that many of the information is now in paper media, it is very troublesome to look it up. For example, in order to avoid taking up more space, older materials have been packed and thrown into the warehouse area. It is not easy to find a certain file from a pile of information packages. The physical strength is not ordinary people. Tolerable.

Secondly, the information returned by some departments needs to be further processed, such as getting more information from the local police station, or someone else who knows some more inside information, etc., so she will also be in the special Nair stayed for two days. She left two days later, headed west to meet with Amp, and finally helped them identify those who had created the terrorist attack.

From morning to afternoon, Anna browsed through the materials in the room, and Amp taught her a little tip. If you can't find the clue about some things, then go through all the information in order. Constantly changing the order of looking, it is very likely to find something that has not been seen before from the existing evidence.

In the afternoon, she went out to relax and relax—in fact, she had a little inexplicable panic in her heart. She has been chasing these people for more than 20 years, and has spent almost her entire life, even her face. Explained. Now hope is in front of her, and she has a hunch that she must not have found the wrong direction this time, but the more certain she is, the more something in her heart is tumbling. So she made an excuse to go out to do business in the afternoon, in fact going for a walk, reducing the psychological burden.

There is nothing interesting in Tener. The new mayor is caught in a struggle with the old party camp. There is no kung fu exhibition in the city. There is a decaying atmosphere everywhere. On the side of the road, those high-dressed people in dresses and high hats, full of disdain, looked smirkly at the scumbags who passed by themselves, raising their chins to make them almost invisible to the road ahead.

There are always a group of young people standing on the side of the road, and their eyes stay for a moment on everyone passing by them.

This is an impressive city!

Anna walked around, and finally found a park outside the city center. Walking in the quiet park, looking at the trees and flowers that had been budding, she looked expressionless and couldn't help but find a stone bench and sat down ~ www ~ She took out a cigarette and lighted it, then took out from her neckline the necklace she had been carrying next to her. A pendant is worn on the necklace. It is a very common type. It has a beautiful pattern on the outside. After opening, it can hold two small photos of the round pendant.

She wore this pendant for twenty-five years. The first was a bust of her when she was young, and there was a man with a stretched face beside her, but the mouth slightly raised, and the two stood close.

The second picture is a baby in a baby, which was taken when he was a full year old.

Both of these photos have been yellow, and they have faded and cracked. She has tried her best to save them, which is very precious to her!

She represents the past!

When she could already feel the temperature getting higher and higher with her fingers, she dropped the cigarette with only one puff in her hand and dropped the pendant back into the neckline. Looking at some gloomy sky, he put his hands in his pockets and started walking back.

When she returned to the hotel where she was temporarily living, she saw the black thing on the table at a glance, as if a huge hammer had hit her in the chest.


She felt her hands in her pockets trembling slightly, glanced at the two idiots sitting on the side looking through the information, and she asked with a slight trembling voice: Who sent the black envelope on the table? ? She walked to the table pretending to be casual and picked up the black envelope.

The two idiots looked at her blankly, as if to say that they didn't know about it at all!

In the back alley of the hotel, Ceci took off the clothes of the hotel staff, took a deep breath, and walked down towards the alley.

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