Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 653: New script

Sheriff: (ΩДΩ)


The sheriff's official stood up for a moment, and he widened his eyes and opened his mouth and looked at the "old friend" who had known him for eight years, an honest Guart farmer who had known him for eight years. It has been eight years since the sheriff came to Waxiu town. Eight years ago, the sheriff of Waxiu town was killed by several gold prospectors outside the town. The state government assigned a new sheriff to the school. With the vision and dream of the future, the young man embarked on a journey like a swamp, and was finally deeply trapped in this place.

Although those gold diggers said that they had been taken off by another group of gold diggers for a reward of fifty dollars, his mission was far from over, and the state government told him to wait for him at the age of 45. You can apply for early retirement. At that time he will leave his current position with honor, and receive the same pension as those who retire at normal age, and enjoy retirement benefits that others can enjoy.

There are too many dwellings of stars in the western wilderness, too far away, and even more terrible is too dangerous. Gold diggers, wild predators, robbers, and gangsters, these dangerous factors seriously threaten the lives of western sheriffs. This is an impossible place. In addition to respecting the sheriff's willingness to work in the west, but also considering that once the sheriff is older, his physical fitness may decline, which may cause gold prospectors to commit crimes. All state governments in the west have given it Since the sheriff's treatment and benefits far exceed those of police officers in other places, I hope that more people can contribute to the society in the west.

At this time, the sheriff is almost thirty-three years old. He needs to stay here for twelve years before he has the opportunity to return to his hometown. Maybe he won't be able to go back in this life because he is married. His wife is a woman in the town. He has a family, children, and a very kind "father and mother" here. To return to another world, I am afraid he is not used to it, even he thinks it is actually good here.

But now, a turnaround has appeared. Once sheriffs have made great contributions, they can apply for transfers or retirement on their own initiative, which is also a benefit that western sheriffs only have.

The most influential part of the West in recent times is something about the Freedom Front. The mob has killed three mining areas and killed thousands of people. Some portraits have appeared in the wanted column, and the state government has told them these sheriffs that if someone can make a contribution, find a camp for the Freedom Front or seize key personnel, they can retire earlier and enjoy the goodwill of the state system. You can also choose to return to the bustling world and leave this **** west.

The sheriff rushed out from behind the desk, and he rudely pinched the collar of the middle-aged man in front of him, and asked almost face to face, "You repeat it again, what did you find?"

The farmer whose collar was sealed by him swallowed a spit, and stood back in fear, trying to make his face a little farther away from this guy. Those spit stars with bad breath made him feel sick, "I said today The gold prospectors who entered the town seemed to be members of the Free Front ... "

An excited smile appeared on the face of the sheriff's officer. After releasing his hand, he paused for a moment, and arranged the collar that had been messed up by the farmer, repeating "That's it" in his mouth. He turned and walked to the table, took out his badge and hung it on his chest, and then prepared to call the nearest city. That city is more than 150 kilometers from here. It would take about two hours if they came by a temporary artificial railcar.

By then, no matter what these gold diggers knew or didn't know, his credit was enough for him to leave this ghost place.


That's impossible!

Just after he lifted the phone and dialed two numbers, the movement stopped again. He paused with some questioning eyes on the farmer's face. "How did you know that they were members of the Freedom Front? I made this call and It won't bother me, but if they aren't, you will definitely be in big trouble! "

Then the middle-aged man told the sheriff that he was passing away from him while sitting and snoring in front of the tavern. They said that they planned to plunder the town and they needed to figure out whether there was any hidden danger here.

The sheriff pressed the shoulders of the farmer and said with affection, "Everyone in the town of Waxiu will thank you, believe me, I will call now, even if it is wrong, I will help you out. . ", He dialed the last few numbers after speaking, not that the farmer's words convinced him completely, but that he thought it was very reasonable.

的 Since the Freedom Front's attack on the three mining areas has gradually lost its influence on people's predictions of this organization's "little fuss," even the military has taken the initiative to take the initiative to annihilate the Freedom Front primarily. In this case, the government and capitalists and the miners have jointly interfered, and cities around the world have begun to shrink their shipments of daily necessities and food. The commander of the Western Military Region formulated a very simple but effective strategy to force the Freedom Front to take the initiative to fight against them, just like his predecessor persecuted the then anti-government armed forces called "Scarlet Legion" and They fight the same.

This method is very simple, that is, no one is allowed, including any group or business, to sell any food, medicine, daily necessities to the Freedom Front. Each large-scale shipment requires an application and certification submitted by both the supplier and the buyer, and will be accompanied by the military throughout the process. The purpose of this is to force the Freedom Front to the corner, forcing them to turn over the dangerous wall.

Now it seems that this trick is very sensible, and as the commander thought, after the rush, the people of the Freedom Front will consider whether to plunder the villages and towns. Once they choose to do so, they will completely reveal their whereabouts, and the military can quickly lock them down and then destroy them. As for their looting the village, can it be a danger to the people living in the west? The answer is yes, but the state government and officials believe that in order to protect their lives and property, the cowboys in the west will let those in the Freedom Front know what the "Western Empire" is.

The phone quickly contacted the nearest city and the military. The commander of the Western Military Region knew the news without hesitation, and immediately issued his order. Subsequently, the Western Military District assembled a military force and rushed to the side of Vasiu.

It was also at this time that Amon had returned to the camp two hours away from Vasiu. As soon as he returned to the camp, Fenrir greeted him. Fenrir knew that Amon was going to meet Dulin, and he didn't interfere too much, just like he didn't like Dulin and wanted to continue to interfere and control his future. Life like that. But Amon didn't think of talking to Finnell. To him, Finnell was an unbeliever eroded by selfish desires, a devil who would eventually sink into the bottom of hell. There are too many people involved.

Seeing Amon's attitude like this, Fenrir did not go any further. He knew very well that the split of the Freedom Front had begun, and that the moment it started was the moment it ended. They don't believe in illusory things like pursuits, dreams, beliefs, they only believe in the weapons in their own hands and the benefits that exist in their eyes.

"Should you talk to him again?" Someone asked Fenrill.

Fenrir shook his head, retracted his eyes from Amon, turned and walked deeper into the camp, "Let him go, we are not all the way. He would be better off, at least for the purpose of all of us now It's unified. Let the leaders below meet in my camp, we have to plan the next operation ... "

蒙 Amon immediately convened to trust him, had the same ideas and pursuit of people, and left these people immediately without notifying Fenrir. This was Du Lin's account of him. When Du Lin knew that a group of southerner Yankees headed by Fenrir did not intend to abide by the agreement between them, he made the final decision. He can pull up a group of defenseless slaves who can only be used as livestock, and he can also free this group of armed militants ~ ~ and press again!

His original idea was to create a news bomb through public opinion, so that all the empires knew that slaves still existed in the west of the empire to shame the empire, to set civilization back, to resolve the panic caused by the Freedom Front and wash them white. Now he intends to do this, and now he can get better results, but all of this has a premise, that is, to sacrifice those headed by Fenrir.

At that time, there will be one more point of criticism in the public opinion-the western military and the three state governments in the western states are trying to hide such appalling things, completely eradicating these people before the public knows it, and they have done so. But unfortunately, they were not foolproof, because a part of the members of the Free Front organization composed of slaves escaped and exposed this shocking shady to major newspapers.

See, what a perfect solution, how much people hate the Freedom Front, one of the culprits responsible for the turmoil in the West, before they know the truth, then now they will have mercy on those who are dead and those who are alive . Death does not make the taste thin, but it makes the taste stronger and stronger, and it is intense. Only the sacrifice of these people can set off the cruel attitude towards these "slaves" from the top of the Empire's western world!

The social activists who stand on the moral high ground will be busy in the next period without even drinking water. ...

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