Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 654: action

After noon, everyone in Brest entered the hotel, including the drunkard who lived opposite the hotel. He had a bag on his head and a little bruise in his eyes, which was two times when he wanted to challenge Brest's patience limit.

For the alcoholic, what happened today caused him great damage. The house he and his wife built together was burned, all the savings became ashes, and even his favorite large puppet was burned. He accidentally broke it. He felt that nothing could hurt him more. He had no future.

So he intends to join.

"Are you guys trying to rob? Take me one, and I know the situation in most people's homes here. The richest person in the town is the sheriff. I heard he hid it in an iron box in his public security office. Gold bar, at least 500 yuan! Also, there is a hotel on the way out of town to the west. The owner is very rich, at least 300 or 400 yuan. As long as you give her 50, she will take a bath for you. Do you understand? Help you take a bath! ", The drunkard thought this was an opportunity. Anyway, he had nothing left. He might as well follow this group of people to rob him once, maybe his life would take another path.

It's a pity that Brest gave him two punches, so he didn't know what he was saying wrong. Not only was his mouth blocked, but he was **** and stuffed under the bed.

"The two rooms on the third floor are not douling, 303 is a young couple, 305 is an old man, the only possibility is the room 203, and no one came out at noon.", Brest He is sharing his intelligence with his companions. He will have a room on the second and third floors, and then let people stand by the window at the end of the corridor to smoke. As long as there are people in these rooms, they will definitely come out to eat. thing.

Brest believes that it is impossible for Doolin to know that they are here, and that he lives in the hotel where he lives. Once Du Lin was found, they chose to abduct at night, and then left the town while it was night. When the money was available, he sent Du Lin to meet God, and with a large amount of money, they would soon become important figures in the Freedom Front. Even if they don't return to the Freedom Front, the money they get from Du Lin is enough for them to spend their lives.

It is said that the price of the Federation is not high, they may be able to go to the Federation to start a new life journey.

Brest tapped his elbow on the table under his elbow and said with certainty: "If nothing unexpected happens, Doolin will live in Room 203. My plan is to not alarm the local sheriff. Take him away with the people around him, and just leave him alone in the wild. "At this time, someone asked how to take Durin away, and Brest replied without thinking:" Of course it is coercion. He, do you intend to ask him to take the initiative to leave with us? ", And he waved his hand," I know what you want to say, and I will arrange your task now. "

你 "You, continue to stare in the corridor on the second floor. If Du Lin comes out, knock on the door. If he doesn't come out, you don't have to do anything to alarm him. He certainly won't show up easily."

"You, get a carriage, buy or rent, buy some bales of forage where there are forages, and wait for us to grab Du Lin and push him into the forage and leave the town. Even the sheriff or the local militia Night patrols will not cause any problems. "

"You go to the boss and find out if there is a spare key. If so, steal the 203 spare key. If not, come back. Let's experiment with the door of our room to see how it can be opened without sound. .But I believe the boss will have a spare key, and we only took one! "


"Snoring ... snoring ..."

Brest suddenly shut his mouth. The seven people in the room looked at the only bed in the room. Their eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the bed to see the person snoring under the bed.

"Are you going to kill him?", One asked, "It is dangerous to keep him. He has seen our looks, and maybe he will sell us to the sheriff. Why not find him now and kill him."

In the west, there is a policy that anyone who can provide a portrait of a criminal can get a bounty ranging from five to five hundred dollars. At first, many people made up so-called portraits for bounty. A wanted man often has a few to a dozen different looks, and those who have higher appeals even have dozens of different portraits, which brings great trouble to arresting the wanted man. Later, the West decided to postpone the payment of bounty, and also added a punishment system, ranging from five to five hundred yuan.

This made many people who wanted to be cheap stubbornly and gave up making money by selling portraits.

Brest thought for a moment and then shook his head. "He's still useful, and he will take him with him when he leaves."

The situation in the camp is also relatively clear. At present, it seems that there are no major problems, but he knows that a large-scale attack on the organization is needed in order to solve a potential crisis-supply. Many places have now refused to provide supplies. Both large-scale and small-scale transactions have been temporarily suspended. This has caused the Freedom Front to face its first crisis. If they can't solve the supply problem, although they are hungry, many people will choose to leave.

What is the future for an organization that cannot afford to eat? Everyone joins the Freedom Front not for the lofty ideals, but also for making money and enjoying life. But if none of these things the Freedom Front can provide, the group of people like Brest who are not slaves will leave, or they will sell the Freedom Front to the state government or the military, at least from there They can make a fortune.

But if there is a person who knows the town of Waxiu well, maybe they can transfer the target of plundering from the mining area to this town. As long as the town can be won, the supply in the town will be enough for them to not need to consider the supply problem within three months. After three months, the situation may not be as tense as it is now. At that time, it is a good time for them to show their skills. .

Looking back, Brest was still prepared to say something, but forgot what he was about to say just now. He opened his mouth and said, "Let ’s do it, do as planned!"

At this time, there was a sudden footsteps coming upstairs on the stairs. This old wooden house is not very soundproof. Sometimes the third-floor husband and wife can study the origin of human beings at night. hear. Brest's expression moved slightly with heavy footsteps. He immediately stood up, opened the door, walked out, and at the same time took out a pack of cigarettes, took a sip by the window standing at the end of the corridor.

He watched three people walk up the corridor, one of them also looked at him, his eyes stayed on his face for several seconds before moving away.

One of these three people seemed too drunk and couldn't even walk smoothly. People around him were still laughing at him for being drunk without much drink. Brest hated this kind of people who couldn't drink or had to drink. . At the same time, Brest noticed that they were carrying two boxes for food, and the food revealed inside made him smile a little. He didn't guess wrong, there were still people in the room without a sound, and there were two more.

Dulin must be inside. He watched those people enter 203 and waited in the corridor for a while. One of those three people just left again, and Dulin did not leave. He wiped his cigarette **** and turned to lie on the window sill, watching the man go far away before returning to the room.

"He is still in the room. There are at least three people in it. Now he is acting according to plan and moving!"

Not long after, the person who arranged to settle with the boss came back, and his expression was a little strange, "The boss is not present, the player is on, and I found a spare key for 203 from the counter." He also took out A key with a number plate is on display.

Brest said indifferently: "Maybe that guy has gone to the toilet, or went to get food, regardless of him, staring at the movement of 203. In the future, he will continue to have a poor day and a day, or will he be rich Spend the money, it depends on tonight! "

期待 Everyone in the room showed expressions of anticipation, these expressions lasted less than half an hour.

Half an hour later, the door of the room was suddenly knocked, because Brest arranged for someone to stare outside ~ ~ If there is any movement, knock on the door, at this time the door must be knocked, it must be what happened. The people in the room were all agitated from the bed, or sat up on the chair, they pulled out the pistol hanging from their waist, and walked lightly to the door. Brest asked in a low voice: "Who is outside?"

The person outside the door was interrupted by another voice without even saying "I", "My thing was left in your room yesterday. Your friend said he didn't see it, but I think he saw it, no If you mind, let me go in and see, maybe it's inside. "

"Who are you?" Brest opened the door through a small slit, and through the slit he saw a man in his thirties. He didn't know why, and itching in his nostrils.

He was looking at that person, and that person was also looking at him. After the two of them looked at each other for a while, the person suddenly said, "Maybe I'm lost elsewhere, sorry."

He said that he turned around without hesitation, and Brest took a moment's notice, and soon reacted, and could not let this person leave!

He opened the door and went out, shouting at the man's back: "I did find something in the room that didn't belong to us. Come in and see if it's yours."

But the person was leaving faster and faster, the alarm bell in Brest's heart rang, and he immediately pulled out a pistol and pointed at the person's back, "You better stand by me!" ...

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