Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 657: Rest

His Excellency the Vice President smiled gratefully, "Thank you very much for your thoughts. I am very glad that you have such a recognition, but it is not necessary. We have special funds for this operation, and it is not suitable for Private equity is involved in this. "

Some things can let outsiders intervene, such as the military club that Doolin runs. Magus will agree with him to do this because he will not hurt some important foundations of the empire. However, there are certain things that Margers will never let outsiders intervene, especially the internal affairs department of the Security Council. Their power is very large, and of course there are corresponding restrictions, but if foreign interests are allowed to enter these organizations, Here, the unparalleled power of money will soon be revealed.

This is not a military foundation. Almost every year, military generals reach the age of retirement. These generals hold heavy power during their term of office. They often manage a certain military base or even several military bases under their hands. If it is not within the last second, no one will want to give up such power. The impact of their failure to love and the threat to the empire is much higher than that they join a private foundation after retirement.

Even Magus would also like to thank Doolin and other organizations and individuals who have created organizations such as foundations, clubs, and brotherhoods. Their presence has promoted the smooth departure of the generals. Because they let these generals still think they have some power after leaving office, they can distribute some benefits, and they can live as before.

But the Security Council cannot.

Once the Security Council is corrupted by money and invaded by capital forces, it means that many things will be out of control. Money, coupled with huge power, is enough for those capitalists to start from pure capital games, find political spokespersons, and develop towards capitalist terror forces, which is unparalleled to the empire.

Du Lin knew this too well, he smiled and kept silent.

The silence lasted for more than an hour and forty minutes. When the people inside the car heard the sound of flattering outside the car, and the speed of the car began to drop noticeably, everyone was relieved, and finally arrived at Verrier, and then the arrest of freedom The front of those people.

"Is there anything I don't know happened in the past few days when I'm not here?" After returning to the villa, Du Lin took off his tie and unbuttoned his neckline, took a deep breath and slumped on the sofa. Sitting with the Security Council and the military colonel is by no means a comfortable thing. Even the case of Dou Lin's guilty conscience will be there, but guilty in his heart is a trivial emotion because he believes in his plans. No flaws were found in a short time.

Even if the other party finds a flaw, it may not be able to do what he does.

People who have no money, no rights, no prestige, grab them a beat, and put them in a prison to learn how to spend the rest of their lives, they will honestly explain everything they know. But to deal with a celebrity with great influence, there must be sufficient evidence. Du Lin has been operating two things over the years.

The first fact is that the power in his hands is constantly expanding. Whether it is the fellowship of the township, his agent, or the interest group he has formed, he is madly arming himself. The power of capital, the power of society, the power of morality, and the power of politics, as long as they can become the power of weapons in his hands, he is in his hands as much as possible.

The second thing, he has been active in social public opinion. Every now and then, there is a news, so that people of all classes in the entire empire must relive the name of Dulin and let it be popular.

Only by doing these two things can he have the power to protect himself, because he has gradually moved from catching up with the mainstream and becoming part of the mainstream. Becoming mainstream, some invisible means can not be used on him, such as framing.

While in Tennell, Mayor Peter had to deal with him. He only needed to be arrested and thrown into prison. This was a one-word thing, and no evidence was needed. Because at that time, he didn't have the weapon that Peter was afraid of, nor did he have enough reputation in the society. Even Peter didn't need to frame him, he could directly put his fate in the palm of his hand. But if you look at it now, even if Magus wants to deal with him, he must come up with convincing crimes and evidence. Otherwise, this is the persecution of minorities, the greatest harm to human rights, freedom, and justice!

This is the benefit of money and power. While restricting those who want to hurt themselves, they also have the power to fight back.

Dove picked up the tie that Du Lin had thrown on the sofa, unpacked it and put it in a textile bag that was used to identify whether it needed to be cleaned. At that time, the management company on the villa side would come to collect the needs. Wash the clothes and return them after washing and drying. The charm of money has quietly penetrated into the industry, and this is the magic of money!

"Several gentlemen have been asking when you will be back these days. They left the phone and made sure that someone would answer it at any time. I hope you can reply to a letter after you come." Dove carried a sterling silver The basin came to Du Lin, took a towel for Du Lin and soaked for a while, and let him wipe away the dust that may be on his face and hair.

"Do you know who?" Du Lin wiped his face and handed the towel to Dove. "Every day someone says they know me, but I don't necessarily know them, and I don't want to know them."

Du Defu gave the pot to another girl, stood behind the sofa, and squeezed Du Lin's shoulders, while pinching, he replied, "It is said that it was a mining company, and it seems to have done business with you."

As soon as Du Lin raised his eyebrows, he immediately knew who it was—those who had pitted him.

When a person walks at night, he finds that the guy walking in front of him is suddenly stabbed to death by a knife in the dark, and he cannot retreat, and must pass through the place where there is a knife, so what will he do at this time? ?

The correct answer is that he would think about whether there was any resentment between the stabbed and stabbed people, so this appalling murder happened. Then they will expand the scope of their thinking. So, do they have resentment against that ugly guy? Because they didn't know who was holding the knife in the dark, they guessed what the strangled person had done recently, while remembering whether they had done something similar to the other party.

Hey, yes, they all pitted Du Lin's money.

At this time, when so many people have died, although the power of money is great, there are always some things that are slightly more resistant to money erosion. One of these things is called life.

Life is priceless. People often use this way to describe the preciousness and beauty of life. However, this is just the wishful thinking of writers and philosophers. A few hundred dollars can kill a person in a remote place. Yes, the price has increased compared to previous years. Because of the economic recovery now, everyone has a little money in their pockets. It is not like money in the past. know. So the price of life may be worth a few hundred dollars, maybe a little more.

However, for big men, the price of life may be a little higher, whether it is their opponents or themselves.

不 Is it worth losing one's small life for one or two million?

No, it's not worth it at all.

People often admire the ups and downs of big men and women, such as the legendary Sherlock Street Helmond, who has gone through several bankruptcies and resurgences, now has millions of assets and luxury homes, and is a stockbroker. The sun in the mind of man. People are loyal to his mythology, but who knows that his father is a senior executive of the Imperial Central Bank, has a good personal relationship with several major figures in the stock and securities management office, and who knows that his mother is a listed company Shareholder directors, has a huge economic empire?

这些 For these big men, money is just a by-product that naturally arises in their social circles. As long as their social circles are not separated, as long as their connections are still in existence, money is not something that can't be obtained.

Even if the mine owners go bankrupt, they can also get start-up funds from some places, such as following the West Mine Association to do intermediary trade or private trade. They only need to introduce the supply and demand sides to trade without the West Mine Association. Generous commissions.

Compared to his own life, money is really not important to big men!

Now ~ ~ They feel that the death of the executive committee member and Henry may have something to do with Dulin. Even if it is not, they will think that all these are not coincidences and are connected in order to ensure their lives. To save their lives, even if it can only bring psychological comfort.

The simplest way is to send back the money deceived from Du Lin in a lot of points, and attach a higher interest rate than the Imperial Bank's credit.

Yes, they are not scams, they just borrowed money from Du Lin.

Du Lin moved his neck, closed his eyes, and enjoyed the actions of Dove's hands on his shoulders. He murmured and answered, "Let them come to see me tomorrow, ten in the morning. I won't see anyone at this time! "

Unconsciously, Du Lin actually fell asleep on the sofa. Dufo got a thin blanket over Du Lin's body, then turned off the lights and let everyone exit the room.

Dulin seems to be doing nothing these days. In fact, the exhaustion caused by mental exhaustion far exceeds the fatigue produced by physical exhaustion.

I was tired from work. After a meal, I fell asleep.

But with too much brain use, a few sleeps may not be able to recover.

Plus Du Lin still has injuries, he really needs to rest for a while. ...

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