Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 658: Pay back

多 At five o'clock the next morning, when Du Lin woke up, his genius was slightly cold. He touched the blanket that had slipped on his leg and sneezed. A bit cold, he took the blanket over his shoulders and walked to the bathroom. When he felt cold, taking a hot bath was undoubtedly the best way to dispel cold. Seeing that the hot tub was filled with hot water, he took off his clothes and lay in, relievedly, and then began to think about the next thing.

There are still many things going on, mainly in three aspects.

The first aspect is to create a hotspot of public opinion, letting people know that there are still a large group of slaves from all over the world in the west, who are enslaved by mine owners to let them do the most dangerous work, but give them the worst treatment, and often beat and kill them.

People always breed a kind of unwanted stuff after having a stable life. This stuff is called a sense of morality. A sense of morality is a very magical thing. It can make some people feel angry or pity for some things, even if they have done them before, or have done similar things. They will never feel guilty, regretful, or other emotions for what they may have done in the past. They will only feel angry and disgusted for those who are doing these things.

Beneath the immense lofty moral high ground is selfishness, such a person makes good use of. How bad they used to be, how good they want to be right now, and of course they are also sad people.

The second aspect is about the overall strategy of the western region. At present, many farmlands have begun to cultivate. The first batch of vegetables can be sold in the market after two months at most, but so far Du Lin has not found any distributors willing to pack. Do it.

All interested dealers have the same opinion, and his pricing is problematic. Selling a penny of vegetables to fifteen cents a pound, if it ’s not crazy, or there ’s a problem in your head, no one will be willing to spend fifteen cents on what you can buy, even if you blow it again No matter how good it is, it is useless. What people need is life. Those people almost told Du Lin that he didn't understand life at all, and didn't know what ordinary people's life was like. His **** pricing was not as fun as his wine pricing.

Of course, their words and tone are very polite, and in the process of speaking, they are full of praise and excitement about Du Lin's pricing strategy and ideas, but Du Lin can see it.

He did not sell high-priced vegetables to make money, but to bear the consumption of his western strategy, so there must be something that can be self-sufficient to let him off the heavy burden. So far, the farmland is only what he can think of, and it is also the most likely to achieve it. of. In fact, he also considered tobacco at the beginning, and he has seen the profits of tobacco more than once in the dream world. However, tobacco is not suitable for this time period and requires a lot of investment.

Those tobacco companies who survived the dumping strategy of the federal merchants have their own loyal customers. Now that the economic situation has improved, they have started to reap dividends. Toulin wants to make tobacco, first of all, he needs to invest a lot of money to set up tobacco companies and various companies. Kind of factories, buying large areas of land suitable for growing tobacco and growing large quantities of tobacco. Then he needs to advertise, open up new sales channels, and compete with these established tobacco companies. All of this will take one to two years to complete, and the investment will be tens of millions.

He doesn't have this time, nor the energy and money. What he needs is small investment and quick results.

It's time to start the "Exquisite Life Enjoyment" program.

The third aspect is to grasp a certain basis of force, because after three years, it is the general election. To be precise, after three or five months, if at that time if his plan is successful, then there is no doubt that he must Will win the entire West, becoming the first Gualt Governor of the West, and will be the first non-Augdin governor in the history of the Empire. Once Magus wants to turn his face with him, find a reason to get him down and put it into action, the force he has in his hands can become a necessary condition to **** him.

Dulin is very clear that Magus is a very important person, or that this person has always been very high on the issue. Unlike ordinary people, he does not consider what changes he will make to a family or a city. He considers how his policies, ideas, and ideas will change the empire and the world.

He will have two choices. The first choice is to deprive Du Lin of running for the governor's office through the referendum, to remove all government officials in his department, and to blatantly violate his own laws and destroy so-called freedom Justice, let this empire slide to an unknown abyss, and may also fly to heaven. Moreover, the military force held by Du Lin is likely to turn such a political scandal into a confrontation with force, and finally Du Lin will occupy the west by means of armed secession.

He had another option, for the unity and integrity of the Empire's territory, to avoid possible armed confrontation and civil war, and for the Empire not to be harmed in any way, he would compromise to a large extent. He will admit that Du Lin ’s position is legal, admit that Du Lin ’s officials are legal, accept Du Lin to officially join this minority game, and then eliminate Du Lin in the rules of the game. Off. Only in this way will there be no destructive consequences, and only in this way will he maintain the empire's increasingly better situation.

At that time, Du Lin really had power. It was not others who gave it to him. It was his own hard work and hard work that he earned for himself, a right that truly belongs to him!

Li Tian unknowingly turned on. After eating breakfast, he read the newspaper for a little more than eight o'clock. Four miners who "frauded" Du Lin appeared all at the same time outside Du Lin's villa.

At this time, their attitude has changed dramatically from the last one. When they met the last time, they still said, "I really don't want to sell to a foreigner like you. If it is not for your sincerity, It is impossible to have such a transaction. "There is a peculiar arrogance in the tone and expression, and they do not know where they came from, and they are still scammers.

But now, all four of them are bowing their heads, and they are standing in the living room obediently and cautiously.

Du Lin leaned on the sofa and read the newspaper, Otis Daily. After eight months of work, the mountains in the east of Otis have been completed, and the joint construction company has begun to attack the mountains in the west. It is expected that the east-west direction will be fully opened to traffic in another half year. This good news has made all industries in Otis City optimistic. Several major analysts on Sherris Street also predict that Otis will have no less than 200 million yuan in annual city hall revenue from next year. This is definitely a miracle!

Of course, the newspaper also mentioned incidentally the mayor of the city of Otis and the Cape family who are still in the lawsuit, as well as the plan of listing the city of Otis that has been delayed until today.

The Cape family has discovered Doulin's conspiracy. Doolin has been absent from two trials. The Supreme Court has sent him several summonses and told him that if he missed the third trial, they would withdraw his case. Because Du Lin was the victim and the first witness, his absence prevented much of the trial from proceeding. The Cape family has protested that Doolin deliberately delays the process of this lawsuit in order to suppress the businesses of the Cape family and the Anthem Consortium commercially.

Those social activists and public opinion have brought too many problems for them. The stock price that was cut off also exposed a lot of contradictions in the Anthem Consortium. Some small families who have not suffered serious losses intend to leave, and the damage is severe. The family wants to make up for their losses from other people's pockets. The products that resisted the Cape family and the Anthem Consortium seemed to have become an indescribable trend in some of the empire's grassroots and could not be resolved.

Due to the fact that Du Lin "advertised" himself in the newspaper a few days ago, some newspapers once again expressed their opinions under the advice of Du Lin. They believed that the shooting of Du Lin in the west had something to do with the Kape family. The Anthem Consortium has serious economic problems. The Anthem Consortium includes the Cape family who wants to end this lawsuit that is extremely unfavorable to them as soon as possible and downplay the adverse effects caused by the lawsuit. They wanted to mediate with Du Lin in private, but Du Lin didn't agree, so they sent a gunman to kill Du Lin to end the lawsuit ~ ~ Well, this is a nonsense news content However, the more nonsense the bottom of the news society, the more attention will be paid to it. No one thinks about national affairs and the international situation every day. Instead, they are very concerned about news like this storytelling and actively participate in the discussion.

I read a newspaper about ten minutes or so. In the process, no one disturbed Du Lin's "Ya Xing". After reading the last edition, the four mine owners were relieved.

Du Lin put the newspaper on the coffee table and looked up at the four of them. "You are early."

Of course, it's early. The ghost knows whether Du Lin will say a little ahead of ten o'clock, so they will come at eight o'clock. Whether Du Lin can't see them, they will wait here until Du Lin meets them.

"Sit, sit down and say, I don't know if you come to me with me, is there any place to take care of me?", Du Lin took out the cigarette case and smoked a cigarette. He picked up the lighter and lighted it for himself. He Look at these four people with a smile.

"No, no, Mr. Du Lin, you misunderstood. Didn't we borrow some funds from you last month for turnover? Now that the funds on our hands have been slowed down, we are thinking of returning the money to you.", He was talking to a bald middle-aged man, with a flattering smile, for fear that Du Lin was not satisfied with their words, and took out an IOU, "Look, I have brought the IOU." ...

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