Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 672: destruction

Yes, Fenrir cursed like the title of the previous chapter, it was a shell, stupid! While he was looking for a bunker to prepare for the bombardment, he also found a large stone and hid behind it. He has seen such shells. Before he was looking for a rich man to make a vote to become a rich man and stepped on the smuggling boat, he had seen a sea battle while fishing. The huge cannonball looks like a bean far away, but this bean will produce an explosion and an instant flame. The flying debris can be cut off by the mast. The best way to avoid it is to jump into the water. , Diving to a depth of twenty meters, those shrapnels have no horrible lethality.

This was on land. There was no 20-meter-deep surface for him to dive in. He could only learn that those sailors on the deck were holding their heads behind their barrels, holding their heads, and their butts toward the point where the shells fell.

Ass is rotten, better than a broken head!

But this time he was destined to be disappointed, because there was no deafening, rocking mountain explosion, only a momentary fire, he looked back curiously, those shells exploded more than 20 meters from the ground It was opened. It was a group of bad bombs. He had never heard that artillery shells would explode in mid-air. Did the arms purchase department of this group of imperials collect any benefits?

He turned his eyes, maybe this is also a material that can be obtained at the negotiating table. If the other party does not agree with his conditions, he will expose the military district's purchase of inferior artillery shells.

The scorching rain and the screams coming from all directions quickly brought him back to life. He suddenly shivered and looked down at the blazing flames on the stone less than one meter away from him. The flame is attached to the stone, and there is nothing to provide for burning, except that there is a layer of black sticky substance on the surface of the stone. He walked over and blew it hard, his beard was blown up, but not only did the flame the size of the egg not extinguish, but it became bigger with his blowing action.

He bent down and picked up a piece of decaying bark, pressing it **** the fire, and rubbing it hard. He can be sure that the flames have completely extinguished, and when he opened the bark, some black sticky substance was also attached to the moss on the surface of the bark.

The next second, the flames instantly rose on the stone and the bark, and burned fiercely, scaring him and letting the bark fall to the ground.

Words like "the flames of the demon" and "the flames of hell" gradually came around, and those who could only be spoken in a situation of extreme fear, those who were contaminated with flames kept screaming and rolling, but could not stop the flames Extinguished again and again and again, the whole valley seemed to fall into hell.

He was stunned, and Fenril was covering his chest, and he coughed violently, and the coughing made him hunched his waist. There was a feeling that he wanted to cough out his lungs. He wiped the corners of his wet mouth, and he needed to maintain his positive image. However, he looked at the back of his hand, it was not saliva, it was blood!

When a person shouted "This smoke is poisonous" with a particularly stern voice, everyone who was able to run and was not ignited by the flames of **** rushed to the valley mouths on both sides, and maybe it was safe to run out. But it wasn't the fresh air that greeted them, but the rows of automatic rifles with the insurance turned on, and the weapon-carrying platform. The metal storm came to this world at once, and the blood gathered together like a stream, which curved and spread along the mountain road.

Behind the steam, crooked faces with enthusiastic twists and grins were as terrible as the devil crawling out of hell, their fingers locked the trigger tightly, and the bullets poured out like a heavy rain.

Behind them, reporters take pictures and write books, one of them wrote like this

"Sin is as fragile as paper in the face of a righteous bullet. This group of thousands of devils who have burned and plundered in the west have finally waited for their trial. Each bullet represents a determination and a guarantee of stability in the west. Presiding the swords of justice for the innocent victims. These swords penetrated the devil's body and shred their ugly souls. Did you hear? The devil roar unwillingly, that is the sing of their sinking hell, May all innocent people killed by them be able to see this moment in heaven. "

"May God be with us, may the world live in peace, and may never happen again."

Everyone has everyone's justice, the devil or the angel, and they can't judge their right or wrong because of their instincts, that's just the way they live.

But today, this must be a victory for the Army. Mr. Colonel's mouth slightly raised, so much warfare was enough to make his medal beautiful and shiny. He stepped again to a new level, and took another step away from the arrival of that star.

The unilateral killing lasted less than ten minutes, and the valley fell into a deadly silence, all the sounds disappeared, and only a few spraying machines were operating in a humming whisper.

After another three minutes, the Colonel nodded and said, "Began to clean up the poisonous gas, be aware that someone may pretend to be dead, and be sure to replenish the gun when cleaning the battlefield. Soldiers, bullets are not valuable, but your life is extremely precious. Certainly Keep yourself safe! "

Water mist spraying machines, driven by soldiers with gas masks, began to march into the valley. The whole valley was filled with a purple-gray smoke, which was condensed without dispersing. Of course, this is also thanks to the special geographical topography of the valley. The wind at the height cannot stir the air flow in the valley, so that these toxic fumes will not leak out in a large area.

In fact, the leakage is not much related. Tomorrow morning, these toxic floating particles will stick to the surface of some plants. Chemicals that are highly toxic to humans will have little effect on plants. After several heavy rains, these things will eventually enter the soil and eventually be broken down into harmless substances.

The sound of gunfire in the valley from time to time and the warped corpse on the ground made the soldiers entering the valley to clean the battlefield a bit shocking, and even felt fear from the heart. The word war is very close to them because they are soldiers and warriors who defend the empire from aggression. They exist for war. But the word is far away from them. The most recent war happened more than two decades ago, and the blood tide of more than ten years ago was just an unequal battle.

But here, in this small valley, they can really feel the heaviness of the word war and the glory it brings.

Everyone is as silent as possible, and they make up two shots for every corpse they see. One shot on the head and one shot on the chest. This is the standard for cleaning the battlefield. They learned it in class. When the entire mist of the valley was dispersed and the ground seemed to be covered with a layer of purple-gray dust, reporters and officers outside came in.

This is a very good thing. The Freedom Front, an illegal armed extremist organization entangled in the west, has been wiped out, creating a safe environment for the lives and property of the people in the west. This is also a huge battle. The number of killings of more than 2,000 levels is enough for the commander of this battle to receive an empire silver heart medal, and the sent legion to receive a group battle flag second medal, and everyone got it. Affordable, that's a good thing.

The flashing of the magnesium light makes the commander feel like a hero. He put on white gloves. After all, there is still a lot of toxic dust here. If he accidentally stains it, it may hurt himself. It is always safer to wear a pair of gloves. . He beckoned and asked the soldiers to bring several sentry cards over, he pointed at the neatly arranged and already numbered corpses and said, "Write your leader's number on a piece of paper. If someone lies, then he You'll get a number plate too, understand? "

Several checkpoints nodded, and they were almost unstable. For more than an hour, I didn't expect this group of people in the West who were afraid and even stopped their trade. Is that so complete?

The first sentry card received a pen and a piece of paper, walked from beginning to end under the soldier's guard, handed the paper to Mr. Major, and then the second went to identify. After all ten sentry cards were identified, the major began to compare the papers which had only written six numbers. He suddenly raised his head and pointed to the seventh person. Before the seventh person had time to say anything, the scared expression had frozen on his face ~ ~ A bullet penetrated his skull from behind. Let him fall to the ground.

Mr. Major gave a cold glance at the guy who was still convulsing on the ground but actually died. He sneered and sneered, "I hate others to lie to me!" Then he gave one of them to a soldier, "Take The six corpses were raised and put aside. "After speaking, he turned and looked at the special agent who was photographed over the emperor." Mr. special agent, all six leaders of the Free Front have been killed. You You can call the cabinet and the Western Military Region has completed the encirclement mission perfectly. "

The special agent wore a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, and his formal suit made him incompatible with everything here. He glanced at the paper in his hand and put it in his pocket. "I will immediately call the Secretary of Defense and What I have seen and heard is exactly the same report to the Cabinet. I have to compliment you, Major Mann, your thinking is very clear and the soldiers have performed very well. This will make the Minister and the Cabinet's Your Excellencies remember your name. "

Major Mann resisted his inner excitement and took the initiative to reach out his hands. "This is what I should do. Fighting for the empire is my lifelong conviction and my glory!"

The commissioner smiled a bit mysteriously, and he nodded in agreement: "History will remember this moment!"

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