Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 673: afterwards

Three days are enough time to happen, three day and night exchanges, three deep sleeps and awake times, and three freshly published newspapers. It is strange that the newspaper did not cover the news of the annihilation of the Freedom Front. Even if there were no overwhelming reports, this seemed strange. However, people who were concerned about the news soon found the reason for persuasion. It may be because the cabinet did not want some reports that should not be exposed to be overwhelmingly reported. It was well known, so everyone was calm.

It's just a pity that such a record should be reported with emphasis on letting people know the power of the Imperial Army and its terrible combat effectiveness.

What they hoped for was realized on the fourth day, but no one was happy because the news was terrible!

Yes, terribly.

What killed them were the uncrowned kings. These reporters used the same photos with different texts to describe two kinds of opposite contents. What should become a hero ’s medal in a flash became a weapon to kill them.

On the front page of the Imperial City Daily, an enlarged photo occupies the entire newspaper page. It is a photo taken on a hillside. The whole valley is almost filled with crooked and crooked corpses. What ’s cold is that the corpses' ears are also numbered. Just like the animals in the slaughterhouse, fill in some numbers with an egg-sized brand, and then use a special machine to pierce the ears of cattle or sheep to make them have Your "identity".

These people are also the same. They lie on the ground quietly like slaughtered animals, their heads are blurred in flesh and blood, and people can smell a thick **** smell and cold and cruel humanity across the newspaper.

The title of the original front page headline was transferred to the second edition, which is the first time since the release of the Imperial City Daily. The title "Truth" also uses bright red colors. The next article begins to reveal the identity of these people, and people are still being When the content of the photo shocked them to tremble, the following text made them feel an inexplicable anger and sadness.

Because these people were slaves, they lived in mines all over the west and lived a dark life. What they ate was not as good as the feed for animals. Many people became ill because of heavy physical labor and harsh living conditions, and then were thrown in. Abandoned mine waiting for death to come. In the west, there is a world of death that ordinary people cannot imagine. Every day, slaves die every day. Their death will not alarm anyone, except for the servile slaves who are like them.

Miners headed by the West Mining Association purchase cheap labor from traffickers through the purchase method, and then overuse them until they die, and then replace the new batch. That is a lawless world, that is a world that has never been respected. The mine guards of the mine owners have been given the power to kill and kill. They let their emotions dominate their actions, wanton killings or treacherous those. Slaves, no one will judge them, because these slaves do not exist in people's ideas at all.

Finally, some slaves got acquainted and released. They were released by a kind mine owner. Instead of going home, they devoted themselves to the great cause of liberating slaves. They were called by these miners and capitalists in the name of extremist organizations and killed them madly. The photo shows a massacre that took place four days ago. A group of rescued slaves hid in the valley, but their presence has disturbed some people.

For example, the mine owners, capitalists, and traffickers in the west, so they joined forces to find ways to get rid of these slaves, and they really did.

Covering the chain of interest in the dark world of the West with a **** and brutal massacre, these mad people for the sake of money and power have distorted the truth, turning a group of people longing for freedom into slaves into militants, and then beguiling the Imperial Army They came to a massacre. Their wish was fulfilled. If it was not for an anonymous slave who provided such content and information to the newspaper after fleeing the valley, people might be immersed in cheers for the annihilation of the militants!

We are fooled, as every time we are harmed, our goodness is deceived by the disgusting vested interests. Today, they can turn black and white and speak of a group of slaves as dangerous militants. Then tomorrow, when we stand in the sun and hold up our banner to fight for our power, will this happen? They turn us into bad people. And let another group of people destroy us?

This is the biggest mockery of freedom, the biggest tarnish of public opinion, this is the retrogression of history, the ugliest scandal ever!

Everyone who has read this newspaper has a lot of emotions, just like the newspaper said. They were also excited about the news from the west a few days ago. Those horrible extremist militants are finally finished. . Now, the newspaper slaps them slap hard, hits their cheeks, and makes them feel complacent. They were so happy and even cheered by the executioner's victory that they made a group of innocent people a victim. This was the biggest deception and they were hurt.

The swarming social activists appeared in various parks, street corners, and all the places where people gathered in an instant, and they made more people understand this event and some of the things behind it through highly motivated speeches. .

The Western Mining Association was pushed to the forefront by public opinion. People believed that the Western Mining Development Committee knew all the inside stories and planned all the actions. Because all members of this organization are western mine owners, they are all slave owners, and only these slave owners will worry about the loss brought to them by the exposure of the slaves.

On the second day when this event just started to accumulate power, a western mine owner named Federer stood out and stood in front of all the media. He claimed to hold a press conference three days later to introduce the western region in detail. All the insider. Journalists throughout the empire, including the Confederacy and some small countries around the country, have begun to leave for the west. This press conference may change the existing pattern in the west and shake the entire world.

"Look, the West Mine is over." Du Lin threw today's Western Daily newspaper on the table and looked at Henry, who was sitting opposite him.

Henry's face was strange beyond description. He kept tilting his head and looked at Du Lin. It took a while before he said, "The person who proposed to annihilate the Freedom Front first is a friend of my father. Now his The situation is very passive. Some people in the Ministry of National Defense say that he has close ties with Western capitalists. "When speaking of this, Henry couldn't talk about hating Dulin inside, but to say that thank him is definitely not a thing," My father yesterday Call me at midnight and he wants me to give him an explanation, but I really can't figure out how to convince him to make him sure that it is not wrong in itself. "

Indeed, after the Freedom Front was annihilated, trade in the west began to resume, which led many people to agree on the goal of annihilating the Freedom Front to restore stability in the west. However, the public opinion that followed the reversal made these people at the core of politics start to follow the public opinion. They believed that the person who proposed this plan had a certain degree of relationship with the Western Mining Association and the capitalists in the west in order to cover up the slaves in the west. Such appalling news led to the massacre of the Freedom Front.

According to the original plan, we must first ensure the stability of all cities in the west, find the behind-the-scenes attackers, and then destroy the Freedom Front, which may have some difficulties. According to normal rules, once a plan is formulated, it is not allowed to change the plan at will without encountering the need to change the plan. Because the Ministry of Defense is making the plan, if the Ministry of Defense keeps changing the plan, it can only make the grass-roots military region feel the change and incompetence of the Ministry of Defense.

This is a very terrible situation. When you ca n’t change the plan, try not to change the plan. Make sure that the order is clear and unified. It is a standard that everyone must follow.

Now that guy is a little uncomfortable. It is said that the Ministry of Internal Affairs intends to investigate him. This is a very unfriendly sign. Everyone knows what the Ministry of Internal Affairs does, and if you are invited to drink coffee, there will be some problems.

That guy called and complained about Henry's father. Henry's father called and complained about Henry and asked him to explain. Now Henry has left the problem to Dooling.

Du Lin shrugged his shoulders and seemed relaxed. He didn't seem to care if he could answer the question. "Henry, a Defense Department official is unlucky. Will you be implicated? Will your father be implicated?"

Henry thought for a moment and then shook his head ~ ~ I'm not sure, there should be no problems, but there may be. "

"Very well, if you are not implicated, what does this matter have to do with us. They opened champagne three days ago to celebrate it. Why ca n’t they understand it after three days? Change? ", Before Henry spoke, Du Lin raised his tone and continued," And I don't think this is a trouble. According to the current results, it is undoubtedly good, trade has returned to normal, and many industries in the Empire have recovered. Stability, isn't it good? "

"As for whether the annihilated person is a slave, that is a matter for the western state government and a matter for the Western Mining Association. Rest assured, this is not a problem."

"In essence, the normalization of trade in the west can ensure the stability of all industries in the entire empire regarding mining. If these simple things are not understood, those in the cabinet can pack up and go home."

Henry hesitated for a moment, and he quickly responded. Under the consideration of the entire empire, it is clear that the stability of the economic and financial order of the empire is much more important than the slaughter of a group of slaves. "You mean nothing at all What will happen? "

Du Lin nodded, "Nothing will happen at all, because the West Mine will hold everyone back."

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