Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 674: Mental retardation

Henry seemed to have heard what Du Lin said, and immediately the eyebrows were resolved. He looked at Du Lin and smiled, apologizing for his words and actions, "I just ...", he shook his head, " You know, my father has a bad temper sometimes, so ... I hope you can understand. "

Du Lin looked at him with eyes caring for the child with mental retardation. "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter."

These things are really not important, and Durin thinks that Henry is a little mentally retarded, of course, it may have something to do with the low level of contact he has. The western world is said to be the "world". In fact, the biggest power here is the governor, and the Progressive Party. Their power and grade are a little too low compared to those of the emperor. Henry has been working and living in the west since he took over the family industry. He did not understand or read some signals of the high-level empire.

Du Lin believes that the complaints of his father's friends did not mean that he was involved in collusion with western capitalists, but because the matter was involved in a high-level political struggle for two reasons.

The first reason is that after the Ministry of National Defense has formulated a strategic plan, it needs Cabinet approval. Magus has a lot of power. It can be said that it is the military and government. However, many times he does not have so much energy to take care of all aspects. And various official agencies. These people will handle the complicated and complicated small things for Magus, and finally some things that require Magus's signature will still be presented to Magus and wait for his signature.

Even if he doesn't need to sign, he needs to let him know, especially the current turbulent situation in the west, which has become the most concerned place in the cabinet. Any cabinet will not let go, and how can it be ignored that the plan formulated by the Ministry of Defense has been modified? Even if someone does n’t want Magus to know, the Secretary of Defense will let Magus know, because he does n’t want to be a scapegoat for any of his men. He told him about the changes, and what happened later was Magus ’s problem or his For the problem at hand, he was just an "incompetent" microphone.

There are many such incompetent microphones in official institutions, but this does not mean that they are really incompetent people.

Now that the cabinet can pass and Magus can nod, it is not a matter of someone, it is Magus's problem. The plan he agrees with, his opinion is the final opinion, and he should be responsible for the final opinion.

The second reason is that the high-level leaders are fighting fiercely in the invisible place now. The civilians led by Powell and the aristocrats led by Magus are fighting openly. New Party insiders. The guy who spoke for Henry was most likely caught in such a struggle, or that he had stood by the way before this happened. There is no right or wrong in the political struggle, only the enemy and me. Then when the public opinion reversed in the things he pushed, it just gave his political opponents an excuse to attack him.

And it's just complaining, it's not asking, it's not accountability, it's just complaining.

Du Lin believes that guy complained that the steel tycoon had been pulled into the whirlpool, but it was definitely not a complaint that he was unlucky, otherwise he would definitely make more decisive treatment, and it would not be possible for Henry to know. Du Lin felt that this might be a test of Henry's dad, and he tried to see if his son had grown up in this way.

Here Du Lin sighed heartily for Henry's dad, this **** didn't notice such obvious problems at all, so he can only live in the west in this life.

Of course, Henry should also thank Du Lin well, otherwise he would not be able to mingle in the west under the name of a steel tycoon, and he would never want to compete with his elder brother for the property.

Today Henry came to Du Lin for this matter, and now his matter is resolved, it is Du Lin's turn.

Last time, Doolin planned to find a time to talk with Henry alone and talk about the earth gods. Last time he didn't speak well because there were too many people. Now there are only two of them, and Du Lin thinks that Henry is a very good person, so he needs to ask some information clearly.

A little awkwardly silent for less than ten seconds, Du Lin said, "Do you know the native religion?"

Henry froze, then nodded and admitted, "Yes, I know, why, did they go to you?"

"Do you mean they have found you?" Du Lin touched the beard on his chin, which will be his trouble in the future, because his beard is a little thick, but he doesn't want a cyan chin. Dove told him that there was a very good hair removal clinic on the side of Irian, which was very convenient, although it would hurt for a while, those annoying hairs were really gone, and they would not grow again.

Henry's expression became a little ambiguous. He lowered his head and leaned his hands against his lips and coughed. "What should I say?" He looked up from his brain for some words, "This is a very interesting Organization, I can meet many people here, of course, I think their cook is good, and the event is also well organized. By the way, will they invite you to the next party? "

Du Lin thinks this may really be a fool. No wonder his brother is doing business outside, and that requires a savvy brain, and his poor mentally handicapped child will be sent to the west to take care of him. His contribution is no less than that of his brother. I hope he will be happy all his life!

"Yes, they invited me, but I'm not sure if they have any other intentions, so I need to find someone who knows." Du Lin decided to temporarily put some ideas about Henry in his mind. , And intends to regard Henry as his good friend, "How long have you been in the Divinity?"

"It's been about two years."

"Are there any means such as collecting membership dues? Or holding auctions in the name of religion or charity?" This is also a way for some illegal organizations carrying religious flags to make money. People always have love, Richer people have more love, which is also the most contradictory place in human nature.

Those capitalists may exploit as many as 25 cents from the workers as much as possible through various means, but when they are needed for charity, they will generously donate hundreds of thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars, saying that they are Good guy? That was the devil kidding, but to say that they were bad people, they did act for charity, no matter what the end.

Henry shook his head and said, "No, without the things you imagine, do you know how we all call the Tujiaism?", Du Lin shook his head before he laughed and said, "We teach the Tujiaism Called the entertainment gods, they will have a grand party every month, you need to dress up a little, wear some props that can cover your characteristics, such as masks. Then we will enter a huge party scene, pick up All you need to do is enjoy yourself. "

"Did they ask you anything?"

"Required? No, no, this is why everyone is willing to join, entertained to death!", Henry raised his finger to the ceiling, his face showing a happy smile as the believer prayed prayerfully before the shrine and got a **** response.

The more so, the more Du Lin felt that there was something wrong with this indigenous religion.

A grand mask party is held every month, and such a party can make Henry, the richest son of a steel tycoon, feel interesting, so the cost of hosting such a party is probably a staggering figure. Once a month, twelve times a year, where does the money of the Tushinah parties come from, why they organize such parties, and whether any people or organizations are supporting their behavior, these are unknown.

"I believe there must be some people who are unwilling to participate in this indigenous god, so do you know what happened to those who did not participate?"

Henry recalled, saying, "Few people will refuse, but it is true that some people are unwilling to participate, and they have not had any trouble anyway. I remember that several people have left the West, and that's it."

At the same time, in an inconspicuous city in the southern part of the Empire, Mr. Roel walked into the Empire Central Bank wearing a wide-brimmed hat and a trench coat, which he has endured for a long time, more than half a month The news that nothing can be mined by his mine has been spread. Those creditors searched for him everywhere, and issued a reward order of 5,000 yuan for him. Anyone who takes him alive to a designated place in several cities ~ can get a reward of 5,000 yuan.

He had to leave the empire immediately, it was too dangerous here, and the idea that he planned to return the money scammed to those creditors faded away these days. How could this money be returned to those people, and he intends to rely on this money to continue his struggle in the federal government as a starting capital.

"I want to send money to this account." Mr. Roel coughed. He put a federal account number on the desk. This was an account that he asked his wife who had gone to the federal government to register. With the signing of the Monetary Memorandum of Understanding, the Bank of the Empire and the three major federal banks have opened cross-border cross-bank transfer services. Of course, the speed of this transfer is a bit slow, and an additional five-thousandths fee is required. But those moments before the beginning of a better life are not a problem.

The bank staff smiled and recorded the account number. It is common for customers like Mr. Roel to want to wrap themselves up. Some people are going to bring a mask into the bank for hundreds of deposits, not to mention Mr. Roel's dress Not that amazing.

The staff member picked up the phone and confirmed the correctness of the imported account, and nodded to Mr. Roel, "Dear Sir, the account you requested to be imported has been confirmed. Please provide the exported account number and fill in this. Cross-border remittance voucher, I will facilitate your remittance. "

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