Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 682: The brightest star in the sky

Du Lin never fears expressing the thoughts in his heart. He even likes such behaviors very much, because the magic of language allows others to understand their own thoughts, their own behavior and purpose. His words made everyone straighten up, because his language, his expression, his tone, were like saying something ordinary but very sacred!

Yes, each of us is absolutely clean when they come to this world, they are all equal, there is no distinction between high and low, no one can discriminate against others, we are all lucky children, we can come to this world, no one Can make us clean at that moment ....

"But in this society, in this world, materialistic ideas interfere with the equality of our faith, and the dominated people divide the society into multiple classes. Why does our existence become so unfair? I also I know, but I believe that after experiencing things like today, we may be able to find something out of it. "Du Lin took a deep breath and smiled." Ladies and gentlemen, I am not the protagonist today. Mr. Amon, please let us finish his words, thank you very much! "

He owed a little, and sat back again. Some women couldn't help but look at Du Lin. No matter what people say about him, spilling sewage on him, or slandering his reputation, he has always been himself. He is an outstanding young man. He is the brightest star in this era, and it is definitely different from other dusty stars!

So kind, so shining!

Soon people's attention re-focused on Amon. Amon also adjusted his emotions a little and continued to say with that infectious voice, "I and all those who were slaves thank Du Lin The gentle and warm kindness of the gentleman like the sun is that he let us climb back from the desperate **** back to the light. I cannot use words to describe my gratitude to Mr. Du Lin, if it is not for my belief that I am not allowed to do so, I even want to be a humble servant to serve Mr. Doolin. "

"Mr. Du Lin gave us the freedom we have been missing for a long time, gave us the right to stand on the ground and breathe our own air, and also allowed our center to regain its dignity as a true 'human'!" Amon suddenly waved His fists smashed into his chest, and the sound of pengpeng surprised some over-focused journalists. The more fierce he slapped, the more people could feel the excitement in his body like thunderstorms.

"After Mr. Du Lin released us, he told us that in the strange land of the Yaoxing Empire, in the almost isolated environment in the west, there were 300,000 to 500,000 slaves in various mining areas. They crawl slowly in desperate **** like we once did, but not as lucky as us to be saved, they will sink into eternal sinking in hell. From that moment, I have a belief, I want Liberation of all slaves! ", The sudden burst of tone filled with unshakable firmness, he was like a warrior facing the mountain of swords and fire, standing on the edge of **** and leaping for the faith and redemption.

People are always full of sympathy for the generous tragedy, especially those who are the victims or the weak, and applause sounded again, but Amon did not stop, he kept saying, saying that they had explained their ideals to Du Lin And faith, and also received financial assistance from Du Lin. They said they were running between the mine owners in order to save more slaves. During the period, Mr. Federer also stood up and said that there were slaves in his mine. He might not be able to do the same thing as giving the slaves great freedom. Temperance, but he has changed the living environment of slaves, and no longer use those poor people as slaves.

Amon said that he wanted to use the freedom to buy slaves at first, but was ruthlessly rejected. In order to ensure that the output of the mine would not let go of any slaves who were alive and had labor, they began to consider using them. Some slightly more radical ways to achieve your goals. But at this time, in order to protect their own interests, the mine owners actually sent a mine guard with modern weapons to attack them, and they had to fight back.

And the joy and excitement of rescuing hundreds of slaves from the slave camp after the first battle. In the description of Amon, the entire west is like a devil's place in hell. Those mine owners and guard teams are Big and small demons, only they are real warriors. Such a person's design and statement are very in line with the three requirements of the mainstream of the society. People like to see that justice defeats evil. Because people are not the owner of justice, and they are not shrouded in justice, they want to see and justice more urgently. Related things to paralyze their true perception of society.

Soon Amon said that many ulterior motives of gold diggers had joined their great cause of liberating slaves. Those gold diggers wanted to rely on them to obtain wealth, and they also took the initiative to give them a name called the Freedom Front. Amon acknowledges that there are some bad guys with different purposes in the Freedom Front, but this does not prevent people from affirming Amon. Things quickly developed a while ago, they rescued many slaves from a mining area, but then a group of horse bandits blood washed the mining area and gave the bad reputation to Amon them.

After discussion, they decided to expose all these things. On the day after the decision was made, Amon brought some people to contact Doolin and then exposed to the society. The Imperial Army attacked the valley where they were hiding. Those who had been freed suffered relentless slaughter from the empire's highest will. They are numbered like animals, and their bodies are put together and shown to others as merits.

Things seem to be over here, but many people are thinking about one thing. When these people of Amon were going to seek protection through exposure, the army ’s sudden change of strategy first stepped on the Freedom Front and put its own front " Totally annihilated ", without leaving a living mouth?

The next time was for the reporter to ask a question. At the moment Federer said this, a young man in his thirties stood up, and asked with a serious face, "Mr. Federer, Mr. Amon and Dulin Sir, can you make sure that everything you say is true and are you willing to appear in court for what you say and do in the future? "

This is a very special person. The question he asked was not in the standard Q & A that Doolin gave to Federer, so Doolin reached out and held Federer, nodded and said, "We guarantee that what we are saying is the most real situation. "If necessary, we are willing to testify in court!" He looked at the young man, and the young man looked straight at him. The two looked at each other for more than ten seconds. The man nodded and immediately turned away.

If Du Lin didn't guess wrong, this guy may be someone sent by the cabinet or the state government. They need to understand what happened in the west can cause violent turmoil and even threaten the security of the country. Federer suddenly stood out as a very good platform to let them know more about what happened, and Du Lin was involved.

The cabinets don't really want to know everything that happened, they just want to know a standard answer, a standard answer that can settle the west, and not let some separatist forces stare at the west. This press conference just happened to give them a very standard standard answer.

The next part was a normal questioning session. Du Lin was sitting while watching Federer and Amon answering questions continuously, but thinking about something that had nothing to do with it here, that was the ending plan on the other side.

With various chances and coincidences, in the collision and struggle of multiple consciousnesses, the west was in chaos. There is indeed the credit of Du Lin, but also the credit of the farmer, the credit of Roel, and the credit of almost everyone who caused anything during this time. This is like a chain reaction. Everyone wants to be able to get rid of the things they want to do in the chaos, so these aspects do not have any connection, and naturally maintain the chaos in the west.

Now is the time to calm down this chaotic situation, so first of all, we must take ourselves out. In order to prevent official forces such as the cabinet and state government from focusing on himself, he and Dufo created the illusion of being assassinated. Each shot is carefully arranged with the participation of a doctor. Only the doctor knows where the shot looks very serious, but it does not actually endanger life.

Even the injury above the horn was shot by Dufo with a gun against his scalp. This shot was very important because everyone knew that Du Lin was almost dead, only a centimeter away from him. You can go to see the King and the gods, and those official eyes quickly let him go, at least he will not closely monitor all his actions, who made him a victim, and was almost dead .

So now, someone needs to pay for some "unsolved mysteries". Du Lin has already selected these four executive members of the Western Mining Association and Mennonite.

These five people have considerable power in the west, and they have the ability to thoroughly shake the west. This is also the attribute that the last person must possess. If a beggar in the west makes the west completely turbulent ~ ~ Even if it is true, people will not believe that it is common sense that a beggar does not have such ability. However, if the turbulent people in the west are the leaders of the Kadima Party and the top of the largest real economic organization in the west, people can accept this result frankly.

"I said a long time ago that the one who is definitely not a good person." There are always some people who are unlucky for those who are willing to be higher and more honorable than themselves, and contribute their modest strength to this.

The four executive members, Du Lin, have already arranged, and the next thing is to arrange things for the farmer.

When people found that Mennon had four executive members running, what were their first thoughts?

If it is a normal person, he definitely thinks that Mennon and the four people are in collusion, and these four people are the masterminds that caused the unrest in the west. They cannot die, they must live, and as long as they are alive, conspiracy theories can live up to their crimes. In the absence of any direct evidence, five high-weight people took the initiative to stand up for gangsters, and even Magus would recognize them as criminals.

Because the West needs stability!

The empire's overall interests and will above all else!

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