Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 683: Is so straightforward

"Mr. Mennon, do you know? Just now, a western mine owner named Federer confessed how he passed the Western Mining Association and your operation to evade taxes. I really can't imagine a man in the west who is very Prestigious government officials are able to do such things, and even take the initiative to join forces with some capitalists to damage the interests of the empire. Your behavior makes me feel very shameful. "The people in the Western Military District sat in Mennon with a smile. On the opposite side, he had a record of the meeting from the scene and handed it to Mennon, "Maybe now you will want to talk about the turmoil in the west, and unite these criminals with tax evasion and tax embezzlement and damage the national interest. "

He shrugged as he said, "The content of this charge is no longer the creation of a terrorist attack, but the harm to national interests. Mr. Mennon, it looks like you are in great trouble."

Menon lifted the minutes from the table with a blank face. He looked coldly and looked up, not missing every word in every line. He watched slowly and attentively, and the people sitting opposite him did not urge him, but instead clasped his hands on his chest, staring at the farmer interestingly, watching his reaction, he wondered if the farmer would not Will become angry or tremble with fear when the crime is revealed. This is a person who is different from ordinary criminals. He is a party leader. Will the west have the most prestigious politician? Will he become weak in the face of the inevitable evidence that he cannot escape?

When Mennon's eyes fell on the last stop of the last sentence of the entire minutes of the meeting, he breathed a sigh of relief, put the minutes on the table, and looked at the agent on the opposite side, Let the person with the highest authority come here. I don't want to spend time here with a young man who can do nothing. If you think that these things can make me, then I can only say that you are too naive. " He shook his head and closed his eyes.

The young agent's face turned red for a moment. He was underestimated, but this is not the first time he has seen it. The more powerful the big men, the more willing they are to talk to people who can make the decision. In their words, this is not concede, it is a compromise, and it is a two-way deal. They plead guilty to some less serious crimes, confess some conspirators, and then get some convenience. After experiencing some punishment with little impact, they continue to be a big man in the high society.

He didn't like this kind of people including their behavior, but the nature of the empire determined that certain things could not be done in accordance with people's true thoughts, ugly things must exist, and these were to highlight the ultimate beauty .

"Wait, I'm notifying my superiors now." The young man stood up with some emotions and walked out of the door. Just as he was about to disappear from the sight of the farmer, he stopped for a moment and looked like he wanted to say something. But in the end said nothing.

Soon after, Colonel Amman walked into the room alone. His face was a little shaky. At first, he felt that he had taken a big step away from the threshold of Major General. I did not expect that in a few days, it would suddenly turn over and become Take a big step back. I am afraid that those of his competitors are all laughing now, and they are about to shut up. After finally giving up some benefits, they won the task. Suddenly they turned into a diving platform with a depth of only ten centimeters.

When I entered the water, my head almost exploded, and I stained my own mud. If it is just a common task that fails, it may be because of a command, or it may be because of other problems. But he succeeded, successfully holding up a bomb and smashing it down with his head down. This success was more terrifying than failure.

There are three things that must not be contaminated as an officer in the army. Once you are contaminated in this life, it is estimated that you will be finished. The first thing is apostasy. The straightforward point is betrayal. This is a restricted area for military personnel. Whoever dies, unless he wants to pull a team to do it himself, the new owner will not trust an apostate.

The second thing is massacre. No matter what reason an officer commanded a battle, as long as the battle is characterized as massacre, all the feats will become fatal mistakes in an instant. Either emotionally or morally, people will not trust an officer who commanded and created the killings. This is a matter of character and morality. Even the exceptional ability to command battles cannot prevent people from disgusting him, and alert.

The cold-blooded butcher will not end well, which is well known.

The third thing is to use the position to seek benefits for yourself or to channel benefits for an organization. In the Civil War, the federal invaders have made people aware of the necessary purity of the army. An army that is not pure enough does not have any combat power at all. This is why the Southern Military Region was criticized because they were not pure enough at the time. During the period of the decaying feudal empire, the Southern Military Region and many aristocrats had close contacts. After the war, the main reason for the rapid deterioration of the situation in the war was on the issue-in fact, it was the high-level empire in order to care for the people. There is a reason for this, but it does exist. Just after the formation of the cabinet, in order to gather power in the generals and military reform, it has stirred public opinion on the pure issues of soldiers.

Colonel Mann now faces the slaughter of one of the three major troubles. In some reports, he has become a devil in human skin. The words ruthless and cruel can never be separated from his description. Some major military figures in the Ministry of Defense have also expressed their dissatisfaction with Mann's use of No. 2 poison gas incendiary bombs for massacres. In fact, the last dissatisfaction was the public relations figure from the Bondika military group. The newspaper reported that after the massacre in the valley, in addition to pointing at Colonel Mann's cruel and brutal killings, it also pointed to the Bondika military group making No. 2 poison gas. Smoke bombs have lost humanitarianism.

In order to restore their face as soon as possible, the Bondika Military Industry Group not only carried out research on public opinion, so that all people knew that the poisonous gas of this type 2 incendiary bomb came from the combustion of chemical combustion-enhancing substances. They did not intentionally join, but also took responsibility. Pushed to Colonel Mann. According to the Public Relations Department of the Bondika Military Industry Group, the No. 2 incendiary bomb is mainly used for exporting to warring countries. Although it is not stated in the documents that it is prohibited to use it at home, it has verbally communicated with the Imperial Army. This ammunition can only be used to defend the sovereignty of the empire and against invaders.

Then the Ministry of Defense also expressed some opinions through unofficial channels. They believed that most of the members of the Free Front came from abroad and had certain offensiveness and danger. Colonel Mann was in the process of selecting tactics and selecting ammunition. There were some errors, but this was not his main problem.

It is said that behind this incident, the Bondika Military Industry Group gave a huge discount of 10% to the Ministry of National Defense ’s order next year. As for whether it is really impossible for anyone to determine, after all, this hidden thing, who dares Say you know, no one can see the sunshine the next day.

Under the interference of many factors, Colonel Mann lost a lot of hair overnight. The only thing that can relieve him a little bit now is that the Imperial Military Tribunal and the Imperial Gendarmerie Command did not send him anything to lift him. Power, or news to judge him. Although carrying some infamy, but in the future may not be able to take advantage of the story behind some people to find breakthrough opportunities, he has been so comforting himself in recent days.

In short, he is very irritable now.

The irritable person often can't control his emotions well. As soon as he enters the room, he sits opposite to Mennon, with an impatient expression on his face. He stretches out his fingers and clicks on the table, making a gurgling sound. "What do you want to say? I'm sorry, I have had a lot of recent events. Without things I'm interested in, I can't often hear you say something I don't like." He warned Mennon, If Mennon could not come up with a substantial trading condition, he would not come back in a short time.

He was threatening Mennon, and now there is only such a way to make him feel a little relaxed and a little comfortable. Sure enough, turning your hurt into anger and applying it to others is the best way to temporarily resolve your troubles and find happiness.

Mennon did not get angry because he was angry. He shook his head with a smile. "Colonel Mann, I am willing to confess ~ ~ But I must discuss with my lawyer how to solve the subsequent problems. You need to recover Image, redeem the loss, then my confession will obviously ease your current troubles. And I can also resolve some of the troubles as soon as possible, and we may all be punished for it, but I believe that this is what we can choose. The best option. "

Colonel Mann was a little interested, and he shook his head after thinking about it for a few minutes. "That's not enough, you know? These are not enough to change my current situation. I need more."

Mennon also knew that it was impossible for Colonel Mann to agree as soon as he proposed his own conditions. The compromise of interests was essentially no different from the business of a businessman. It was also a bargaining process. He paused for a moment, and then said, "I will let some people stand up and admit that they are responsible for some attacks, and I will donate a large amount to the west through the channels of private equity funds within the next two years For five million military expenses, in your name! "

If Mennon's first condition is not enough to impress Mann, then the latter two conditions have made him choose. Whether it's finding the attacker or a five million donation, it's the best option for his current situation.

He nodded decisively, "Give me your lawyer's phone!"

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