Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 684: Back trowel

? Soon Mennon's personal lawyer appeared in the headquarters building. Although some people don't know why Mennon can see people outside, it is not strange to think about it. After all, Federer's press conference can be said to have alarmed many people. Tomorrow's newspaper will definitely report the content of the press conference with a large page. At that time, the entire public opinion community at home and abroad will be alarmed. At this time, the farmers are sure to find a way to protect themselves. When they know that this person is a lawyer, they are even more convinced.

The farmer pleads guilty, so he needs to talk to a lawyer to discuss how to minimize his crimes.

They asked for a room without a voice recorder, and Mennon sat in a chair with a somber face. He glanced up at the entrance lawyer and threw away the minutes of the conference meeting deliberately coming from Mann on the table. "Look Look, I'm in big trouble. "

The lawyer silently read the minutes from beginning to end, and finally closed it and put it back on the table. He removed the gold-lined eyes and wiped it with a clean handkerchief. He wiped and asked, " Tell me what you think.

"I plan to plead guilty." Mennon's words did not surprise the lawyer, or any other expression, he nodded indifferently, Mennon continued, "I noticed this meeting In the record Federer confessed our interest in the west, but I do n’t know whether it was intentional or unintentional. He did not point his finger directly at me, but pointed to the Western Mining Association. In these things he confessed, in addition to Outside of controlling tax rates, I'm more like a decent person. "

Speaking of which, Mennon himself couldn't help but laugh a few times, "He just said this now, before people haven't responded, before their curiosity has moved from the West Mining Association to me, I confessed my guilt first, and then I found a way to get rid of it. This is my idea. Do you think it is appropriate? "

Professionals should be responsible for professional issues. The farmer is also very clear, so he did not say other ideas in his mind, but wanted to hear about his graduation from the Imperial College Royal College of Law, and he has a very good resume. The lawyer gave himself the answer.

The lawyer put a handkerchief in his pocket, and the moment he raised the head of his glasses with the spectacles of his hands in preparation for putting on his eyes, the gold-rimmed eyes covered a face that looked somewhat ... like a bad person, The slightly sloppy face was softened by the gold-lined eyes, and Wen Zhibin looked like a crowned beast. He took out a book and a pen from his briefcase, and then nodded his head and said, "This kind of thought is very good. I just read this record, but I didn't find what you said from it. "Guilty evidence" but I found some evidence that you are a great politician. "

"You have a very good sentence. Before people's curiosity shifts to you, this road should be strangled to death." The understatement of the lawyer's voice seemed very certain that this would definitely not be a difficult lawsuit. His statement and attitude made the farmers feel a little bit itchy. When he thought that the worst situation had already occurred and was willing to bear some losses for this, his lawyer actually told him that he was not guilty, and there was nothing more eager to know why.

Mennon couldn't help but stand up, he took a few steps, leaned his head and asked, "If I am innocent, can I plead not guilty? Also, can you tell me why you think I am innocent Sinful? "

The lawyer laid down his notebook and pen with a smile. He leaned back against the back of the chair, tilted his legs, pressed one hand against the edge of the table, and the other with the other. He stretched out his hand and opened his palm horizontally to perform a small similar display. "Look, isn't this obvious? The purpose of lowering the tax rate is to stimulate the mining market in the west, and also to respond to the cabinet's acceleration of the social infrastructure The call. If some mining infrastructure resources necessary for social infrastructure are levied at a high tax rate, this will reduce the desire of miners to mine, make them more negative, and will reduce production, which is not conducive to the entry of mining resources in the west into the market. It is even more inconsistent with the cabinet ’s call to accelerate social infrastructure. "

"Reducing the tax rate has stimulated the mining owners' desire and speed for mining, and at the same time leaving this tax in society, consumption can greatly stimulate the economic construction of the entire empire, which is also a good thing."

"As for you contacting merchants to purchase these mineral resources in bulk, I don't think there is any problem. As the mayor of Verlier, promote the local economic construction, and promote the economic construction of the three western states as a mayor What you must do, in the process you have not harmed the interests of the empire, but have worked hard for the recovery of the empire. Mr. Mennon, anyone who says you are guilty in this regard is a sinner! "

"It's a felony to frame, slander, and slander the officials of the Empire!"

"If you want to say who committed the crime, I believe that those tax officials who have seriously misconducted are the real criminals!"

The lawyer explained that the farmer was suddenly realized, and even felt that it was true. He devoted himself to Verrier, and devoted all his personal time to the construction of the western region. He also offended others for this, but returned the charges against himself. He is not convinced! It was framed, slandered, slandered, and he was going to sue those who poured dirty water on him.

"But!", The lawyer ’s voice turned, and some of the active thinking of the farmer fell into a short pause. "But you need to consider other situations. The stupid ordinary people do not have any ability to distinguish right from wrong. If it does, it will lead to a more troublesome situation. They think that you have used some disgraceful means to interfere with the justice of justice. In the end, it is very likely that under the **** of public opinion, the Imperial Cabinet will send an investigation team to find out everything. . "

"At that time, you are really in serious trouble, so you have to confess your guilt. I think it is a very clear choice. You must not only confess your guilt, but also build yourself into a tragic hero. After all things have subsided, a while later Time, we can file a reconsideration when we are fully prepared, and it may be better to do so! "

The lawyer's words convinced the farmer completely. It is obviously very worthwhile to hire such a lawyer with an annual salary of 260,000 a year. The money he has distressed now does not seem to make him continue to be distressed.

"Very well, we need to make a plan, and then act on this plan. In addition ..." Mennon hesitated to look at the lawyer, "Can I trust you completely?"

The corner of the lawyer ’s left mouth hooked up, and it made people laugh a little. “Of course, I am a professional ethics lawyer. During the process of signing an agreement and hiring, if the country is not involved, For security reasons, I will never provide any other conversation between us and the outside world. "

Mennonong pursed his lips. "There is still a problem. What should the four executive members of the Western Mining Association do? They know something that I shouldn't let people know, but it's also a helpless thing ..."

The lawyer waved his hand and prevented Mennon from continuing to say, "I don't need to know how much they know about you. I just need to know what you plan to do, what do you want me to do for you?"

The lawyer's frankness eased Menon a little, and he groaned for a moment, then looked up and said, "Do you think they are better off alive, or are they better off suddenly?"

"Of course, it is better to live out of people's sight!", The lawyer gave his answer directly.

At the same time, in a hotel on the east coast of Montreux, Amp sat on the living room sofa in a suite. He kept raising his wrist and looking at the watch on his hand. He had an appointment with Mr. Tux. See you here at o'clock. It's 3:15 now, but Mr Tux hasn't appeared yet. The reason why he chose to meet on Du Lin's site was mainly because it was the closest to the federal route, and he was already a dead person. It was impossible for Du Lin to keep paying attention to him.

Inviting Mr. Tux to return to the empire is to hope that through some methods, he can get some strong evidence from Mr Tux's hands, which can correct Dulin's direct relationship with the golden robbery. Only by doing this can we dismantle Doolin's fortress from the inside out. What Du Lin showed in front of people was almost impeccable. At least, An Pu couldn't attack from the front and captured the fort. At the same time, he completely filled the places that are easy to catch the loopholes. Many key witnesses and evidence disappeared Without a trace, there was nothing he could do to make Ampnadurin.

Du Lin's growth rate is too fast, so that An Pu thinks that this person is a neuropathy, and only neuropathy can have such a thought growth rate. But even though he grew up fast, he still had a young age, and that was the Tener Gold Robbery. He even saw Du Lin's back upstairs in the warehouse, and he was able to confirm that it must be Du Lin's right. There were some loopholes in the Tener gold robbery, and some clues that could be pursued. This is also the price paid by Doolin's growth-he was younger.

From the moment he learned the news of Anna's death ~ ~, he completely quit his job and devoted himself to dealing with Doolin, which was also approved by his superiors. His superior is actually not just a military intelligence department, but another institution. It may be that Anna's death stimulated him and their superiors. Anpu finally got a chance to get a glimpse of this special organization called the "Rose Knights". This institution is very mysterious and has great magical powers, but Amp is not interested in understanding what this institution is like now. He has focused on how to let Du Lin Fufa.

In addition to inviting Mr. Tux this time, he also used the power he just received to “kidnat” the most powerful witness to the golden robbery in Aldo, a bank employee, her name Called Alyssa. Anpu has already determined the importance of Alyssa. She absolutely saw Dulin at the scene on the day of the robbery, but she lied during the enquiry. Now is not the time to pay attention to the procedures, using some extraordinary means may be able to pull the same unscrupulous Du Lin.

In addition to that there was the manager at the time, as well as a shift guard, and a cleaner.

An Pu, who lowered his arm, stood up. He walked to the window and looked at the hazy sky outside the window, his expression as gloomy as the haze sky!

This is a war, you can only win, you cannot lose!

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